Top 39 Red Crystals: Names & Meanings

Just as a sultry salsa dance and a blazing fire evoke their own type of heat, red crystals too exude a fiery energy that can inspire you to take action in your life. Don’t settle for mediocrity; let the potent properties of red crystals be your call to action. Discover the top red crystal meanings and names below.

Red Crystal Meaning

The key red crystal meanings are passion, energy, determination, and courage. These fiery stones ignite a spark within us, propelling us into action and pushing us to achieve greatness. With 39 potent red crystals at your fingertips, you too can experience the exhilarating rush of passion and muster all the courage needed to pursue your wildest dreams. So why wait? Let these red crystals light a fire within you and unleash your full potential.


Red Crystal Names & Types

Ready to add some oomph to your life? Look no further than these top 39 red crystal names, each with its unique properties and meanings.

  1. Red Agate
  2. Red Almandine
  3. Andesine
  4. Red Apatite
  5. Red Aventurine
  6. Red Beryl
  7. Bloodstone
  8. Red Calcite
  9. Carnelian
  10. Red Cinnabar
  11. Red Citrine
  12. Red Coral
  13. Red Diamond
  14. Eudialyte
  15. Red Fire Opal
  16. Red Star Garnet
  17. Red Hematite
  18. Jasper
  19. Red Labradorite
  20. Red Malachite
  21. Red Moonstone
  22. Red Pezzottaite
  23. Red Quartz
  24. Rhodochrosite
  25. Rhodolite
  26. Red Rhodonite
  27. Rubellite
  28. Red Ruby
  29. Red Sapphire
  30. Red Sardonyx
  31. Red Scapolite
  32. Red Spinel
  33. Red Sunstone
  34. Red Tantalite
  35. Red Tiger’s Eye
  36. Red Topaz
  37. Unakite
  38. Vanadinite
  39. Red Zircon

1. Red Agate

red agate crystal

Properties: A type of chalcedony from the quartz mineral family. It has a distinct banded appearance, and is an incredibly popular stone for lapidary work due to this striking appearance. While not particularly rare, high-quality specimens can command a premium price due to their vibrant colors and unique banding patterns.

Meaning: Red agate is associated with courage and strength, giving the individual a burst of energy and motivation when required.

2. Red Almandine

red almandine crystal

Properties: A type of garnet characterized by its deep red color, which is sometimes tinged with purple or brown. Red almandine has a vitreous luster, and is relatively hard, making it a popular material for use in jewelry.

Meaning: Red almandine is believed to be a stone of strength and endurance, helping to increase vitality and energy.

3. Andesine

andesine crystal

Properties: A member of the feldspar family, which is a group of minerals that make up about 60% of the Earth’s crust. Specimens may be yellow, green, or red, and often display a distinctive metallic luster.

Meaning: In crystal healing, andesine is thought to bring about a sense of courage and self-confidence, helping the user overcome feelings of fear or self doubt.

4. Red Apatite

red apatite crystal

Properties: A glassy calcium phosphate mineral primarily found in Mexico, Norway, and Canada. Red apatite is sometimes referred to as “Mexican Fire Apatite” due to its fiery color.

Meaning: Crystal enthusiasts have reported that red apatite can enhance vitality and stimulate the Root Chakra, promoting a sense of grounding and stability.

5. Red Aventurine

red aventurine crystal

Properties: A hard quartz mineral, red aventurine is a reddish-brown colored stone with small metallic-looking inclusions. Because of these inclusions red aventurine is sometimes described as a glittery or sparkly crystal. 

Meaning: Red aventurine is associated with the root chakra, and is believed to promote feelings of grounding and stability. In crystal healing, this red crystal stone is also thought to bring about a sense of vitality and passion, helping users overcome feelings of lethargy.

6. Red Beryl

red beryl crystal

Properties: Primarily found in the Wah Wah Mountains of Utah, red beryl is a vibrant red to pinkish red crystal that was first discovered in 1904. It is an incredibly valuable and rare crystal. 

Meaning: Associated with both the heart and root chakras, red beryl is thought to help promote feelings of love, passion and groundedness.

7. Bloodstone

bloodstone crystal

Properties: A primarily green crystal with distinct red inclusions that resemble drops of blood. Bloodstone crystal is a type of chalcedony sourced from India, Brazil, Australia, China and the United States.  

Meaning: In crystal healing, bloodstone is associated with the meanings courage, healing, and protection.

