Top 29 Blue Crystals: Names & Meanings

Blue crystals have a certain mystique that’s hard to resist – like the feeling of sitting by a calm lake or gazing up at a clear, open sky. Whether you’re struggling to communicate with others or simply seeking inner peace, working with blue crystals can help you unlock your truest self. Let’s explore the allure and benefits of blue crystals and the magic they can bring into your life.

Blue Crystal Meaning

Blue crystals are the perfect choice for promoting mental clarity and honest expression of thoughts and emotions – true communication stones. They are deeply tied to the raw elements of trust and sincerity, aligning with our innermost feelings. For those who struggle with expressing what’s on their mind, working with blue crystals can be a powerful way to promote clear communication with friends, loved ones, and colleagues. With their soothing and calming energy, blue crystals help to open the channels of honest and authentic self-expression, allowing your voice to be heard and your thoughts to be understood.


Blue Crystal Names & Types

If you’re looking to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with the earth, exploring the realm of blue crystals may be just what you need. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, the unique and stunning appearance of these 29 blue crystal varieties may enhance your spiritual journey and promote overall wellness. Additionally, each type of blue crystal boasts its own set of powerful metaphysical properties that can aid in various aspects of your life.

  1. Angelite
  2. Blue Apatite
  3. Aquamarine
  4. Blue Aventurine
  5. Azurite
  6. Blue Calcite
  7. Celestite
  8. Blue Chalcedony
  9. Chrysocolla
  10. Dumortierite
  11. Blue Fluorite
  12. Grandidierite
  13. Iolite
  14. Blue Kyanite
  15. Labradorite
  16. Blue Lace Agate
  17. Lapis Lazuli
  18. Larimar
  19. Blue Moonstone
  20. Blue Opal
  21. Blue Quartz
  22. Sapphire
  23. Sodalite
  24. Blue Spinel
  25. Tanzanite
  26. Blue Topaz
  27. Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)
  28. Turquoise
  29. Blue Zircon

1. Angelite

Angelite Crystal

Properties: A light blue crystal belonging to the gypsum family. It is formed from celestite under high pressure over millions of years and has a soft, light blue color. Due to its delicate nature, angelite is often used for carving and making decorative items. Its beauty and unique physical properties make it a popular addition to many collections.

Meaning: Angelite is a blue healing crystal that has a peaceful and soothing energy. It is believed to help improve spiritual awareness and promote a sense of inner peace. Its gentle nature makes it a powerful tool for cultivating emotional stability and tranquility in one’s life.

2. Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite Crystal

Properties: Blue apatite is a brittle calcium phosphate mineral with gorgeous hues. While not typically used in jewelry making due to its low score of 5 on the Mohs hardness scale, it’s incredibly popular among gemstone and crystal collectors. Its name comes from the Greek word “to deceive” as it’s often mistaken for similar-looking crystals such as peridot and beryl.

Meaning: Blue apatite is a powerful crystal for promoting self-reflection and inner clarity, effectively washing away mental confusion. If you’re interested in personal growth, blue apatite is a valuable stone for expanding knowledge and seeking truth – it’s no wonder it activates the third eye chakra!

3. Aquamarine

Aquamarine Crystal

Properties: Aquamarine crystal is a greenish-blue beryl mineral, with some specimens displaying stunning clarity and transparency. As a semi-precious gemstone, it has captured the hearts of many. The name “aquamarine” is derived from two Latin words, meaning “color of the sea”.

Meaning: Of all the crystals that are blue, aquamarine is very special. This blue crystal is associated with water and is the first spring birthstone. As a result, it symbolizes new beginnings (like water washing something away) and transformation. In the past, it was thought to protect sailors at sea by instilling fearlessness in them. Like water, aquamarine crystals are tranquil and serene, promoting insightfulness, hope, and even a youthful energy.

4. Blue Aventurine

Blue Aventurine Crystal

Properties: Blue aventurine is a captivating healing crystal from the quartz family, boasting a sturdy Mohs rating of 7. Primarily sourced from Canada and India, this mystical stone derives its exquisite blue hue from inclusions of dumortierite, which creates a subtle glistening or shimmering effect.

Meaning: This gentle and empowering stone exudes a masculine energy, fostering self-discipline and inner strength. Blue aventurine is a powerful tool for those seeking to act with intention and reason.

5. Azurite

Azurite Crystal

Properties: Azurite, an ancient copper-based mineral, is as rare as it is beautiful. Its soft blue color is typically opaque in appearance, and it’s even classified as a semi-precious gemstone.

Meaning: For thousands of years, azurite has been known as a blue crystal for emotional healing, wisdom, and truth. It is also believed to guide one’s psychic and intuitive development, acting as a beacon of insight in the often confusing realm of spiritual growth.

6. Blue Calcite

blue calcite Crystal

Properties: Though calcite is a common carbonate mineral, blue calcite is a rare and coveted variety, found in only a handful of places on Earth, primarily in Mexico and South Africa. With a softness rating of 3 on the Mohs scale, this stone is often carved into intricate shapes by skilled lapidarists.

