Rose Quartz Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

rose quartz crystal

What is Rose Quartz Crystal?

Ever feel like your heart just needs a hug? Then let the soothing energy of rose quartz crystal wrap you up in its nurturing embrace.

This exquisite gem, known as the crystal of unconditional love, extends its support and healing properties to your emotions and relationships. Beyond the realm of romantic love, rose quartz extends its gentle comfort to all forms of connections – be it with family, friends, or your inner self.

Below, we explain rose quartz’s meanings and uses, addressing the burning question on everyone’s mind: exactly what does rose quartz do?

Rose Quartz Meaning & Healing Properties

The key rose quartz meanings and healing properties are love, self acceptance, emotional healing, compassion, and peace.

The most well known of rose quartz’s healing properties. This pink crystal radiates a warm aura of love that extends beyond conventional boundaries. It nurtures love in its diverse forms – be it familial, platonic, self-love, or romantic connections.

By activating the heart chakra, it becomes a catalyst for recognizing, feeling, and attracting love in various aspects of life.

On the journey of self-discovery, rose quartz acts as a guide, dispelling self-limiting beliefs that hinder self-love. Safeguarding the heart from external negativity, it nurtures self-trust and reinforces a sense of self-worth.

Reaching into the intricacies of emotional wounds, whether recent or ancient, rose quartz facilitates healing. It propels you forward, enabling an open heart, and encourages the powerful act of forgiveness.

Opening the heart, rose quartz awakens a profound sense of compassion and care, extending not only to others but also to oneself. It tempers intense emotions, offering a different perspective and restoring trust and harmony in relationships.

A remedy for anxiety, rose quartz doesn’t just paint a rosy picture but allows you to view life through the lens of love. This shift fosters a profound sense of peace and joy, dissolving discordant emotions and promoting tranquility.

Rose Quartz Properties & Physical Characteristics

As a robust member of the quartz mineral family, rose quartz crystal’s properties include a commendable hardness rating of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it ideal for carving and everyday wear in the form of jewelry. Another beneficial property of rose quartz is that it’s nonporous, which makes it a popular material for beauty tools like gua shas and face rollers, as the crystal won’t absorb any liquid being used with it.

These gemstones are available in a diverse spectrum of pink shades, ranging from pale to deep rosy hues. The subtle coloring is attributed to minuscule inclusions of silicate mineral fibers. The healing crystal’s translucency varies based on the intensity of the hue, ranging from translucent to transparent, allowing some light to pass through.

Abundant and widespread, these minerals are found in large deposits across the globe. Rose quartz formation primarily occurs through magmatic crystallization, a process initiated when scorching volcanic magma cools, leading to the creation of igneous rocks housing sizable quartz crystals.

Yet, magmatic crystallization is not the sole genesis; rose quartz specimens also emerge from hydrothermal veins, where mineral deposits take shape due to liquid circulating deep within the Earth, resulting in the formation of quartz crystals.

COLOR – Pale to deep rosy pink, and sometimes zoned
HARDNESS – 7 on the Mohs hardness scale
TRANSPARENCY – Translucent to translucent (allowing some light to pass through)
LUSTER – Vitreous (glassy when polished)
STREAK – Colorless
FRACTURE – Conchoidal (brittle and uneven)

How to Tell if Rose Quartz is Real

Fortunately, rose quartz is a very common and somewhat inexpensive healing crystal to source, so being sold fake rose quartz is fairly rare.

However, if you’re feeling uncertain, consider these simple checks to pinpoint real rose quartz vs fake.

Real Rose Quartz . . .

  1. Feels heavy and cool
    Compared to glass, rose quartz is heavier. And when left at room temperature, it feels cool to the touch.
  2.  Has no air bubbles
    Fake rose quartz is often made from dyed glass, and in the process of making it, air bubbles are formed that you can see if you look closely. Real rose quartz tends to have fissures and a cloudiness about it – but no air bubbles.
  3. Scratches glass
    Using the Mohs hardness scale is the most fool-proof and straightforward way to tell if your rose quartz is real. With a hardness rating of 7, real rose quartz effortlessly scratches glass, which has a hardness rating of 5.

Where is it Found?

