Unakite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

unakite crystal tumbled

What is Unakite Crystal?

Unakite crystals are strong and dependable, both in their physical attributes and their crystal healing qualities. Although not technically classified as a mineral, unakite is a unique rock that consists of several minerals. You can easily identify it by its appearance. It combines pink feldspar, green epidote, and clear quartz, forming a distinct crystal.

Unakite is particularly useful when facing personal challenges or difficult situations. Its unique multicolored appearance offers varying levels of healing. The green hues exude a calming and soothing energy, while the presence of pink fosters love and facilitates emotional healing properties.

In this article we’ll take a deep dive into unakite’s spiritual meanings and how to incorporate it into your wellness journey.

Unakite Pronunciation

Unakite is pronounced as you-nuh-kite. Its name comes from where it was originally discovered in 1874 – the Unaka Mountains in North Carolina, USA.

Unakite Meaning & Healing Properties

The general unakite meanings are emotional understanding, comfort, new beginnings, and positivity.

Unakite effectively facilitates introspection. It encourages individuals to look inward and assess their personal habits, beliefs, and systems. Then, by consciously letting go of anything that no longer serves them, a sense of liberation and clarity is experienced.

As a result, they feel lighter and more focused, equipping themselves with the necessary tools to effectively tackle challenges or navigate transformative periods with patience and determination.

Unakite is a powerful stone that helps heal emotional wounds, bringing inner peace and restoring balance. Its deep connection with the heart allows individuals to gain profound insights into their emotions, empowering them to explore and process their feelings on a transformative level.

When going through difficult times, unakite provides a gentle and nurturing presence, offering comfort and solace.

An important unakite meaning. This crystal guides individuals through transformative journeys, helping them navigate intense emotions and embrace new opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

Unakite has the amazing ability to clear away negativity and stagnant energy, creating space for a fresh outlook and a renewed sense of optimism. This empowers individuals to approach life with a positive mindset and resilience.

The presence of epidote in unakite enhances and intensifies emotions, making it a valuable tool for emotional expression and exploration.

Unakite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Unakite is the product of hydrothermal alteration, a transformative process where granite, an igneous rock, undergoes alteration due to hot water and high pressure.

As a result of this process, the visually captivating unakite crystal emerges, characterized by its distinctive mottled appearance, which is achieved through the fusion of pink feldspar, green epidote, and clear quartz.

Due to its sturdiness, unakite is commonly chosen for tumbling. Moreover, its durability and unique patterns have propelled its popularity in various interior design applications. Notably, it has found its place in flooring tiles, paving stones, and countertops.

This is evident in remarkable installations like the steps of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, as well as the floor tiles at the south entrance.

UNAKITE ROCK TYPE – A metamorphic rock, specifically an altered granite.

UNAKITE COLOR – A multicolored stone, it consists of pink, green and clear or milky white minerals.

UNAKITE HARDNESS – 6-7 on the Mohs hardness scale. It can vary depending on the quantities of each mineral present in the rock.

TRANSPARENCY – Unakite stones are typically opaque.

UNAKITE LUSTER – A vitreous luster. When polished, unakite will appear shiny. Not as glassy looking as other minerals like agate, but still shiny.

Where is Unakite Found?

Unakite, originally discovered in North Carolina, can also be found in various locations within the United States, including New Jersey, Virginia, and Minnesota.

Additionally, unakite can be found beyond the borders of the USA, with occurrences documented in countries such as Brazil, China, South Africa, and Sierra Leone.

Clearing Up the Term “Unakite Jasper”

Unakite is commonly called unakite jasper due to its resemblance to jasper’s appearance, particularly the frequently observed mottled patterns found in jasper specimens. However, it is important to note that unakite is not actually a type of jasper but rather classified as an altered granite. Jasper, on the other hand, is a variety of quartz known for its presence of impurities and other minerals.

What is Unakite Good For? – Benefits & Uses

Unakite crystals serve as steadfast companions to rely on and seek solace in during challenging times. These durable stones, characterized by their clear, pink, and green hues, offer not only aesthetic appeal but also a range of metaphysical properties. Here, we explore some of the most sought-after unakite benefits and uses.

The following simple, but effective affirmations reinforce unakite’s meanings related to transitions, positivity and comfort.

  1. I am ready to try new things.
  2. My mind is open and ready to learn.
  3. I am strong, smart and capable.
  4. Nothing will get in the way of achieving my dreams.
  5. I am filled with energy, optimism and joy.
  6. I choose peace over stress.
  7. I feel safe and content and at peace.

This crystal has long been known as a “fertility stone.” Moreover, it is believed that by wearing unakite or keeping it nearby during pregnancy and childbirth, the mother can benefit from the healing crystal’s nurturing and comforting properties during this transitional life phase.

A special stone that can bring more love into our lives. It works by unblocking the heart chakra, which is like a pathway for love. When the heart chakra is unblocked, we can give and receive love more easily, both to others and to ourselves.

