Howlite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

howlite crystal

What is Howlite Crystal?

Howlite crystal is a chalky white borate mineral with dark grey veins throughout. It’s revered as a compassionate stone, renowned for instilling patience and calmness, particularly in times of trauma or grief.

When you find yourself in the midst of a storm, with chaos swirling around you, howlite crystal serves as a guiding light. It enhances self-awareness, enabling you to navigate through the storm with clarity and grace. Like a beacon in the darkness, it helps you see through the turbulence, guiding you towards tranquility and truth.

Below, we uncover all there is to know about howlite crystal. Discover its meanings, powerful healing properties, chakra alignments, and zodiac connections. Learn how to seamlessly integrate this soothing gem into your daily routines for a touch of tranquility and empowerment.

White Howlite Crystal Meaning & Healing Properties

The most significant howlite crystal meanings are its attributes of calming, patience, mental clarity, and emotional healing.

Known as a crystal for anxiety, howlite crystals possess soothing properties that instill a sense of tranquility across body, mind, and spirit, effectively calming an overactive mind.

Promotes a broader perspective in challenging situations, offering a sense of patience where one might otherwise feel anger or react impulsively. Similar to the meanings associated with tiger’s eye, howlite encourages thoughtful action over reactive behavior.

Strengthening memory and enhancing focus, howlite fosters mental clarity. It also stimulates a thirst for knowledge, encouraging clear vision and purposeful thinking.

Howlite facilitates emotional expression and aids in rebuilding inner strength depleted by trauma, anxiety, or grief. It serves as a supportive ally in the journey toward healing and resilience.

Howlite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Howlite crystal is easily identifiable due to its unique appearance. It’s an opaque white crystal with dark gray or black veins coursing through its surface. It is a porous and relatively soft stone, measuring only 3.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

While it may not be suitable for faceting due to its softness, larger pieces of howlite stone can be intricately carved, especially into curved shapes, to showcase its unique patterns.

The name “howlite” is attributed to its discoverer, Henry How, a Canadian chemist and geologist who first encountered the mineral in Nova Scotia during the 19th century.

Since its discovery, howlite deposits have been found in various locations worldwide, including Canada (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick), the United States, Turkey, Mexico, Germany, and Russia.

Colors & Types

Though naturally occurring in an opaque white hue, howlite crystals are often dyed for aesthetic appeal, resulting in vibrant or deeply pigmented colors. Among the most popular dyed variations are:

  • blue
  • pink
  • red
  • aura
  • green
  • black
  • yellow
  • purple

MINERAL TYPE – Calcium borosilicate hydroxide
COLOR – Soft white, with dark black or grey veining throughout
HARDNESS – 3.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness
LUSTER – Vitreous (glassy) to dull

As an Imitation Stone

Howlite crystals possess a porous structure that readily absorbs dyes, making them ideal candidates for imitation stones. Often dyed in various colors, howlite is commonly used as a substitute for other minerals.

One of the most prevalent applications is in imitating turquoise. By dyeing white howlite to a teal-blue hue, it closely resembles turquoise crystal in both appearance and pattern. This substitution is favored because genuine turquoise is notoriously soft and brittle, making it challenging to work with.

How to Tell if Howlite is Real

While howlite crystal is generally abundant and inexpensive, instances of fake howlite do occur. Here’s how to distinguish the real deal:

Visual Inspection:

  • Examine the stone closely. Real howlite stones typically display sporadic or random patterns, while fake ones may have defined or thick veining.
  • Look for imperfections. Natural stones often have slight irregularities, so if yours appears too perfect, it could be fake.

Physical Inspection:

  • Feel the texture of the stone. Real howlite stone should feel smooth and cool to the touch.

Sensory Check:

  • Take a sniff of the stone. If you detect any slight plastic-like odors, it may indicate the presence of resin used to mimic real stones.

Howlite Benefits & Uses

What is howlite good for? – Sure, gazing at howlite’s calming and beautiful appearance is appealing, but there’s more to it than meets the eye! Discover how you can integrate howlite into your daily routines and wellness practices with our favorite suggestions below.

