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Green Jade Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

tumbled green jade crystals

What is Jade Crystal?

Jade crystal holds a distinguished status as one of the most renowned healing crystals globally, serving as a significant talisman for thousands of years across cultures worldwide.

With its tranquil energy, green jade quietly orchestrates the attraction of abundance into one’s life.

It’s important to note that “jade” encompasses two distinct green minerals, nephrite (a calcium magnesium silicate) and jadeite (a sodium aluminum silicate), both bearing striking similarities in appearance and metaphysical properties. Throughout this article, we’ll refer to both varieties simply as “Jade.”

Available in an extensive array of shapes and jewelry designs, jade crystals seamlessly integrate into daily life. Learn more about jade’s meanings and uses in the following article.

Jade Meaning & Healing Properties

In addition to supporting emotional wellbeing, the key jade meanings and healing properties are purity, nurturing, good luck, protection, and spiritual insight.

This green crystal embodies a cool, calm, and collected energy. It promotes healing and success without coming off as boastful, yet it’s not overly stoic either. There’s a reason it’s been cherished across cultures for millenia – it’s simply a perfect, well-rounded healing crystal to include in your collection.

Jade has long been celebrated as a symbol of purity and serenity, evoking a sense of calm with its cool, green hue. It has a knack for clearing the mind, allowing wisdom to shine through in moments of quiet reflection.

Jade crystal fosters a deep sense of harmony and self-acceptance. It offers a gentle embrace of love and self-love, empowering you to embrace your true self confidently, without the weight of others’ expectations.

With its glassy green charm, jade is often hailed as a good luck crystal. It’s believed to attract wealth and love, forge new friendships, and ignite creativity. This newfound inspiration propels you toward your goals, drawing abundance and prosperity into your life.

Green jade crystal acts as a steadfast protector of your emotional well-being, warding off negativity both within and around you. It helps you shed harmful habits and shields you from toxic influences, ensuring your inner peace remains intact.

Known as the “Dream Stone,” green jade crystals are revered for their intuitive qualities. They’re thought to open doors to the spiritual realm, fostering connections with higher planes, and even inspiring enlightening dreams when gently placed on the forehead.

Jade Properties & Physical Characteristics

What does jade look like? – Jade crystal, a type of silicate mineral, is widely recognized for its signature green color. However, it surprises many with its diverse spectrum of hues, including white, brown, yellow, red, black, and even lavender. In its natural state, raw jade features a rugged surface with a subtle waxy sheen, while polished jade reveals a smooth, shiny appearance that accentuates its intricate imperfections.

What makes green jade crystals truly special is their unique range of hues and levels of transparency, which vary depending on their geological origins. This natural variation adds to their allure, making each specimen one-of-a-kind.

Being durable is one of the well-known jade properties, ranking between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it ideal for both jewelry designs and carvings of any size.

MINERAL TYPE – Sodium aluminum silicate
CHEMICAL FORMULA – NaAlSi2O6 (jadeite) or Ca2(Mg,Fe)Si2O6 (nephrite)
COLOR – Mostly green. Also white, red, yellow, black, purple, blue, pink, and more.
STREAK – White
LUSTER – Waxy to dull (elaborate)
TRANSPARENCY – Translucent to opaque
HARDNESS – 6.5-7

Where is Jade Found?

Given jade’s classification as two distinct minerals, its presence is widespread across the globe. Particularly notable are Myanmar, renowned for its jadeite jade, and China, recognized for its nephrite jade.

Jadeite, esteemed as the more valuable of the two jade varieties, is primarily sourced from Myanmar, with an estimated 90% of the world’s jadeite coming from this area. Additionally, small quantities have also been discovered in regions such as Taiwan, Japan, Guatemala, Canada, Australia, Russia, and the United States.

Nephrite jade is also distributed across diverse regions of the globe. The famous light-green colored jade is Chinese jade, usually sourced from the Xinjiang Province. Other principal deposits can also be found in New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and the United States.

Types of Jade

While jade crystals are typically associated with shades of light to dark green, their diversity extends far beyond this spectrum. As mentioned earlier, jade consists of two distinct minerals, and it also manifests in a wide array of captivating colors. Here, we provide a brief overview of the colors and types of jade crystals.

