Larimar Stone: Meaning, Crystal Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

larimar crystals

What is Larimar Crystal?

Prepare to be captivated by the mesmerizing larimar crystal, an exquisite gem boasting a vivid blue hue. Originating exclusively from the sun-kissed shores of the Dominican Republic, these rare blue crystals embody the very essence of the Caribbean sea. With its blend of light blues and pristine whites, this crystal exudes a light feminine energy, infusing you with a sense of nurturing and tranquility.

Uncover the captivating larimar meanings and properties below. Once you do, you’ll be drawn to the irresistible allure of its energy, yearning to feel its gentle warmth wash over you like a soothing wave from the Caribbean sea.

Larimar Pronunciation

Larimar is pronounced as lehr-ih-mar. The crystal’s initial discovery dates back to 1916, although its official naming came about during its rediscovery in 1974 by Miguel Mendez. In a heartfelt tribute to his daughter and the Caribbean sea, he chose to name it “larimar.” “Lar” after his beloved daughter Larissa, and “mar,” derived from the Spanish word for sea.

Larimar Meaning & Healing Properties

The general larimar meanings are communication, acceptance, calming, and emotional maturity.

As a blue crystal, larimar is tightly associated with our innermost feelings. So, what is larimar good for? Embrace the power of this beautiful gem whenever your thoughts feel trapped, when you carry unnecessary shame, or when you simply need to unwind and reconnect with what truly matters. Let larimar help you release worries and find inner peace.

Larimar crystals facilitate the opening of the throat chakra, allowing our thoughts and feelings to flow into words that effectively express ourselves.

Larimar encourages embracing things as they are, going with the flow, and avoiding excessive interference or attempts to change outcomes.

This gemstone nurtures a sense of calmness, helping to soothe a hot temper and alleviate feelings of anxiety.

Larimar guides us to self-reflection, enabling us to address unhealthy habits that hinder our personal growth. It also encourages us to be less judgmental of others, not take things personally, and learn from experiences.

Through deep emotional healing and overcoming past traumas or fears, larimar boosts our self-assurance and empowers us to express ourselves confidently.

Larimar Properties & Physical Characteristics

Larimar is a unique and rare variety of pectolite, a silicate mineral. It showcases a beautiful range of hues, from pale to vibrant-blue, thanks to the presence of copper. When polished, larimar displays an exquisite shine. It’s important to note that larimar has a relatively lower hardness rating of 4.5-5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it softer compared to many other crystals.

The most valuable larimar crystals feature a dark blue hue and are translucent, while lighter blue specimens with cloud-like patterns are also highly sought after.

MINERAL TYPE – Silicate mineral
LARIMAR COLOR – Pale blue to vibrant blue (from copper inclusions)
LUSTER – Vitreous to silky
LARIMAR HARDNESS – 4.5-5 on the Mohs hardness scale
LARIMAR TRANSPARENCY – Translucent to opaque

Where is Larimar Found?

Larimar is exclusively found in the Dominican Republic. It originates from the remote Mina de Larimar, also known as “Los Chuperados,” nestled in the Bahoruco’s Mountains, just 10 kilometers away from Barahona City. Deep underground, dedicated miners tirelessly extract larimar from holes reaching up to 40 meters (150 feet) using primitive hand tools.

The larimar mine grounds of Mina de Larimar are a popular tourist destination, providing a captivating glimpse into the remarkable journey of this precious gem.

Larimar Stone Benefits & Uses

Larimar crystals are a wonderful addition to any crystal collection, whether you’re a beginner or a long-time enthusiast. Their metaphysical benefits and aesthetic appeal make them a truly unique and valuable gem.

Explore the key larimar benefits and uses below.

When it comes to finding a soulmate, effective communication and self-worth play a pivotal role. The ability to express emotions openly and listen without judgment is key to deep connections.

In this quest, larimar emerges as a powerful ally. Its energy of going with the flow and releasing worries about what cannot be controlled becomes instrumental in attracting soulmates who appear when the time is right, naturally and organically.

The following affirmations reinforce larimar’s meanings related to acceptance.

  • I am letting go of anything I don’t need.
  • I will not let stress control me.
  • There is no need to worry about things I cannot control.
  • What’s meant to be will be.

Larimar’s soothing energy makes it a perfect companion to have with you during your meditation practice. Simply hold the stone or keep it nearby.

First, position the stone at the edge of your mat and periodically direct your gaze towards it, regaining your focus in the process. Then, let the presence of the healing crystal guide you to a deeper state of mindfulness throughout your entire routine.

Larimar’s profound ability to facilitate introspection makes it ideal for intention setting. It empowers you to reach deep within yourself, uncovering the core values and aspirations that truly matter.

Gently hold your larimar crystal in your hands. Then, close your eyes and repeat your chosen intention or affirmation several times. After that, open your eyes and it’s believed that the larimar crystal has now been “charged” with the chosen intention or affirmation.

Transform your bath into a serene Caribbean getaway with the presence of larimar crystal. Let this blue stone transport you to a tranquil oasis, creating a soothing ambiance that rejuvenates your mind and body.

