Azurite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Uses

APRIL 17, 2024

azurite crystal

What is Azurite Crystal?

Prepare to be mesmerized by the captivating blue beauty of azurite crystal! An ancient stone of wisdom and emotional healing, azurite crystal is renowned for its striking blue hues and remarkable transformative properties.

Continue reading to uncover the profound meanings and healing benefits of this blue wonder. The more you explore what azurite is used for, you may feel an irresistible pull to add this charming crystal to your collection!

Azurite Pronunciation

It’s not overly difficult to pronounce azurite. The most common American pronunciation sounds like aj-uhr-ite and the name comes from the Persian word for “blue,” similar to lapis lazuli.

Azurite Meaning & Healing Properties

The general meaning of azurite is inner transformation, emotional balance, effective communication, and spiritual awareness.

Throughout history azurite has been considered a sacred blue crystal by many cultures. It has even been linked to the lost wisdom of Atlantis.

In the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece, azurite was held in high esteem for its ability to promote healing, protect against negativity, and connect with divine energies. Similarly, in Chinese culture, azurite was touted as a symbol of heaven, thought to amplify wisdom, insight and spiritual awareness.

In modern day crystal healing and metaphysical practices, many of these beliefs surrounding azurite still persist. Below are the top azurite crystal meanings.

Empowers you to gather the inner strength required to face your fears and gain control over negative emotions and habits, instead of letting them rule you. It’s thought to get to the root of of past trauma from childhood, ancestral memories, and even past-lives.

Facilitates an understanding of the root causes of emotions, leading to stronger emotional control, and the ability to release negative energy from the mind.

Azurite promotes honesty and diplomacy in difficult situations, promoting the inner strength required for speaking up for yourself and communicating clearly with others.

Heightens mental awareness and wisdom, fostering critical thinking by encouraging an open mind while remaining discerning when needed.

Expands the mind and fosters receptiveness to new perspectives and a commitment to lifelong learning. Azurite supports exploring the subconscious to address underlying troubles.

A powerful stone for accessing psychic abilities. Azurite is thought to facilitate lucid dreaming, astral projections, insight and enlightenment.

Azurite Properties & Physical Characteristics

What does azurite look like? Azurite is a mesmerizing deep blue to purple stone that can be found as extremely large nodular formations, crystals, or semi-precious gemstones. As a softer stone, prone to weathering, oftentimes specimens are coated in resin to help stabilize and protect the stone’s natural color, and prevent transformation into malachite.

MINERAL CLASS – A copper carbonate hydroxide mineral. Other varieties of this class include malachite and the chlorite group mineral chrysocolla.

AZURITE COLOR – A deep blue to violet (caused by the copper it contains).

AZURITE HARDNESS – A softer stone, reaching only 3.5 – 4 on the Mohs hardness scale.

LUSTER – Azurite has a vitreous (glassy) luster. Its surface is quite shiny and reflective when polished.

TRANSPARENCY – Typically has an opaque to translucent appearance, meaning that light cannot pass through it easily.

AZURITE CHEMICAL FORMULA – Its chemical composition is Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2.

Where is Azurite Found?

Azurite is primarily found within copper deposits in the United States, specifically Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Copper mines in Bisbee, Arizona are known for producing some of the most beautiful azurite specimens ever discovered.

Outside of the United States, deposits have also been found all around the world in places like France, Namibia, Mexico, Chile, Australia, Russia, Morocco, and China.

Azurite Colors & Types

The color of azurite specimens typically display varying shades of blue, ranging from deep azure to lighter blue-green tones. While not officially classified into distinct “types,” some notable variations of this captivating stone can be found.

Found near the border between Pakistan and China, raindrop azurite is a new stone that has only appeared recently in the stone market. This type of stone is white granite with pieces of azurite dispersed throughout. It was originally discovered at the base of K2 Mountain in Pakistan, which is why it’s often called K2 granite.

A combination of azurite and malachite, resulting in a banded or swirled appearance with both blue and green colors.

Azurite Benefits & Uses

Azurite can be incorporated in one’s life in many ways. For some, to be a part of a crystal healing ritual, and for others, simply for the stone’s aesthetic value. Here are some straightforward uses for azurite that can be incorporated into everyday life.