Unakite is a stone that is often used to nurture twin flame relationships. It possesses properties that promote emotional healing and understanding, which can bring harmony to these complex relationships known for their complications.

Enhance your meditation session by bringing your unakite crystal along. Hold the crystal in the palm of your hands during the session, letting the stone’s nurturing energy wash over you.

First, position the stone at the edge of your mat and periodically direct your gaze towards it, regaining your focus in the process. Then, let the presence of the healing crystal guide you to a deeper state of mindfulness throughout your entire routine.

Place the crystal in your hand and gently close your eyes while repeating a chosen intention in your head. After you feel confident in this intention, open your eyes. It’s believed that the unakite crystal has now been “charged” with the intention you’ve set.

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation with a warm, comforting bath. Simply place the crystal on the edge of the tub and immerse yourself in both the soothing hot water, and the crystal’s energy.

In the face of workplace challenges, it’s important not to let them hinder your progress towards your goals. Instead, turn to the supportive energy of unakite to navigate through these difficulties. By doing so, unakite’s properties can help you maintain a positive mindset and cultivate resilience, allowing you to overcome obstacles with determination.

Unakite crystal is a great stone to work with should you have many projects due and feel like you’re being pulled in many different directions.

Unakite is not only visually appealing but also boasts a sense of tranquility and positivity – perfect for times when your mental load feels heavy. These qualities make it an excellent addition to your home. Consider placing unakite crystals on an altar or placing it in areas where you frequently spend time.

Experience this crystal’s incredible benefits and aesthetic allure by wearing unakite as jewelry. However, if you prefer not to wear jewelry, there’s no need to worry. Tumbled unakite crystals offer the same advantages and can conveniently fit into pockets, purses, and bags.

Forms & Shapes of Unakite Crystals

Like most crystals, raw unakite stones can be shaved, sculpted and polished. The stone is available in many different shapes and forms.

Rough (or raw) unakite is the most natural form of the stone, just as it was found in nature with no processing. Some crystal healers believe that raw crystals have a more intense energy than stones that have been polished.

Small pieces of unakite crystals that have been processed in a tumbling machine. The final result is small pieces of round, smooth, shiny stone to be used as is or made into unakite beads for jewelry.

Beautiful and useful, wearing unakite jewelry (specifically unakite bracelets and necklaces) is a wonderful way to help stay connected to one’s emotions throughout the day.

Unakite beads and cabochons are typically processed in tumbling machines or by lapidarists for use in jewelry.

Unakite spheres are perfectly smooth and round. They feel incredible to hold and make beautiful display pieces. The spherical shape allows the crystal’s energy to be radiated in all directions.

One of the most popular crystal shapes. Six or eight-sided unakite towers, with a flat bottom and a pointed top are often utilized in meditation sessions and chakra healing rituals.

The ancient and sacred shape of a pyramid is known for its grounding properties and ability to transmit energy through its points and apex. For those wanting to display their unakite crystals on a desk or shelf – pyramids are an incredibly aesthetic shape.

Thought to be a power conduit for harnessing the crystal’s energy. Unakite wands are typically long and thin with a pointed shape, while some have raw edges. Often used in reiki healing or for channeling energy.

Also known as meditation stones, these unakite crystals are cut and polished into a round or heart shape, fitting comfortably in the palm of your hand.

Unakite’s durable nature makes it an excellent material for carving into various shapes, like mushrooms, skulls, and freeform pieces.

Crystal eggs serve as powerful symbols of new beginnings and fresh starts, making them a perfect visual representation of unakite’s spiritual meanings.

Caring for Your Healing Crystal

Taking care of unakite is straightforward as it is smooth and non-porous, requiring minimal fuss. However, to restore its energetic vitality, regular cleansing and charging are recommended.

Therefore, the more you use unakite, the more important it becomes to cleanse and charge it, removing stagnant energy and keeping it energetically in tune.

How to Cleanse Unakite Crystals

There are several options for cleansing your crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

WATER: As some crystals have sensitivities, you may wonder, can unakite go in water? Yes! Water is the most natural (and obvious!) cleanser available – we cleanse ourselves with it don’t we? To cleanse, hold the unakite crystal under running water for a few moments – no need to soak.

SMUDGING: Hold the unakite stone in one hand and waft the smoke from burning sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass over it.

MOONLIGHT: Place your unakite under the light of a full moon for a few hours, allowing the moon’s energy to cleanse and recharge.

SOUND THERAPY: Use the soothing sounds of bells or singing bowls to cleanse your unakite. Other options for cleansing with sound include chimes, or even chanting with your voice.

SELENITE: Selenite crystals are unique in the sense that they have the ability to cleanse other crystals. Simply place your unakite crystal on a bar of selenite for 24 hours to clear it of stagnant and unpleasant energies.

How to Charge Unakite Crystals

Some of the methods of charging your unakite crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge unakite.

