Labradorite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

labradorite crystal

What is Labradorite Crystal?

Labradorite crystals are exquisite feldspar minerals renowned for their captivating resemblance to the Northern Lights. Deep within these stones, internal fractures cause light to bounce back and forth, creating a visual effect known as labradorescence. This optical phenomenon reveals a stunning multicolored sheen, as if the crystal has captured the essence of the enchanting aurora borealis.

With a rich and diverse history, labradorite has inspired numerous legends that vary depending on their cultural origins. Regardless of the specific legend, one undeniable truth remains: labradorite possesses an inherently magical and mystical allure.

Below, we’ll uncover labradorite’s meanings, its key benefits, properties and how to incorporate this celestial stone into any wellness journey.

Labradorite Pronunciation

Labradorite is pronounced as la-bruh-door-ite. It was named after Labrador, Newfoundland – the Canadian province where it was first discovered in 1770 by Moravian missionaries.

Labradorite Meaning & Healing Properties

The general labradorite meanings are protection, transformation, intuition, and creativity.

It’s mesmerizing to look at, no doubt about it, but what does labradorite do?

As a dependable transformation crystal, labradorite is an excellent ally to have on hand. Moreover, it provides the oomph needed to get things moving in your life and keeps you focused and excited about the changes that lie ahead. Learn more about labradorite’s healing properties and meanings below.

In the realm of crystal healing, labradorite is one of the most powerful crystals for shielding against negativity.

Just as labradorite undergoes a captivating display of changing colors, it serves as a catalyst for personal transformation. Labradorite encourages self-reflection and guides you on a path of growth and positive change.

Labradorite crystal instills courage and self-confidence, empowering you to overcome challenges and endure difficult times.

As a conduit for intuition, labradorite enhances your insight and psychic abilities, helping you uncover the truth and navigate situations with clarity.

By clearing the mind and sparking creativity, labradorite fuels the flow of new ideas and brings a sense of joy and spontaneity.

Labradorite’s celestial beauty fosters a deep connection to nature, allowing you to feel in tune with the Earth and the universe.

What is Labradorite Good For?

As a powerful healing crystal, using labradorite may be good for anyone who…

  • Could use a shield against the negative energies of others
  • Is seeking inspiration concerning work or personal matters
  • Feels like they are in a slump
  • Wants to reconnect with Earth and nature
  • Needs to declutter their mind and experience clarity

Labradorite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Natural labradorite, a type of plagioclase feldspar mineral, exhibits a unique optical phenomenon known as labradorescence. One of the most notable labradorite properties, this captivating effect creates iridescent flashes of blue, red, green, orange, or yellow within the crystal. It is the remarkable labradorescence that distinguishes high-quality labradorite specimens, often sought after as gemstones.

Labradorite’s sturdiness is evident with a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it tougher than opal and sodalite but softer than peridot and citrine. While not all labradorite specimens display labradorescence, those without this mesmerizing feature lack the visual allure associated with this remarkable stone.

LABRADORITE MINERAL TYPE – A plagioclase feldspar.
COLOR – Often a dark blue or grey base with metallic FLASHES of color.
LABRADORITE HARDNESS – 6-6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.
TRANSPARENCY – Labradorite stones can be opaque, translucent or transparent.
LUSTER – Vitreous (shiny) to pearly.

Where is Labradorite Found?

Labradorite, initially discovered in Canada, is now mined worldwide, including in Madagascar, Australia, Slovakia, the United States, Poland, Russia, Mexico, and is notably prevalent in Nordic countries like Norway and Finland.

Labradorite Colors & Types

No two labradorite specimens are identical, as the colors displayed by the crystal vary based on its unique composition, the play of light within it, and its place of origin.


Spectrolite, a rare and prized form of labradorite, exhibits vivid and striking colors unlike regular labradorite. It is exclusively found in Finland.

Purple Labradorite

Purple labradorite is an exceptionally rare variety characterized by its purple hues, which result from the presence of copper ions and iron in the mineral’s crystal structure. Most purple flash labradorite specimens originate from Madagascar.