As a widely abundant mineral, rose quartz deposits can be found all around the world. Below are some of the locations with notable deposits of this pink crystal:

    • Brazil (Sapucaia Mine, Minas Gerais)
    • India
    • Japan
    • Madagascar (Anjanabonoina)
    • Namibia
    • South Africa
    • USA (Rose Quartz Hill, South Dakota and Alaska)

The approach for mining rose quartz varies based on the location and geological conditions, with commonly employed methods including open-pit mining, underground mining, alluvial mining, and pegmatite mining.


The typical pink rose quartz is the most common type. However, variations occur due to environmental impurities, changes during formation, or geological factors, resulting in crystals with slight color differences.

Angel Aura Rose Quartz – A secondary processing of the crystal where a gold vapor is fused onto the rose quartz crystal, resulting in a magical rainbow sheen on the surface.

Blue Rose Quartz – Also called dusky rose quartz. Blue rose quartz isn’t a true blue crystal, but more of a pale-grey blue mixed with pink. It’s generally caused by inclusions of ilmenite, magnsioriebeckite, crocidolite, or tourmaline.

Lavender Rose Quartz – Is a lovely gentle, lilac color and comes from the Boquira Mine in Bahia – the northern Brazilian state.

Purple Rose Quartz – A rare variety that comes from Madagascar and is known for having mineral inclusions that result in a deeper pinky purple color.

Black Rose Quartz – Deep within the earth in Madagascar, pink rose quartz is sometimes subject to extreme heat and radiation, causing its color to have a dark grey tint.

White Rose Quartz – When exposed to heat and sunlight, pink rose quartz can fade into a white color.

Rose Quartz Benefits & Uses – What is Rose Quartz Good For?

Embracing the soothing presence of rose quartz in your daily routine is easy, as there are an endless number of ways to integrate its loving energy.

Whether you’re drawn to its aesthetics or resonate with rose quartz’s meanings, here are some delightful ways to incorporate this crystal into your life:

Below are our favorite rose quartz affirmations that reinforce the crystal’s meanings and healing properties:

  • I am enough
  • I am surrounded by love
  • My heart is open
  • I am loved and give love unconditionally
  • I accept others as they are
  • I am open to seeing things from another’s perspective
  • I choose peace and serenity

Harness the power of rose quartz for intention setting:

  1. Inhale deeply, and think of your chosen intention.
  2. Repeat it in your head with your eyes closed.
  3. Open your eyes, and exhale onto the crystal forcefully.
  4. The rose quartz has now been “set” with your chosen intention.

Elevate your meditation experience by holding rose quartz, activating your heart chakra.

Love is one of the key rose quartz meanings. To use rose quartz for love, or to attract someone, leverage the crystal’s love-centric properties:

  1. Set love-based intentions.
  2. Meditate with the gem, focusing on love or the person you wish to attract.
  3. Sleep with rose quartz under your pillow to surround yourself with its loving energy even as you sleep.
  4. Carry the stone for an open heart throughout the day.

One of rose quartz’s benefits is peace, making it as excellent crystal for sleep! Go to sleep with rose quartz under your pillow if you’ve been having trouble sleeping or feeling anxious at bedtime. It’s believed that sleeping with the stone nearby can help you feel like you’re in a more tranquil state, leading to a restful night’s sleep.

Set your crystal on your mat’s edge and glance at it periodically during your session. Feel free to repeat a chosen rose quartz affirmation each time you look at it, or just use the moment to pull yourself back into focus.

What better way to get your true thoughts and feelings out onto paper than by opening your heart chakra? Keep your rose quartz nearby as you jot down your thoughts. You may be surprised at what your heart spills out when your chakra has been activated.

The ultimate self care duo – a hot bath and rose quartz! Keep your crystal on the bath’s ledge and use the time to tap into rose quartz benefits for self-love. Remind yourself that you are worthy, loveable and to trust yourself.

A slightly unexpected use for the crystal of unconditional love!

Think of it this way—when your heart is open, and your guard is down, you become more receptive to the feelings and thoughts of others, fostering compassion. This leads to better communication and essential “soft skills” in the workplace, vital for success.

Rose quartz is a beautiful stone, so aside from its metaphysical properties, it makes sense to want to display it around the home. Keep it in visible spots around your home for a constant touch of its positive energy. For added charm, placing rose quartz in your bedroom is thought to nurture romantic relationships.

In Feng Shui, rose quartz is known to support love and relationships. If you’re into Feng Shui, just place your rose quartz in the southwest corner of your bedroom—it’s all about romance and love!