8. Red Calcite

red calcite crystal

Properties: A warm and glowy crystal, red calcite’s hues can range from red to orange. This red crystal is quite soft, with a Mohs rating of 3 and it is sourced from Mexico, Peru and the United States. 

Meaning: Red calcite is believed to help balance emotions, and help individuals overcome feelings of fear or self-doubt.

9. Carnelian

carnelian crystal

Properties: Carnelian is an orange, or reddish-brown variety of quartz. Often described as an “earthy” looking stone, carnelian is quite hard and shines up very nicely when polished. 

Meaning: The general meaning of carnelian is energy, creativity and motivation. It’s also used in energy work for helping to boost confidence and courage.

10. Red Cinnabar

red cinnabar crystal

Properties: A bright red to reddish-brown mercury sulfide mineral that can appear shiny or metallic. A soft, waxy stone, red cinnabar is primarily sourced from China, where it’s been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. 

Meaning: In crystal healing, red cinnabar is thought to help activate the root chakra – promoting feelings of strength and stability.

11. Red Citrine

red citrine crystal

Properties: A variety of quartz with a reddish-orange hue that is known for its transparency and glossy appearance. Red citrine is primarily sourced from Brazil and Madagascar, and is a very durable stone, making it popular for use in jewelry. 

Meaning: Thought to be a red crystal of energy and vitality in crystal healing, red citrine is believed to help increase motivation and drive.

12. Red Coral

red coral crystal

Properties: Not truly a gemstone, red coral is a type of organic matter derived from marine polyps. It has deep red to pink coloring and a unique branch-like structure that makes it stand out from other gems. 

Meaning: Red coral is thought to have calming and grounding properties, helping the individual to release negative emotions and bring about inner peace.

13. Red Diamond

red diamond crystal

Properties: Believed to be the most valuable and rare diamonds in the world! Even after decades of research, scientists are still scratching their heads as to why red diamonds are red. 

Meaning: Red diamonds are associated with passion, power and strength. And like all diamonds, they are also a symbol of eternal love.

14. Eudialyte

eudialyte crystal

Properties: A truly striking healing crystal, eudialyte displays a wide range of colors including pink, red, orange, black, often with veins of white or grey and sometimes displays fluorescent properties. This rare mineral is highly sought after by crystal hobbyists, and is primarily found in Greenland, Russia, and Canada. 

Meaning: This red crystal is thought to help stimulate both creativity and inspiration, helping the user to tap into their unique talents and share them with the world.

15. Red Fire Opal

red fire opal crystal

Properties: A translucent to transparent gemstone with fiery red, orange, or yellow hues. Red fire opal is a unique silica mineral primarily sourced from Mexico. While not a very rare gemstone, high quality specimens can be difficult to find, making them desirable for crystal collectors. 

Meaning: As the name would suggest, red fire opals are thought to have a strong connection to the element of fire and symbolize transformation, courage and strength.

16. Red Star Garnet

red star garnet crystal

Properties: A deep burgundy to red gemstone with a unique star like pattern on its surface. Inclusions of rutile within the crystal are responsible for the “stars”. This silicate mineral is primarily sourced from India, but deposits can also be found in other parts of the world like Tanzania and the United States. 

Meaning: In crystal healing, red star garnets are thought to enhance vitality and energy, boosting feelings of strength and resilience for the user.

17. Red Hematite

red hematite crystal

Properties: Red hematite is an opaque crystal with a distinct metallic luster. Its color ranges from deep red to reddish-brown and is mainly sourced from Brazil. Hematite is a relatively hard stone, and is popular for use in jewelry making. 

Meaning: Red hematite is thought to be a stone of courage, strength and productivity, helping individuals to overcome fear and build resilience in the face of challenges.

18. Jasper

jasper crystal

Properties: Jasper is a remarkable gemstone that comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, including brown, red, yellow, and green. It’s an incredibly popular material for jewelry making and decorative objects. It’s believed that jasper was used for medicinal purposes in ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece and Babylon. 

Meaning: Long believed to be a stone of grounding, red jasper crystal is said to promote feelings of calm and relaxation and to encourage individuals to focus on the present moment.

19. Red Labradorite

Labradorite Crystal

Properties: Red labradorite is a feldspar mineral that typically has a base color of dark grey with flashes of red, blue, or green when light hits it at certain angles. These flashes of color are due to labradorescence, a unique optical phenomenon. 