SUNLIGHT: Let your unakite crystal sunbathe for half an hour, letting the sun’s rays revitalize and replenish its energy. However, it’s important not to leave your crystal in the sun for too long, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to color fading.

MOONLIGHT: Invite the moon’s energy to recharge and renew by placing your crystal outside overnight.

IN THE EARTH: Connect your crystal with the earth’s energy by burying it for 24 hours.

SOUND THERAPY: Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells, singing bowls or chanting with your voice.

OTHER STONES: Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite by placing them near your unakite, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Unakite Chakra Placements

Unakite is associated with the heart chakra.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

Unakite holds a very special connection to the heart chakra. Why? Well, the heart chakra is strongly linked to the colors green and pink, which happen to be the exact colors of unakite.

This remarkable alignment creates a perfect synergy between unakite and the heart chakra.

The heart chakra plays a crucial role in regulating our emotions in relation to the world around us. When our heart chakra is clear and functioning optimally, we can experience a deep sense of peace, which is essential for expressing and processing emotions effectively.

Unakite Zodiac Signs

Unakite crystal does not have a specific attachment to any particular zodiac sign or birthstone. Instead, unakite’s benefits are so versatile that they extend beyond the boundaries of specific astrological associations, making it relevant and beneficial for individuals of various zodiac signs.

Unakite is particularly useful for Scorpios, Cancers, Virgos, and Tauruses.

For SCORPIOS, who can occasionally feel overwhelmed by their emotions, unakite’s properties related to emotional regulation and understanding can be immensely helpful. By fostering a deeper connection with their emotions and providing a reflective perspective, unakite aids in preventing feelings of being overwhelmed.

CANCERS, known for their sensitive nature and occasional pessimism, can find solace in unakite. This stone helps shift their mindset towards a more optimistic outlook, encouraging them to embrace a brighter future.

VIRGOS, who can experience fluctuating moods that fuel negative thoughts, can benefit from unakite’s ability to restore inner peace. By lifting them out of their moody state, unakite assists in bringing about a sense of tranquility and balance.

Lastly, TAURUS individuals, who are often resistant to change due to their stubborn nature, can find guidance in unakite when it comes to transitions and new beginnings. By facilitating personal growth and embracing change for the better, unakite empowers Taurus to navigate transformations with grace.

What Crystals Go Well With Unakite?

Crystal healing often involves pairing different stones together to amplify their metaphysical properties and benefits. When two or more crystals are used in combination, they create a synergistic effect that enhances the energy of each individual crystal. As an energy amplifier, unakite pairs well with almost all crystals. Below are some of the most beneficial combinations.

An ideal green crystal combination. While bloodstone promotes feelings of bravery and courage, unakite acts as an energy amplifier. When combined, these crystals create an extra boost of bravery and courage, making them ideal companions during challenging times or difficult situations.

Both unakite and amethyst possess calming qualities. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and in need of relaxation and mental serenity, combining these crystals can provide the perfect remedy to calm your mind and restore balance.

This powerful combination focuses on emotional healing. With both stones featuring pink hues and their association with the heart chakra, unakite and rose quartz work synergistically to promote healing and restore emotional well-being.

Tiger’s eye symbolizes courage and confidence, while unakite aids in emotional navigation through life changes and challenging situations. By combining these crystals, you can tap into the courage and confidence of tiger’s eye to persevere through tough times with emotional support from unakite.

A very underutilized pairing – unakite and green aventurine may be your new secret weapon for professional success!

Green aventurine, known as the “stone of opportunity,” attracts luck and prosperity, while unakite helps manage emotions during challenging circumstances, such as navigating career changes. Together, these crystals assist in releasing old negative patterns and behaviors, clearing the path for positive opportunities in your professional life.

A Final Note

Unakite is a versatile crystal that combines the properties of epidote and feldspar, offering a range of benefits for emotional well-being. It is not only accessible and affordable, but also available in various forms, making it a convenient addition to any wellness routine or a great starting point for those beginning their crystal healing journey.

Is unakite water safe?

Yes, unakite is water safe as it has a hardness of 6-7 on the Mohs scale.

What chakra is unakite?

The heart chakra.

Is unakite a jasper?

No, unakite is not a jasper, it’s a form of altered granite.

Can unakite be in the sun?

Unakite crystals can be in the sun for short amounts of time. Prolonged exposure can result in the pink and green colors fading.

Can unakite go in salt?

Unakite can go in dry salt for a short period of time, but it’s not recommended to let it soak in salt water.

Is unakite a crystal?

Technically unakite is not a crystal. It’s a form of altered granite composed of multiple crystals (feldspar, epidote, and quartz). This makes it classified as a rock.

Is unakite rare or valuable?

Unakite is not rare or particularly valuable.

Is unakite the same as bloodstone?

While they may appear visually similar, bloodstone and unakite have different healing properties and are of different mineral classes.

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