Common Labradorite Color Inclusions

  • Blue labradorite
  • Pink labradorite
  • Red labradorite
  • Green labradorite
  • Golden labradorite (yellow)
  • Grey labradorite
  • Black labradorite
  • White labradorite
  • Orange labradorite
  • Rainbow labradorite

How to Spot Fake Labradorite Crystal

While labradorite is not commonly counterfeited due to its availability and moderate cost, it’s still important to be aware of the key differences to spot a fake. Here are some characteristics to look out for:

LABRADORESCENCE: Authentic labradorite exhibits uneven labradorescence, visible only from specific angles. In contrast, fake labradorite often displays a surface covered with multiple colors that can be seen from any angle.

COLOR VARIATION: Genuine labradorite typically shows one or two dominant colors, commonly blue and green (though some authentic specimens, such as spectrolite, do have additional colors). Fake labradorites tend to be excessively vibrant and colorful.

TEXTURE AND TEMPERATURE: Real labradorite feels cold to the touch due to its composition as a genuine stone. In contrast, fake labradorite made from materials like polymers and resins tends to feel warmer.

DURABILITY: Authentic labradorite is relatively durable and not easily scratched. Fake versions, on the other hand, are more prone to scratches and damage.

UV LIGHT TEST: Genuine labradorite does not exhibit any glow or fluorescence under UV light. However, certain fake labradorites constructed with resins and polymers may emit a glow when exposed to UV light.

By paying attention to these distinguishing factors, you can easily tell real labradorite from imitation products.

Labradorite Benefits & Uses

Labradorite crystals are truly remarkable additions to any crystal collection. These captivating stones, with their enchanting flashes of color, offer a multitude of benefits that can be harnessed in various ways. Serving as a protective shield and a catalyst for action, labradorite empowers you to make the most of its metaphysical properties.

Explore some of the key labradorite benefits and uses below.

The following simple, but effective labradorite affirmations reinforce its meanings related to creativity, protection, and transition.

  1. Creative energy runs through my body.
  2. My mind is clear and ready to experience fresh ideas.
  3. I am the only one in control of my emotions.
  4. I am letting go of any thoughts that may hold me back.
  5. I am ready for whatever the day may bring my way.
  6. I radiate courage and bravery.
  7. I have the power to get things done.

Labradorite is an underrated crystal for improving sleep. Its protective qualities free the mind from negativity, promoting a peaceful state for falling asleep. Additionally, its ability to foster personal growth and self-improvement instills a sense of determination and readiness for the upcoming day, aiding in achieving your goals.

Make your meditation session even more enjoyable by bringing your labradorite crystal with you. Hold the healing crystal in the palm of your hands during the session, and allow its energy to help clear your mind of any mental clutter.

First, position the stone at the edge of your mat and periodically direct your gaze towards it, regaining your focus in the process. Then, let the presence of the healing crystal guide you to a deeper state of mindfulness throughout your entire routine.

Gently hold your labradorite crystal in your hands. Then, close your eyes and repeat your chosen intention or affirmation several times. After that, open your eyes and it’s believed that the labradorite crystal has now been “charged” with the chosen intention or affirmation.

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation with a warm, comforting bath. Simply place the crystal on the edge of the tub and immerse yourself in both the soothing hot water, and the crystal’s energy.

Labradorite crystals can provide valuable support in toxic work environments. Labradorite’s protection properties make them effective in shielding against negativity. Keeping a labradorite crystal nearby while you work can help create a safe and positive space.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, carved labradorite pieces serve as decorative accents that also offer a shield of protection within the home. These crystals help safeguard against negative energies. Even a small tumbled labradorite piece displayed on an altar can have a transformative effect, particularly in smaller spaces.

Experience this crystal’s incredible benefits and aesthetic allure by wearing labradorite as jewelry. However, if you prefer not to wear jewelry, there’s no need to worry. Tumbled labradorite crystals offer the same advantages and can conveniently fit into pockets, purses, and bags.

Labradorite Crystal Forms & Shapes

Like most crystals, raw labradorite stones can be shaved, sculpted and polished. The stone is available in many different shapes and forms.

Rough (or raw) labradorite is the most natural form of the stone, just as it was found in nature with no processing. Some crystal healers believe that raw crystals have a more intense energy than stones that have been polished.