Meaning: A red crystal of focus, red labradorite is thought to help individuals stay centered and level headed, particularly in times of stress or change.

20. Red Malachite

red malachite crystal

Properties: An exquisite red stone with distinct banding and patterns across its surface. It has a vitreous to silky luster and tends to be translucent or opaque. Red malachite is a soft stone, with a Mohs rating of 3.5-4 and is mostly sourced from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Namibia. This crystal is considered rare, and certain specimens can be quite valuable. 

Meaning: Red malachite is thought to help release negative emotions, promoting feelings of calmness and serenity. It’s also often used for balancing the root chakra, which is associated with grounding and stability.

21. Red Moonstone

red moonstone crystal

Properties: A type of feldspar mineral with a unique iridescence or schiller effect that reflects light in different colors. A presence of iron in the mineral is responsible for its reddish hue, and gives it a warm, fiery glow. Compared to other moonstone varieties, red moonstone is quite rare, and is only found in a few locations across the world.

Meaning: Red moonstone is believed to have a strong connection to the sacral chakra, which is the body’s energy hub that is associated with creativity, passion, and sexuality. It’s also said to help stimulate the flow of creative energy, boost confidence, and inspire passion and vitality.

22. Red Pezzottaite

red pezzottaite crystal

Properties: A rare gemstone that is often found in small crystals, red pezzottaite can be pinkish-red to bright red in color, sometimes with hints of purple or orange throughout. A relatively new crystal, it was first discovered in 2002 in Madagascar. 

Meaning: Pezzottaite is known as a crystal of joy and positivity, and it is often associated with love, creativity, and self-expression. It is believed to help us tap into our inner child and bring a sense of playfulness and spontaneity to our lives.

23. Red Quartz

red quartz crystal

Properties: Red quartz tends to have inclusions of iron oxide or hematite, which are responsible for its rosy coloring. Sometimes red quartz is referred to as hematoid quartz or fire quartz. It can have a translucent to opaque appearance with a glassy or waxy luster. 

Meaning: This crystal is associated with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and is believed to govern survival and grounding. Red quartz is also thought to promote mental clarity.

24. Rhodochrosite

rhodochrosite crystal

Properties: A pink to red crystal that often displays banding of white or black making it stand out from other stones. Rhodochrosite crystal is a manganese carbonate mineral that is considered rare and valuable.

Meaning: Rhodochrosite is believed to promote emotional healing and encourage self-love, compassion, and promote a positive outlook on life.

25. Rhodolite

rhodolite crystal

Properties: A type of garnet crystal that ranges in color from pinkish-red to purplish-red. It has a vitreous to subadamantine luster and a transparent to translucent appearance. The name “rhodolite” comes from the Greek word “rhodon” which means “rose,” in reference to its pinkish-red color.

Meaning: Rhodolite is believed to enhance love and compassion, promoting emotional healing and balance. It is said to help release negative energy and promote positivity and self-confidence.

26. Red Rhodonite

red rhodonite crystal

Properties: A typically opaque crystal with pink-red coloring and black or brown spots or veins. Rhodonite crystals are manganese insilicate minerals often used in jewelry making and as decorative pieces. 

Meaning: Red rhodonite is sometimes called the “rescue stone” as it’s thought to help individuals overcome situations that feel traumatic. It’s believed to have a calming effect on the emotions, and help users feel more grounded.

27. Rubellite

rubellite crystal

Properties: A type of tourmaline that ranges in color from deep pink to reddish-purple. Rubellite has a vitreous luster and a transparent to translucent appearance. The name “rubellite” comes from the Latin word “rubellus,” meaning reddish.

Meaning: Rubellite is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to help open the heart to love and compassion. In crystal healing, rubellite is often used to enhance relationships, both romantic and platonic, by promoting empathy and understanding between individuals.

28. Red Ruby

red ruby crystal

Properties: Red ruby is a translucent to opaque corundum mineral that exhibits a deep red color and is one of the four precious gemstones, alongside diamond, sapphire, and emerald. It is a hard stone with a Mohs hardness rating of 9, making it one of the hardest gemstones. 

Meaning: Ruby is known as the “stone of nobility” and is associated with passion, love, and courage. In crystal healing, ruby is often used to balance the heart chakra and promote emotional well-being.