Below are some examples of affirmations that reinforce azurite’s metaphysical properties related to inner strength:

  1. I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way
  2. I am open to new experiences and perspectives
  3. I am ready to let go of old patterns and embrace change

During a meditation practice, azurite can help quiet the mind, facilitating a deep exploration of the subconscious.

Elevate your yoga practice by incorporating an azurite crystal. Place the crystal at the end of your mat and take a glance at it during your practice, allowing yourself to connect with the stone’s energy.

Hold your azurite crystal in your hand while closing your eyes and thinking of an intention. When you open your eyes, it is believed that the crystal has now been “charged” with the intention you’ve set.

During a relaxing bath, keep your azurite nearby to tap into its transformative and personal growth properties. Keep in mind that azurite is not a water-friendly crystal, so don’t put it directly in the water.

While tumbled stones are ideal for taking on the go, (as they easily fit into pockets, purses, clothing and bags), keep in mind that azurite is a deeply psychic crystal that opens the crown and third eye. Holistic Gemstone Therapist, Nadine, notes that azurite crystals should always be used with intentional concentration in practice, wherever that may be.

Keep your azurite crystal in high-traffic areas of your home to foster enhanced communication and meaningful connections with everyone who enters.

Keep an azurite crystal on your desk to help promote concentration, wisdom, and mental clarity.

It’s thought that keeping azurite by your bedside can aid with lucid dreaming, dream recall, channeling, and safe astral projection. However, should sleeplessness start to occur, you may be sensitive to the crystal’s energy. In that case, it’s best to remove the crystal from the bedroom.

A delicate but dazzling stone for jewelry; necklaces, rings, and bracelets are a great way to incorporate azurite into your everyday life.

Keeps your azurite crystals easily accessible for you to touch and connect with their energy when desired.

Forms & Shapes

Like most crystals, raw azurite can be shaved, sculpted and polished. While azurite is available in many different shapes and forms, it’s a very soft stone, so it’s often mixed with other minerals in order to take specific shapes.

Azurite can be used to make jewelry (azurite rings, bracelets and necklaces are particularly beautiful) but it is brittle and soft, so much care is needed to maintain the stone.

Raw, or rough azurite is the most natural form of the stone. It’s just as it was found in nature, without having experienced any processing.

Small pieces of azurite specimens that have been processed in a tumbling machine. The final result is small pieces of round, smooth, shiny azurite to be used as is or made into azurite beads for jewelry.

An “azurite blueberry” is a term used to describe a small, round formation of azurite crystals that can be very small from just a few millimeters wide up to a centimeter or so in size.

Smooth, heavy, cold, and perfectly round. The spherical shape allows the stone’s energy to be radiated in all directions.

These polished, six or eight-sided crystals are perfect for focusing energy, as the point allows for energy to be directed upward.

A type of azurite crystal formation that has a sparkly, glitter-like appearance due to tiny crystals growing on the surface.

Azurite has been ground up and used as a pigment since ancient Egypt and for paintings in the middle ages. This pigment is still available today, but tends to only be used by painters trying to replicate historical methods of painting in their work.

Also known as meditation stones, these azurite pieces are cut and polished into a round or heart shape, fitting comfortably in the palm of your hand.

The ancient and sacred shape of a pyramid is known for its grounding properties and ability to transmit energy through its points and apex.

Known for their grounding properties, and having six perfectly smooth surfaces – perfect for flaunting azurite’s celestial hues.

Rough azurite can be cut and polished into a smooth, shiny round egg shape. The egg shape is associated with new beginnings, growth and transformation.

Thought to be a power conduit for harnessing the crystal’s energy. These are typically long and thin with a pointed shape, while some edges of azurite wands are raw.

Caring for Your Crystal

Over time, azurite is known to slowly weather into malachite – the blue will lighten to green. To prevent this from occurring, store azurite specimens in a cool, dark place where air circulation is limited, like in a small box or drawer. Remember – heat is not good for azurite (or any other hydroxide mineral) because the heat will cause the stone to turn green or black.