Large, irregularly shaped pieces of labradorite crystal that have been polished and carved to show off the specimen’s natural beauty and unique patterns.

Small pieces of labradorite crystals that have been processed in a tumbling machine. The final result is small pieces of round, smooth, shiny stone to be used as is or made into labradorite beads for jewelry.

Beautiful and useful, wearing labradorite jewelry (specifically labradorite rings and necklaces) is a wonderful way to keep labradorite’s healing properties with you all day long.

Crystals that have been cut and shaped with several flat surfaces (facets) like a gemstone. Facets create additional surfaces for light to enter and reflect within the crystal, making the color play even more intense and dazzling.

Labradorite beads and cabochons are typically processed in tumbling machines or by lapidarists for use in jewelry.

Labradorite spheres are perfectly smooth and round. They feel incredible to hold and make beautiful display pieces. The spherical shape allows the crystal’s energy to be radiated in all directions.

One of the most popular crystal shapes. Six or eight-sided labradorite towers, with a flat bottom and a pointed top are often utilized in meditation sessions and chakra healing rituals.

The ancient and sacred shape of a pyramid is known for its grounding properties and ability to transmit energy through its points and apex. For those wanting to display their labradorite crystals on a desk or shelf – pyramids are an incredibly aesthetic shape.

Thought to be a power conduit for harnessing the crystal’s energy. Labradorite wands are typically long and thin with a pointed shape, while some have raw edges. Often used in reiki healing or for channeling energy.

Also known as meditation stones, these labradorite crystals are cut and polished into a round or heart shape, fitting comfortably in the palm of your hand.

Crystal eggs serve as powerful symbols of new beginnings and fresh starts, making them a perfect visual representation of labradorite’s meanings related to transitions.

Labradorite can be carved into many different shapes and decorative pieces. Some of the most popular carved labradorite items are dice, mushrooms, skulls, and hearts.

Caring for Your Labradorite Crystal

To ensure your labradorite crystal remains at its optimal energetic state, proper care and maintenance are essential. As a powerful protector that absorbs negative energy, it is important to provide it with regular cleansing and recharging rituals.

This practice revitalizes the crystal’s energy and ensures it continues to serve as a potent ally in your spiritual journey.

How to Cleanse Labradorite

There are several options for cleansing your crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

WATER – As some crystals have sensitivities, you may wonder, can labradorite get wet? Yes! Water is the most natural (and obvious!) cleanser available – we cleanse ourselves with it don’t we? To cleanse, hold the labradorite crystal under running water for a few moments – no need to soak.

MOONLIGHT – Expose your labradorite to the radiant light of a full moon for several hours, allowing the moon’s energy to purify and revitalize the crystal.

SOUND THERAPY – Cleanse your labradorite with the soothing sounds of bells, singing bowls, chimes, or your own voice. The gentle vibrations will purify its energy.

SMUDGING – Pass the labradorite stone through the purifying smoke of sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass, allowing the fragrant fumes to cleanse and rejuvenate it.

SELENITE – Selenite possesses a remarkable cleansing ability, making it an ideal crystal for purifying other stones. Place your labradorite crystal on a selenite bar for 24 hours to effectively remove any stagnant or negative energies it may have accumulated.

How to Charge Labradorite

Some of the methods of charging your labradorite crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge labradorite.

SUNLIGHT – Allow your labradorite crystal to bask in the sun for approximately 30 minutes, allowing the warm rays to replenish its energy. Be mindful not to leave the crystal exposed to sunlight for extended periods, as prolonged exposure may cause color fading.

MOONLIGHT – Harness the energy of the moon by placing your crystal outside overnight, allowing it to bask in the moonlight and be replenished and revitalized.

IN THE EARTH – Ground your crystal and connect it with the nurturing energy of the Earth by burying it for a period of 24 hours. This allows your crystal to absorb the Earth’s natural vibrations and recharge its energy.

SOUND THERAPY – Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells, singing bowls or chanting with your voice.