Jadeite Jade – The rarer and harder variety of jade. Usually from Myanmar. Can be found in a variety of colors.
Nephrite Jade – Generally green, white or grey. Most light green Chinese jade is this variety.
Imperial Jade – High quality jadeite with a vibrant emerald green color. The rarest and most expensive jade.
White Jade – Can be either jadeite or nephrite. The most expensive of white jade is called ‘mutton fat jade’ which is more translucent than regular jade, and has some light yellow areas.
Red Jade – A rich, crimson colored variety of jadeite. The crystal is red due to the presence of iron.
Yellow Jade – Not a true jade! This yellow crystal is actually the trade name for cloudy quartz that has yellow-colored inclusions. Also called golden jade.
Black Jade – Not truly black, but very, very dark green jade.
Purple Jade – Also known as lavender jade. A soothing purple stone only found in Turkey.
Blue Jade – A variety of jadeite.
Pink Jade – A variety of jadeite.
Orange Jade – A joyful and bright variety of jadeite.
Grey Jade – A smoky hued variety of jadeite.
Snowflake Jade – A man-made crystal with a pale green mottled appearance.
Botryoidal Jade – Lumpy, bumpy grape-looking jade.

How to Tell if Jade is Real

While the most reliable method to verify the authenticity of jade is to seek professional assessment from a jeweler or mineralogist, there are several simple tests you can conduct at home to distinguish real jade vs fake jade.

Visual Inspection
Examine the jade crystal closely. Are there any noticeable imperfections such as veining, impurities, or changes in translucency? Real jade, being a natural stone, typically exhibits unique characteristics due to its composition, and fake jade looks ‘perfect.’

Physical Inspection
Hold the stone in your hands. Does it feel weighty or dense? Real jade tends to have a substantial weight when held, whereas fake jade, often made from materials like glass or plastic, may feel lighter.

Additionally, take note of the temperature of the crystal. Does it feel cool to the touch? Genuine jade tends to feel cool, while imitation jade, particularly if crafted from plastic, may feel warmer.

Scratch Test
In a discreet area, attempt to scratch the crystal with a metal knife or nail. Genuine jade, with a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5-7, should resist scratching. Conversely, fake jade made from materials like glass may exhibit visible scratches under similar conditions.

Jade Benefits & Uses – What is it Good For?

If you’re seeking a healing crystal that blends seamlessly into your daily routine without causing a drastic shift in energy, jade is an excellent option. Jade’s healing properties work quietly but effectively, offering a gentle yet powerful influence.

The affirmations below reinforce jade’s meanings related to nurturing and good luck.

1. I am enough.
2. I trust in my instincts and gut feelings.
3. My creativity propels me towards success.
4. I am ready to build meaningful relationships.
5. I attract abundance in all areas of my life.

To manifest with jade, hold the crystal in your hands and close your eyes. Next, think of an intention and repeat it several times in your mind. Then, open your eyes. The healing crystal has now been “set” with your intention.

With its naturally calming energy, jade serves as an excellent companion for meditation. Hold the stone in your hand during your session and connect with its nurturing properties. You may even sense your heart chakra awakening, fostering a deeper sense of inner peace and self-love.

Given its associations with luck and abundance, incorporating jade into your journaling practice may be quite rewarding. Keep your jade crystal nearby as you jot down your aspirations.

It may just inspire a surge of creativity within you, helping you uncover hidden insights and ideas. Translating these thoughts onto paper brings you one step closer to realizing your goals.

Place the jade gemstone on the edge of your mat. Glance at it occasionally to bring your wandering mind back to a place of calm.

Take your green jade crystal into the bath with you. As you cleanse your body, let the stone aid in washing away any negative energies you’ve accumulated throughout the day, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, both physically and energetically.

For thousands of years, jade crystal has served as a cherished ornamental material. Large carvings crafted from jade make stunning display pieces, capable of taking on virtually any shape imaginable.

What’s more, beyond its aesthetic appeal, simply having a piece of jade in a room allows you to bask in its healing properties as you go about your day.

Jade, like other green crystals, is believed to bring success. Placing a piece of green jade in your workspace may help attract new opportunities and inspire creativity.

Wearing jade jewelry is an effective way to keep the stone’s healing properties with you wherever you go. And if you prefer not to wear jewelry, simply carrying a small tumbled piece with you in your pocket or bag will serve the same purpose.

Caring for Your Jade Crystal

Cleansing and charging are crucial steps in harnessing the full potential of healing crystals. As sensitive entities interacting with various energies, crystals benefit from being “reset” periodically to optimize their effectiveness in serving you.

How to Cleanse Jade Crystals

Below are some fool proof ways to cleanse jade crystals. Choose the method that works best for you.

SALT – Use sea salt to absorb the negative energy that’s been soaked up by the gemstone. The safest way to do so is to place the crystal next to the sea salt and leave overnight.

MOONLIGHT – Place your stone outside overnight to let the glow of the moon wash away any energetic impurities your crystal may have picked up.

BREATHWORK – Hold your stone in your hands as you deeply inhale. Blow onto the stone in several short puffs to complete the cleansing process.

RUNNING WATER – Submerge the crystal in a natural body of water like a stream to wash away any unpleasant energy. Alternatively, use tap water from your home.