Carry rose quartz throughout the day in your pocket or as jewelry to keep feelings of love and attraction at the forefront of your mind.

Are There Side Effects of Rose Quartz?

When it comes to the physical aspects, rose quartz is a safe stone; no harm is posed as long as it’s not ingested.

However, spiritually speaking, there have been reports of some side effects of rose quartz after use. These effects often manifest as feelings of malaise or, in some cases, headaches. Although the exact reason for these experiences is not fully understood, it is believed that working with rose quartz may bring up emotions related to past trauma or heartbreak.

While the stone itself doesn’t directly cause headaches, research suggests that the emotional process triggered by rose quartz, including feelings of anxiety and episodes of crying (associated with recalling past traumatic incidents) can lead to tension in facial and neck muscles, potentially resulting in tension headaches.

“Of all the healing crystals, rose quartz is thought of as the best crystal for children. When presented with a selection of crystals, children tend to be drawn to rose quartz. For children who are interested in stones, rose quartz makes a fantastic beginner’s crystal.” – Nadine, Certified Holistic Gemstone Therapist

Caring for your Healing Crystals

Providing attentive care to your crystals enhances their vitality and effectiveness. For crystals you engage with often, dedicate regular moments to cleanse and charge them.

How to Cleanse Rose Quartz Crystals

There are several options for cleansing your crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

BREATHWORK – A simple yet potent technique. Hold the rose quartz crystal in front of your face and take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale forcefully onto the crystal for several breaths, blowing away its energetic impurities.

SOUND THERAPY – Employ chimes, a singing bowl, a bell, or even your own voice to cleanse the crystal by sending away any stored negative energy.

MOONLIGHT – Allow your crystal to rest under the radiant light of a full moon, letting its glow wash away any lingering negativity.

SMUDGING – Hold the crystal in one hand while gently wafting the fragrant smoke of lavender, sage, cedar, or sweetgrass over it, providing a refreshing reset for its energy.

WATER – As quartz is water safe, it can be effectively cleansed by holding it under running water for several minutes. Whether it’s a natural body of water like a river or a simple tap, both work wonderfully in washing away any accumulated negativity from the crystal.

SALT – Place your rose quartz crystal in a bowl of dry salt overnight to cleanse it of any stored negativity. Whether you choose to bury the crystal or simply lay it on top of the salt, be sure to dispose of the salt afterward, as it absorbs and removes unwanted energy.

How to Charge Rose Quartz Crystals

Once your crystal has been cleansed, it’s time to revitalize its power! There are various methods for charging your rose quartz crystal; choose the one that easily fits into your routine.

SOUND THERAPY – Immerse your rose quartz stone in the resonant sounds of bells, singing bowls, or your own chanting voice to charge its energy.

CLEAR QUARTZ OR SELENITE – Clear quartz and selenite crystals possess the unique ability to amplify and rejuvenate other crystals. Place them near your stone to revitalize its energy.

MOONLIGHT – To charge with moonlight, simply leave the crystal outside overnight. Let the moon’s enchanting energy wash over the stone, reactivating its energy.

SUNLIGHT – A brief exposure is sufficient to activate charge rose quartz crystals. Prolonged exposure can lead to unwanted effects like fading.

IN THE EARTH – To charge your healing crystal in the earth, bury it for 24 hours in rich soil to infuse it with the grounded energy of the Earth itself.

Rose Quartz Chakra Placements

Rose quartz predominantly aligns with the heart chakra, much like other pink crystals. Additionally, it holds a connection to the throat chakra.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

HEART CHAKRA – As the fourth in the series of seven chakras, the heart chakra serves as the energy center governing self-love, love for others, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness.

Activating this chakra with rose quartz fosters a sense of confidence in truly loving oneself and others unconditionally.

In contrast, a blocked heart chakra may result in feelings of loneliness, disconnection, or unhealthy relationship habits like codependency or lack of trust.

THROAT CHAKRA – Responsible for communication and self-expression, the throat chakra’s blockage can lead to feelings of hypocrisy toward oneself and others.

Activating the throat chakra with rose quartz proves beneficial, as it encourages compassion, acceptance, and understanding, fostering open and loving communication.

Rose Quartz Zodiac & Birthstones

While not an officially named birthstone, rose quartz has been touted as an alternative birthstone for those born in October and January.