Enhance communication at work with larimar. Activate the throat chakra and promote clear expression of thoughts by keeping a piece of larimar on your desk.

Bring a calming vacation vibe to your home by keeping a piece of larimar in the spaces you frequent the most. Let its soothing energy radiate throughout your living space, creating a tranquil ambiance that promotes relaxation and serenity.

Embrace the art of going with the flow and releasing worries with larimar. Wearing larimar stones as jewelry or carrying a tumbled stone serves as a constant reminder to let go of concerns beyond your control.

Forms & Shapes of Larimar Stones

Like most crystals, raw larimar rocks can be shaved, sculpted and polished. The stone is available in many different shapes and forms.

While some crystals appear quite bland prior to polishing, rough (or raw) larimar is genuinely beautiful in its natural state. Some crystal healers believe that raw crystals have a more intense energy than stones that have been polished.

A larimar crystal that has not been cut into a specific shape, but instead has been polished to enhance its existing, unique appearance.

Due to its delicate nature, larimar stone require a lot of care during the tumbling process in order to maintain its integrity. After tumbling, the larimar pieces are round and shiny.

Larimar stones make for exquisite, eye-catching jewelry. In particular, larimar rings, necklaces and bracelets are quite popular.

Beads and cabochons are typically processed in tumbling machines or by lapidarists for use in jewelry.

One of the most popular crystal shapes. Six or eight-sided larimar towers, with a flat bottom and a pointed top are often utilized in meditation sessions and chakra healing rituals.

Thought to be a power conduit for harnessing the crystal’s energy. Larimar wands are typically long and thin with a pointed shape, while some have raw edges. Often used in reiki healing or for channeling energy.

Larimar spheres are smooth and perfectly round, highlighting their unique patterns. They feel amazing to hold and make stunning display pieces, as their spherical shape allows the crystal’s energy to radiate in all directions.

The ancient and sacred shape of a pyramid is known for its grounding properties and ability to transmit energy through its points and apex.

Also known as meditation stones, these larimar crystals are cut and polished into a round or heart shape, fitting comfortably in the palm of your hand.

Larimar crystals can be carved into many different shapes and decorative pieces. Some of the most popular items are larimar hearts, skulls, crosses, and mushrooms.

Caring for Larimar Crystals

In order to keep your larimar crystal vibrating in an ideal way, it requires proper care and maintenance. Since larimar is a delicate stone, it’s important to handle it with care and avoid anything too rough. However, as you use it more frequently, it’s also important to keep it cleansed and charged to maintain its energy. Thankfully, there are plenty of gentle methods available for cleansing and charging larimar crystals.

How to Cleanse Larimar Crystals

There are several options for cleansing your crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

WATER – When it comes to caring for crystals, you might be curious about water sensitivity and if larimar can go in water. The good news is that larimar can indeed get wet! To cleanse your larimar crystal, simply hold it under running water for a few moments. There’s no need to soak it, a brief rinse will do the trick.

MOONLIGHT – Leave your larimar crystal under the light of a full moon for several hours to harness its purifying and revitalizing energy.

SOUND THERAPY – Cleanse your larimar by exposing it to the soothing sounds of bells, singing bowls, chimes, or your own voice, allowing the vibrations to purify its energy.

SMUDGING – Purify your larimar by passing it through the sacred smoke of sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass.

SELENITE – Place your larimar crystal on a selenite bar for 24 hours to effectively remove any stagnant or negative energies it may have absorbed, utilizing the powerful cleansing properties of selenite. Be careful when placing the stones together – as larimar is easily scratched.

How to Charge Larimar Crystals

Various methods can be used to charge your larimar crystal, some of which overlap with its cleansing techniques. Here are simple ways to recharge larimar.

MOONLIGHT – Harness the revitalizing energy of the moon by leaving your crystal outside overnight to soak up the moonlight and regain its vitality.

IN THE EARTH – Ground your crystal and connect it to the nurturing Earth energy by burying it for 24 hours, enabling it to absorb the Earth’s natural vibrations and recharge.

SOUND THERAPY – Activate your crystal’s energy by using resonating tones from bells, singing bowls, or chanting with your voice.

OTHER STONES – Amplify the charging process by placing clear quartz or selenite near your larimar, utilizing their powerful energy to infuse the crystal. As noted above, larimar crystals are delicate, so avoid the crystals from touching each other to prevent scratches.

Note – Unlike some crystals, larimar does not benefit from sun charging. Prolonged exposure to heat or light can cause its colors to fade.

Larimar Chakra Placements

Larimar is associated with the upper 4 chakras: throat, heart, third eye, and crown.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

THROAT CHAKRA – Larimar is closely associated with the throat chakra, the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression. By working with larimar, it is believed that the throat chakra can be opened and activated, allowing for clearer and more authentic expression. This can lead to improved relationships, better interactions with others, and a greater sense of self-confidence

HEART CHAKRA – The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, is tied to larimar and often associated with green crystals. Larimar is believed to unblock this chakra, promoting the giving and receiving of love, and facilitating meaningful relationships and deep connections with others. It has earned a reputation as a soulmate stone, enhancing these aspects of our lives.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Located between the eyebrows, this chakra represents intuition and insight. While not directly related to larimar, its calming qualities can aid in activating this chakra. Unblocking the third eye chakra enhances inner guidance, mental clarity, and trust in intuition.