SMUDGING – Waft the crystal through the purifying smoke of sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass, allowing the fragrant fumes to cleanse and rejuvenate it.

SOUND THERAPY – Cleanse your jade crystal with the resonating sounds of bells, singing bowls, chimes, or your own voice. The gentle vibrations will purify its energy.

Can jade go in water? – With a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5-7, jade crystals are considered water safe and can effectively be cleansed (energetically) and cleaned (physically) with water. There is no need to submerge the crystal for a prolonged period of time though – brief water exposure is recommended.

How to Charge Jade Crystals

Once your healing crystal has been energetically cleansed it’s time to charge it up for its next use. Choose one of the simple, yet effective methods below.

SUNLIGHT – Let the invigorating rays of the charge up your crystal. Once its brimming with fresh energy, it’s ready to serve you again.

IN THE EARTH – Bury your crystal underground for 24 hours and allow it to soak up the energy of the earth, recharging and realigning its natural vibrations and powers.

SELENITE STONES – One of the most valuable selenite uses is its ability to amplify and energize other stones. Place it under or near your crystal to revitalize its energy.

Chakra Placements

As green crystals, nephrite jade and jadeite jade are associated with the heart chakra.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

HEART CHAKRA – Positioned near the center of the breastbone, the heart chakra influences our acceptance and resistance to life’s experiences.

A blocked heart chakra might manifest as excessive emotional sensitivity, harsh self-criticism, and difficulty in managing relationships, both with others and ourselves.

On the flip side, an open or balanced heart chakra fosters a sense of inner contentment. We gain clarity in understanding our own needs and emotions, enabling us to embrace life’s changes with ease.

Jade Birthstone & Zodiac Associations

While it’s widely understood that each birth month corresponds to specific gemstones, lesser known is the fact that crystals and gemstones are also linked to zodiac signs. Although there is no official jade birthstone designation in terms of months, it holds associations with several zodiac signs.

Jade’s nurturing properties offer Aries individuals a pathway to channel their energetic and courageous nature into productive actions, facilitating personal growth. Moreover, for Aries prone to bouts of short temper, jade’s protective qualities serve as a shield against toxic influences, promoting emotional stability and balance.

Tauruses are renowned for their reliability and loyalty. With the calming and nurturing energy of jade, they can cultivate a profound sense of self-confidence and self-love while staying true to their steadfast nature.

Geminis are naturally curious and social beings, yet they may occasionally struggle with superficiality. Having jade by their side allows Geminis to deepen their connection to intuition and inner wisdom. Moreover, jade’s protective energy shields Geminis from toxic influences, helping them avoid feelings of anxiety triggered by external energies.

Libras are celebrated for their fair-mindedness, yet they may struggle with indecisiveness and people-pleasing tendencies at times. Jade serves as a supportive companion for Libras, fostering a deeper sense of self-acceptance and emotional stability. By empowering Libras to set healthy boundaries in relationships, jade enables them to maintain inner harmony and authenticity.

Crystal Combinations

While each crystal boasts its own unique properties, there’s something truly magical about pairing different stones together. Below, we’ve curated a selection of recommended combinations featuring jade stones.

However, don’t hesitate to experiment with different crystal pairings to find what resonates best with you!

These green heart chakra crystals complement each other beautifully for those on a personal growth journey. Green aventurine crystal aids in releasing old patterns and negative thoughts, while jade nurtures inner confidence and attracts new opportunities.

A crystal duo for heightened intuition and mental clarity. Fluorite crystals dispel stagnant energy and foster a fresher, clearer mind, while jade facilitates connections to higher realms and may even inspire insightful dreams.

A happy go and lucky pair! Green jade crystal draws new opportunities into your life, whether it’s love, career, or success. Lemony citrine crystals maintain positive vibes, infusing you with optimism and a hopeful outlook for the future.

A perfect blend of green and pink crystals for emotional well-being. Rose quartz promotes love in its various forms – platonic, romantic, and self-love. Jade fosters inner contentment and self-confidence, valuable attributes to carry as you navigate through life.

A Final Note

Cool and collected, jade embodies the idea that “confidence is quiet, ego is loud.” With jade, embrace your self-assurance, understand your goals, and trust in your abilities. It’s interesting to observe how hard work often brings luck. Jade supports this composed approach to tackling challenges and aids in attracting new opportunities for you to explore.

what color is jade?

Both types of jade (jadeite and nephrite) come in a variety of colors, but the most popular color of jade is green.

how hard is jade?

Jade’s hardness is 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

Is it a gemstone or a mineral?

It’s classified as both a gemstone and a mineral.

Is jade lucky?

Yes, green jade crystals are considered good luck.

Is it expensive or rare?

In general, jade is not overly expensive or rare, however there are some varieties that are more valuable, in particular Imperial Jade – a rare and expensive form of jadeite.

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