29. Red Sapphire

red sapphire crystal

Properties: Red sapphires are a type of corundum mineral that come in deep reds, and pinkish-red colors, much like a ruby. Sapphires are hard stones, with a Mohs rating of 9 they are one of the most durable gemstones. Red sapphires are known as “fancy sapphires” and are relatively rare. 

Meaning: In crystal healing, red sapphire is used to promote courage, strength, and determination, helping to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. It’s also thought to stimulate the root chakra, promoting feelings of stability and grounding.

30. Red Sardonyx

red sardonyx crystal

Properties: Red sardonyx is a variety of chalcedony and is made up of combinations of reddish-brown and white bands. These gorgeous patterns are what the crystal is most known for. The ancient Greeks and Romans used sardonyx to create cameos and intaglios.  

Meaning: Red sardonyx is believed to promote courage, self-control, inner strength, integrity, and discipline.

31. Red Scapolite

red scapolite crystal

Properties: Red scapolite tends to come in a range of red to pink hues, and is translucent to transparent. It isn’t the most well known gemstone, but is relatively hard, making it suitable for use in jewelry making. 

Meaning: Red scapolite is tied to inner strength, and is thought to help individuals have a greater sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.

32. Red Spinel

red spinel crystal

Properties: Red spinel is typically deep red or pinkish-red, but it can also come in shades of orange, purple, and blue. Because of its color and sparkle, this stone is often confused with a ruby, but it has a completely different chemical composition. Red spinel has been found in some of the world’s most famous crown jewels, including the British Crown Jewels and the Russian Imperial Crown.

Meaning: Red spinel is believed to bring courage and confidence to the wearer, helping them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. It’s also thought to help enhance creativity and passion.

33. Red Sunstone

red sunstone crystal

Properties: A fiery crystal with warm, orange-red hues. Red sunstone is a feldspar mineral that often appears to have a sparkling effect due to inclusions of copper platelets or iron oxide. 

Meaning: Red sunstone is associated with the element of fire, and is thought to have meanings like joy and vitality, helping individuals connect with their passion and drive.

34. Red Tantalite

red tantalite crystal

Properties: A tantalizing crystal with a deep red hue that can almost appear black in some lighting. Primarily found in Madagascar, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, red tantalite is sometimes referred to as “red emerald” due to its deep color. 

Meaning: Red tantalite is thought to help individuals overcome their fears and worries, promoting emotional balance and stability. It’s also associated with the root chakra, possibly connecting users with their primal energy!

35. Red Tiger’s Eye

red tiger's eye crystal

Properties: Red tiger’s eye crystal has a rich, reddish-brown color and shimmery effects caused by parallel fibrous inclusions. This quartz mineral is primarily sourced from South Africa and Australia, and is often called the “Dragon’s eye” because of its fiery red color. 

Meaning: Red tiger’s eye is thought to have a stimulating energy about it, helping individuals increase concentration and self confidence.

36. Red Topaz

topaz crystal

Properties: A silicate mineral with a unique orange-red color that is primarily sourced from Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. Red topaz is a very hard, glassy stone and specimens with deep coloring and free from inclusions can be quite valuable. 

Meaning: Red topaz is a crystal of passion and creativity. It’s said to help individuals release feelings of fear, shame and guilt – allowing them to freely express themselves.

37. Unakite


Properties: A mottled green crystal with inclusions of pink, red, and white. Its distinctive patterns make it stand out from other crystals. Unakite is named after the Unaka Mountains in North Carolina, where it was first discovered in the United States in the early 1900s.

Meaning: Unakite is thought to be able to help users release blockages related to past traumas, supporting them to experience emotional and spiritual growth.

38. Vanadinite

vanadinite crystal

Properties: Vanadinite is a beautiful orange-red crystal that’s often associated with desert landscapes due to its resemblance to sand and rocks. It has a Mohs rating of only 3.5-4.5 and deposits are mainly located in Morocco. 

Meaning: Vanadinite is associated with the root chakra and is said to promote grounding, stability, and a sense of security. These crystals are sometimes used in meditation and spiritual practices to facilitate deep relaxation and a sense of inner peace.

39. Red Zircon

red zircon crystal

Properties: A brilliantly shiny crystal with vibrant red or brown-red coloring, often confused with rubies and garnets. Red zircon is one of the oldest minerals on Earth, with some specimens dating back over 4 billion years. 

Meaning: Red zircon is associated with the root and sacral chakras and is said to promote energy, vitality, and passion.