CROWN CHAKRA – Positioned at the top of the head, the crown chakra is the highest among the seven chakras. It signifies spiritual connection and higher consciousness. When unblocked, it fosters expanded awareness and a sense of purpose. This aligns with larimar’s ability to promote emotional healing and a calming influence, which can support the journey towards tapping into these deep feelings.

Larimar Zodiac Sign

While larimar crystals do not have an official zodiac assignment, they are often unofficially associated with individuals falling under the Leo sun sign.

Leos are renowned for their confident and charismatic leadership qualities. Larimar’s healing properties of communication and acceptance can complement these traits. Effective communication is vital for successful leadership, and the ability to accept situations without unnecessary meddling is key to personal and professional growth.

However, Leos can also exhibit fiery and stubborn tendencies, which can sometimes pose challenges in relationships. In such cases, Larimar can be beneficial by promoting improved communication and emotional maturity. By leveraging Larimar’s qualities, Leos can counteract these traits known for occasionally causing difficulties.

Larimar Crystal Pairings

Crystal healing practitioners commonly combine different stones to enhance their metaphysical properties. Pairing crystals from the same mineral family is believed to be particularly effective due to their enhanced energetic connection. Crystals within the same family naturally resonate with one another, resulting in a stronger energetic synergy and heightened vibrations.

Explore these crystal pairings that are all within the silicate family:

Their pink and blue hues create a visually appealing pair. This duo is particularly beneficial for emotional growth. Larimar aids in the journey of emotional maturity by supporting the release of unproductive habits, while rhodonite crystal promotes emotional healing by helping to dissolve the feelings of old traumas.

Hiddenite crystal is known for its ability to attract abundance and positive energy, opening the door to new opportunities. Larimar provides the necessary self-confidence to seize and make the most of those opportunities.

A powerful combination for profound emotional healing and personal growth. Charoite supports inner change and releases past traumas, while larimar promotes emotional maturity and helps let go of negative habits.

How to Spot Fake Larimar

As larimar is a rare and valuable crystal exclusively found in the Dominican Republic, it’s common for non-genuine specimens to be falsely marketed and sold as larimar. To ensure you’re getting the real larimar, here are some easy methods to authenticate your crystal.

HARDNESS: Natural larimar is a softer stone, and can be prone to scratching. Gently scratch the backside of the stone with a piece of quartz. If there is no scratch mark, it’s not larimar.

LIGHTER TEST: Stones are always cool to the touch, but resin (a common material for fake crystals) will have a different temperature if their environment changes. Carefully put a needle by a flame, and then press it against the crystal. If it melts, it’s not larimar.

COLOR: Genuine larimar has a unique appearance characterized by being blue to blue-green with white streaks. Fake larimar tends to have a very consistent color, or fake-looking shades.

IMPURITIES: Real larimar often has small impurities within the stone, like black or brown spots. If your crystal look too perfect, and doesn’t have a single impurity, it may be a fake larimar stone.

A Final Note

Larimar, originating from the serene Caribbean, is a captivating and calming stone. Its energy has the power to bring a sense of lightness and improve emotional well-being. With its beneficial properties for communication and emotions, larimar is a valuable addition to any crystal healing practice.

Is there any larimar mythology?

Larimar does not have an extensive mythology or folklore associated with it. However, it is often referred to as the “Blue Stone of Atlantis” due to its captivating appearance and believed connection to the lost civilization. Some people believe that larimar carries the energy of the sea and is associated with the soothing and calming essence of the Caribbean.

Is larimar only found in the Dominican Republic?

Yes. The unique blue variety of the mineral pectolite (known as Larimar), is exclusively found in the larimar mines of the Dominican Republic.

Is larimar still being mined?

Yes, larimar is still being mined.

Where is larimar mined?

Larimar is exclusively mined in the Dominican Republic.

Is larimar rare?

Yes, larimar is considered a rare crystal due to its limited occurrence and specific geographical location.

Is larimar expensive?

The price of larimar can vary depending on factors such as quality, size, and cut. Generally, smaller raw larimar crystals can be found for under $20 USD, while faceted larimar gemstones command a higher price range of $20-$30 per carat.

Is pink larimar real?

No. Larimar is not naturally pink. The name “pink larimar” is confusing trade name for a variety of natrolite discovered in Indonesia in 2020.

Is it sun safe?

Prolonged exposure to heat or light, including sunlight, can cause the colors of larimar to fade. Therefore, it is recommended to protect larimar from direct sunlight to preserve its vibrancy.

Can larimar go in salt water?

Larimar is relatively soft compared to many other crystals, so it is not recommended to expose it to saltwater or any harsh chemicals, as they may cause damage or erosion to the stone.

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