This gentle stone has wide reaching benefits that would be useful for all zodiac signs, but in particular, we find it especially resonates with those born under the Libra, Virgo, and Taurus sun signs.

As an alternate October birthstone, rose quartz beautifully complements Libra’s harmonious and gracious nature. Moreover, it serves as a supportive ally in enhancing their self-worth. Libras, at times, may be perceived as somewhat superficial and reliant on external approval. However, by fortifying their sense of self-love and inner confidence, they can liberate themselves from the need for external validation.

Rose quartz proves to be an excellent companion for Virgos, offering a gentle nudge for them to “lighten up.” Despite their admirable qualities, such as practicality and reliability, Virgos can occasionally struggle with being overly critical and expressing their emotions.

Employing rose quartz to unlock the heart chakra becomes a valuable support, fostering a sense of ease in giving, receiving, and expressing love. Additionally, embracing compassion allows Virgos to soften their judgments of both others and themselves.

Taurus individuals possess highly desirable relationship qualities, valuing stability, patience, and loyalty. On the flip side, they may occasionally veer into feelings of stubbornness or possessiveness.

Rose quartz plays a transformative role, turning these negative sentiments into positive ones such as compassion and unconditional love. This shift helps replace any lingering stubborn or possessive tendencies with a more open and loving approach.

Crystal Combinations

Personalize your crystal healing journey by combining stones together and handpick metaphysical properties that align with your needs. Below, discover our favorite pairs, or feel free to mix and match all types of crystals to curate a combination that suits you best.

What better pairing than the harmony of pink and purple? This classic combination blends the unconditional love of rose quartz with amethyst’s tranquil, calming properties, leaving you with a heart full of serenity and love.

This compelling combination blends the loving essence of rose quartz with the fiery energy of red carnelian. Rose quartz attracts love, while the passionate and vibrant nature of carnelian infuses the mix with vitality.

When these two crystals unite, they work to bring a touch of spice and lust into your life, making it an irresistible pairing for those seeking a magnetic and passionate energy.

Soft, gentle rose quartz is an excellent companion for positive, joyful citrine. Pair these love crystals together for feelings of affection and fulfillment.

For a fresh start in love or relationships, the combination of rose quartz and moonstone crystals is ideal.

A Final Note

Much like viewing the world through rose-colored glasses, rose quartz uniquely cultivates a positive and loving outlook. Whether directed inward or radiating outward to relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners, rose quartz becomes a cornerstone in fostering love and connection.

If you’re just starting your crystal collection or have amassed a multitude, rose quartz stands as a timeless and essential healing crystal.

can rose quartz go in water?

With a Mohs hardness of 7, rose quartz is considered water-safe, and can be submerged in water.

can rose quartz be in the sun?

It can handle brief exposure, but long term exposure could lead to the stone fading.

is rose quartz pink diamond?

No. Diamonds and quartz are different types of minerals.

what chakra is rose quartz?

Rose quartz’s chakras are the heart and throat chakras.

can i charge rose quartz in salt?

We prefer to use salt to cleanse rose quartz, as it draws out the energetic impurities.

what does rose quartz represent?

It represents love, self acceptance, emotional healing, compassion, and peace.

What does it mean if rose quartz breaks?

There are several common beliefs tied to crystals breaking:
1 – That the crystal has serve its purpose and is no longer needed
2 – That the crystal has stopped working and needs to be replaced
3 – The crystal experienced damage via dropping or improper care leading to breakage

is rose quartz a crystal or a mineral?

It’s classified as both a crystal and a mineral.

does rose quartz attract love?

Love and attraction are two of the key meanings of rose quartz crystals.

can i wear citrine and rose quartz together?

Yes! They make a lovely crystal combination.

What does it mean if I lose my rose quartz?

Many crystal healing enthusiasts believe losing a crystal simply means you no longer need it. It’s served its purpose and has moved on to the next person.

can rose quartz go in the moonlight?

Moonlight is one of our favorite ways to cleanse and charge rose quartz crystals.

is rose quartz expensive?

Price varies depending on size and gem quality, however rose quartz is considered a very affordable crystal.

can you sleep with rose quartz?

Sleeping with rose quartz under your pillow or on your nightstand is an excellent way to tap into its benefits while you snooze.

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