Azurite Cleansing

There are several options for cleansing your azurite crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

SMUDGING – Use the smoke from burning sage to cleanse. Hold the stone in one hand and waft the smoke over it. It’s believed that this will cleanse and purify the stone. Substitutions for sage include cedar, lavender, or even sweetgrass.

MOONLIGHT – Place your stone under the light of a full moon for a few hours to invite the moon’s energy to cleanse and purify.

SOUND THERAPY – Bells and singing bowls are a unique way to cleanse azurite.

Being a softer crystal, water-based cleansing options are not usually recommended as it could lead to damage of the stone.


Some of the methods of charging your azurite overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge your crystal.

IN THE EARTH – Allow your crystal to soak up the energy of the earth by burying it for 24 hours, recharging and realigning its natural vibrations and energy.

MOONLIGHT – Place your stone under the light of a full moon to invite the moon’s energy to recharge and energize the stone.

SOUND THERAPY – Bells and singing bowls are a unique way to activate the crystal.

OTHER STONES – Should you have some clear quartz or selenite available, use their energy to charge your crystal. Simply place the stones near each other.

Azurite Chakra Placements

Azurite is associated with the third eye, crown and throat chakras.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Located in the center of the forehead and also known as the Anja in Sanskrit. This chakra is associated with insight, intuition, and what’s known as a “sixth sense.” Azurite is thought to be strongly associated with the third eye chakra, helping to open the mind to thoughts and feelings that may have previously been out of the question.

CROWN CHAKRA – Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra is the highest of energy centers. It represents spiritual connection, enlightenment and divine consciousness. Using azurite is thought to help amplify and deepen this connection with the divine.

THROAT CHAKRA – The body’s fifth chakra, which holds a secondary connection to azurite. A balanced throat chakra is key for fostering clear self-expression and communication. Using azurite with the throat chakra is believed to help strengthen communication skills, and assist with clear interpretations of spiritual messages.

Azurite Birthstone & Zodiac

Azurite is known to be closely linked with the astrological sign of Sagittarius. It is believed to play a vital role in enhancing their intuition and facilitating spiritual growth.

Given their inherent adventurous spirit, Sagittariuses often find themselves drawn to new experiences and explorations, and azurite is thought to amplify this innate desire for curiosity and discovery.

Additionally, azurite may serve as a catalyst for Sagittariuses to embrace their authentic selves fully, enabling them to express their thoughts and feelings with honesty and confidence.

Crystal Pairings

Crystal healing often involves pairing different stones together to amplify their natural properties and benefits. When two or more crystals are used in combination, they create a synergistic effect that enhances the energy of each individual crystal.

This crystal combination is thought to help open the mind to new ideas. Chrysocolla crystals to help tap into the powers of the divine, and azurite to provide the mental clarity to accept them.

An incredibly popular combination, malachite and azurite together provide a transformational, high vibe energy. Make sure you’re steady on your feet  to positively harness this combination or it could be too much to handle!

Pair these crystals to help get rid of emotional blocks, while supporting personal growth and confidence.

Not only do these stones truly look wonderful together, combined, azurite and black tourmaline crystals are thought to provide a powerful combination of emotional protection and balance.

Azurite Price & Value

As azurite crystals are soft, brittle stones, they don’t take well to lapidary work. This means that faceted azurite crystals are rare, and expensive.

Even raw azurite crystals can be quite valuable, especially specimens that are pure (lacking inclusions of other crystals like malachite).

The value of azurite will vary depending on quality, but can generally range from $15 to $200 USD per carat.

A Final Note

Azurite is a striking crystal that makes a fantastic addition to any crystal collection. As a stone of wisdom and emotional healing, azurite’s purported ability to support effective communication and inner strength make it an incredible tool for any wellness journey or routines.


A blend of two copper carbonate minerals, which produces a mesmerizing blue and green crystal.


Yes, scientists have discovered that azurite is an incredible magnet that is actually influenced by quantum effects (special behaviors that happen at tiny scales like atoms and particles).


As copper mineral, technically azurite can be considered “toxic” but as long as you’re not ingesting the material, and if you wash your hands after touching, there is little concern.


Pure azurite is very rare.


Azurite should not go in water. As a rule of thumb, generally crystals that end with “ite” (like selenite, fluorite, calcite, labradorite, etc.) are not water safe.

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