These howlite affirmations reinforce the crystal’s healing properties tied to patience and emotional healing.

  1. I am releasing my expectations.
  2. I am patient with those around me.
  3. I trust the universe’s timing.
  4. I am enough.
  5. I honor my inner voice.

To use howlite for anxiety, incorporate it into a meditation session. Several studies have shown that meditation can help reduce anxiety symptoms.

Tap into howlite’s benefits by keeping it on the edge of your yoga mat during your practice. Glance at it each time you change poses, connecting with its calming energy.

To manifest with howlite, hold the crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Focus on a chosen intention in your mind. Repeat it several times, then open your eyes. It’s believed the crystal has now been “set” with the intention.

There is something special about a comforting hot bath after a tough day, especially when you add the soothing energy of howlite to support your emotions. Remember to keep your howlite nearby, but dry, as it’s not water-safe.

Elevate your home’s ambiance with the unique aesthetic of howlite crystals. Display them to add a touch of beauty to your surroundings and position them strategically in areas you frequent to benefit from their healing energy. Place them in your bedroom to enhance feelings of calmness and mental clarity, or keep them around flower pots to keep your plants happy.

Navigating professional challenges can take a toll on the emotions, but with howlite by your side, you’ll find support. Place it in your workspace to embrace its patience and mental clarity benefits. It helps to maintain a broad perspective and an open mind towards others’ thoughts and ideas to steer clear of conflicts.

Anticipating a heated or stressful meeting? Think ahead and place several tumbled howlite stones in a bowl and place in the middle of the meeting table to ward off potential disagreements.

Perhaps the easiest way to get the most of howlite’s benefits is to simply bring it with you wherever you go! Small carvings can easily be tucked into purses, pockets – and suitcases! Suitcases you ask? With howlite’s ability to support a strong sense of patience during stressful or hectic times, it makes a fabulous crystal for travel.

Howlite vs. Magnesite vs. Turquoise

Several crystals are often mistaken for howlite, with magnesite being nearly identical in appearance to natural (non-dyed) howlite. Although they look similar, they differ in chemical composition and metaphysical properties.

Dyed howlite can closely resemble turquoise, although turquoise is not closely related to howlite and only appears similar when dyed.

Refer to the table below for a comparison of the physical characteristics and spiritual attributes of these three distinct healing crystals.

howlite crystal small small turquoise crystal
Crystal Howlite Magnesite Turquoise
Appearance – Opaque white
– Black/gray veins
– Opaque white
– Black/gray veins and inclusions
– Dull
– Opaque turquoise/teal
– Dark veins
– Waxy
Mineral Type Calcium-silicon borate with hydroxyl Magnesium carbonate Hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium
Chemical Composition Ca2SiB5O9(OH)5 MgCO3 CuAl 6(PO 4) 4(OH) 8·4H 2O
Hardness 3.5 4 5-6
Meanings – Patience
– Calming
– Emotional healing
– Joy
– Balance
– Transformation
– Protection
– Success
– Healing
Chakra Crown Heart, third eye, crown Throat

Caring for Healing Crystals

Healing crystals work tirelessly to support us, but to maintain their effectiveness, we must care for them through cleansing and charging. This process eliminates stagnant and unwanted negative energies, allowing their healing properties to shine at their fullest potential.

How to Cleanse Howlite Crystals

After use, cleanse your howlite crystal with one of the methods below. No method is better than the others, simply choose one that you can easily implement.

SELENITE OR CLEAR QUARTZ – Recharge your crystal by placing the stone on a clear quartz or selenite crystal slab for 12 hours, ensuring direct contact between the two stones for maximum energy transfer.

MOONLIGHT – Place your crystal under the light of a full moon for a few hours to invite the moon’s energy to cleanse and purify.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to purify and realign the energy of the crystal.

RICE – Use uncooked rice to soak up negative energy and realign the crystal’s natural good vibrations by leaving it overnight. The rice should be thrown away afterwards, and never consumed.

SALT – Bury the crystal in a bowl of salt for an entire day. The salt will absorb the negative energy from within the crystal, so be sure to dispose of the used salt afterwards.