OTHER STONES – Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite by placing them near your labradorite, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Labradorite Chakra Placements

There are three key labradorite chakra associations: the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

THROAT CHAKRA – As the 5th chakra, the throat chakra governs communication and self-expression. Labradorite aids in opening and aligning the throat chakra, enabling clear and effective communication.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Located in the middle of the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is the 6th chakra. It is connected to intuition and that “6th sense” feeling. Labradorite stimulates and activates the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and clarity. A balanced third eye chakra promotes positive emotions and a sense of purpose.

CROWN CHAKRA – Representing the 7th and final chakra, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It symbolizes our connection to higher consciousness and spiritual awareness. Labradorite can help balance and harmonize the crown chakra, allowing us to embrace the deeper meaning of life.

Labradorite Zodiac Signs

While Labradorite is not officially assigned to a specific zodiac sign, it has the remarkable ability to benefit multiple signs by addressing their challenges and enhancing their strengths.

Labradorite can be particularly effective for the following zodiac signs: Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, and Libra.

GEMINIS: With their tendency for superficiality, connecting with labradorite can remind Geminis of the deeper meaning in life and the interconnectedness of all beings.

CANCERS: Labradorite nurtures the intuition and emotional depth that are innate to Cancers, supporting their sensitive and intuitive nature.

VIRGOS: Labradorite serves as a shield against negativity, helping to counteract the pessimistic tendencies that Virgos may exhibit, promoting a more positive outlook.

LIBRAS: While naturally charming, Libras can often lean toward people-pleasing. Labradorite fosters effective communication, allowing Libras to express themselves openly and find balance in prioritizing their own needs alongside others.

Healing Crystal Combinations

Combining different crystals is a common practice in crystal healing, harnessing the power of multiple stones to amplify their healing properties and benefits. By lending their energies, these crystal combinations create a potent and harmonious effect. Explore some of the most beneficial crystal pairings below.

The beautiful combination of labradorite and calming amethyst boosts intuition and activates the third eye chakra.

Pairing labradorite with moonstone helps you navigate new beginnings with intuitive perception and protection from negativity.

The loving energy of rose quartz complements the creative boost of labradorite, inspiring you to express your creativity and imagination.

Labradorite and green aventurine crystals form a powerful duo for facilitating positive life changes. Labradorite ignites the desire for personal transformation, while green aventurine provides the strength and courage to carry out these changes.

Labradorite and lapis lazuli work together to ward off negative energy, providing a strong shield in challenging situations.

A Final Note

Labradorite is an enchanting celestial crystal that shines brightly among its counterparts. It possesses powerful metaphysical properties, benefits multiple chakras, and complements various zodiac signs and pairs perfectly with other healing crystals. Plus, it’s surprisingly affordable. Carry the enchantment of the night sky with you at all times by adding a piece of labradorite crystal to your collection.

Is labradorite a crystal or a gemstone?

As a feldspar mineral, labradorite is both a crystal and a gemstone.

What color is labradorite?

Labradorite crystals tend to have a dark base (often grey) with flashes of metallic looking blue, green, yellow or red.

Spectrolite vs. labradorite – what’s the difference?

Spectrolite is a variety of labradorite sourced only in Finland. It is known for being richer and more colorful than standard labradorite.

Larvikite vs. labradorite – what’s the difference?

Even though they are both feldspar minerals with optical phenomena, these two crystals have different chakra associations and metaphysical meanings.

Moonstone vs. labradorite – what’s the difference?

Moonstone and labradorite belong to different mineral classes. Even though they both display an optical phenomenon, the crystals are completely different, physically and spiritually.

Is labradorite water safe?

Yes, labradorite is water safe. With a Mohs Hardness rating of 6-6.5 it is strong enough to withstand water for short periods of time.

Can labradorite be in the sun?

Yes, labradorite can be in the sun for small periods of time. However, leaving it out for an extended time in the sun can lead to a decline in the crystal’s appearance (leaving it looking dull or tarnished).

Is labradorite toxic?

No, labradorite is not toxic. It can safely be in contact with your skin (but never ingested).

What is the labradorite flash caused by?

Labradorite flash (AKA labradorescence) is caused by the interference and refraction of light as it enters and moves through the crystal.

What does labradorite do spiritually?

Labradorite offers negativity protection, grounding properties, and stimulates creativity and personal transformations.

What chakra is labradorite?

Labradorite’s chakras are the third eye, throat, and crown chakras.

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