BREATHWORK – Hold your stone in your hands as you deeply inhale. Blow onto the stone in several short puffs to complete the cleansing process.

can howlite go in water?

As a soft, porous stone, it’s not recommended to expose howlite stones to water very often. While it can technically withstand brief exposure to water (like washing off dirt) it’s best to use one of the methods above to energetically cleanse the stone instead.

How to Charge Howlite Crystals

Once your healing crystal has been energetically cleansed it’s time to charge it up for its next use. Choose one of the simple, yet effective methods below.

IN THE EARTH – Allow your crystal to soak up the energy of the earth, recharging and realigning its natural vibrations and powers.

SUNLIGHT – Let the joyful rays of the sun infuse your howlite crystal with a renewed sense of energy.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to help realign and energize the crystal.

OTHER CRYSTALS – An incredible benefit of selenite and quartz crystals is their ability to amplify and energize other stones. Place it under or near your crystal to revitalize its energy.

Howlite Chakra Placements

Howlite’s chakra placement is primarily the crown chakra.

Working with howlite crystals awakens a connection to the divine. It helps to strengthen your spiritual connection and foster great self-awareness.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

CROWN CHAKRA – Located at the top of the head, the seventh chakra is associated with the color purple. It serves as your connection to the divine or higher consciousness. A blocked crown chakra can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. Opening this chakra fosters a joyful connection to the universe, making you feel part of something larger than yourself.

ROOT CHAKRA – The root chakra, associated with the color pink and red, represents the earth element. It symbolizes stability and being grounded in life. Blockages in this chakra can result in feelings of sluggishness or fearfulness. Activating the root chakra instills a sense of fearlessness and confidence in the world.

Zodiac Associations

While the most well known howlite zodiac is Gemini, we also find this stone particularly valuable for Scorpios.

Known for their curiosity, they find a valuable ally in howlite stones. This crystal stimulates their desire for knowledge, nurturing their inquisitive nature. Additionally, Geminis’ tendencies towards restlessness and impulsiveness are tempered by howlite’s calming and patience properties, fostering inner peace and tranquility.

Often grappling with impulsiveness and intense emotions, Scorprios benefit from howlite’s attributes. By fostering patience and encouraging an open mind, howlite helps Scorpios approach situations with calm thoughtfulness, tempering their reactions and promoting emotional balance.

Crystal Pairings

Combining two crystals can create a perfect blend of their metaphysical properties, enhancing their individual benefits and creating a unique, custom energy. Some crystal pairings also visually complement each other, making them an even more perfect match.

Combining howlite and obsidian creates a powerful synergy for emotional healing. While obsidian transforms negativity, howlite soothes trauma, making them an excellent duo for fostering personal growth and transformation.

A white and pink crystal combination of chill, zen, and loving vibes. Rose quartz radiates unconditional love and acceptance, while howlite promotes patience and empathy, creating a nurturing environment for all forms of love.

An intuition-boosting pair. Howlite supports mental clarity and focus, while moonstone, a glowy white crystal, stimulates intuitive abilities, promoting clear vision and the inner strength to trust your instincts.

The recipe for slow and steady success. Green aventurine attracts positive opportunities, and howlite provides the patience and purposeful thinking needed to strategically capitalize on them, leading to gradual but sustainable growth.

A Final Note

Howlite stands as a gentle yet firm companion, crucial for navigating through challenging times and facilitating successful transformation. Initially aiding in emotional healing, it then fosters patience and calmness. Whether you’re at the outset or midst of your personal growth journey, howlite crystal serves as a steadfast ally throughout.

can howlite go in water ?

For physical debris, a quick rinse shouldn’t harm the crystal, but howlite isn’t the most water-safe, so frequent exposure isn’t recommended.

what chakra is it ?

Howlite’s chakra placements are the crown and root chakras.

is howlite man made ?


can it go in salt ?

Yes. A small dish of dry salt (not salt water) is an excellent way to cleanse howlite.

what does howlite represent ?

It represents calming, patience, mental clarity, and emotional healing.

is howlite a gemstone or a crystal ?

Howlite is classified as both a semi-precious gemstone, and a crystal.

can it go in the sun ?


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