Meaning: Blue calcite is a potent crystal for soothing and relaxing emotions, filtering out negative energies and generating positive ones in their place. This stone is a catalyst for mental clarity and creativity, unblocking mental barriers and unlocking one’s full potential.

7. Celestite

celestite Crystal

Properties: Celestite is a fascinating strontium sulphate mineral that captures the essence of the divine. Its fragile structure is formed by an abundance of delicate shards. Found across the globe, this celestial crystal takes its name from its original Latin description, which roughly translates to “celestial and heavenly” – a fitting tribute to its ethereal qualities.

Meaning: Like most blue crystals, celestite has an association with the divine. Like a divine messenger from the heavens, celestial crystals are linked to spiritual awareness and improving mindfulness and understanding.

8. Blue Chalcedony

blue chalcedony Crystal

Properties: A precious gift from ancient Turkey, blue chalcedony is a rare and treasured variety of the quartz family. From the palest, translucent blue to the rich, opaque baby blue, its colors are as diverse as they are breathtaking. Perfect for cutting, polishing, and tumbling, this wondrous crystal has been prized for its beauty for over 4,500 years.

Meaning: Blue chalcedony’s enchanting aura has an incredible calming energy that can bring clarity and harmony to both our thoughts and our communication with others. Its gentle presence inspires deeper connections and meaningful conversations, helping us to express ourselves more effectively and to foster more meaningful relationships with those around us.

9. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla Crystal

Properties: From bluey-green to vibrant teal hues, chrysocolla is a true marvel of nature. This soft, opaque crystal with a vitreous to dull luster is often mistaken for turquoise due to its similar appearance.

Meaning: As a communication stone, chrysocolla is unparalleled, offering an avenue for teachable moments and transformation. Its gentle, soothing energy promotes calm and inspires peace, making it a wonderful tool to have on hand during disagreements or heated discussions. Chrysocolla helps to bring balance and harmony to our lives, fostering a neutral and level-headed attitude towards the world around us.

10. Dumortierite

Dumortierite Crystal

Properties: Dubbed as the “blue denim stone,” dumortierite displays a range of shades from serene blues and greens to rich browns. On rare occasions, it reveals stunning pink and violet hues. This mineral can be found all over the world, including the USA, Canada, Brazil, and Peru. Being quite sturdy, it is often used as an affordable alternative to lapis lazuli in jewelry design.

Meaning: Dumortierite is a mystical stone believed to balance and regulate emotions, enhance self-discipline, and promote clairvoyance and intuitive abilities. It’s a perfect companion for anyone seeking both inter personal and spiritual growth.

11. Blue Fluorite

Blue Fluorite Crystal

Properties: As a member of the halide group of minerals, blue fluorite is an enchanting and colorful specimen. Fluorite comes in almost every color in the spectrum, including rainbow and colorless varieties. This mesmerizing mineral is found all over the world and displays a magical glow when exposed to UV light. The name fluorite comes from the Latin word “fluere,” which means “to flow,” a nod to its ability to easily melt when exposed to high heat.

Meaning: Blue fluorite radiates with stability and practicality, serving as a great tool for drowning out the noise around us and getting focused on our inner selves. It can help us become solution-focused, even in the most chaotic and challenging of times.

12. Grandidierite

Grandidierite Crystal

Properties: A “newer” stone, grandidierite was only discovered in 1902. It’s quite rare, and to this date has only been found in Madagascar and Sri Lanka. Deposits are still being found to this day, even as recently as 2014. Although the mineral is a simple bluey-green hue, high quality specimens are incredibly expensive. It’s a hard stone, 7 on the Mohs scale, but its cleavage makes it very difficult to cut. That, combined with its rarity is why you don’t see it in jewelry design as much as you’d expect. 

Meaning: Grandidierite is a powerful blue crystal that clears the clutter in your mind and encourages you to make important decisions. It opens your mind to see the benefits of taking the tough road, leading you to a path of growth and success. As a rare and highly sought-after stone, grandidierite is a symbol of personal growth and strength.

13. Iolite

Iolite Crystal

Properties: As a silicate mineral, iolite is a unique variety of the cordierite mineral. While it can range from a blue and purple crystal to grey or colorless, one thing is certain: iolite is a highly durable crystal that ranges from transparent to translucent.

Meaning: Use iolite when you want to become in tune with your inner self and promote self discovery. This crystal assists with heightening communication – with those around you and your inner self. If you’re ready to stop looking outwards for answers and focus on your own journey, then look no further than iolite. 

14. Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite Crystal

Properties: Named after the Greek word for blue, blue kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral that forms in elongated blades. Of all the kyanite varieties, blue is the most common color. What sets kyanite apart from other crystals is its anisotropic nature, which means its Mohs hardness changes depending on the angle of pressure. Vertically, it ranges from 4.5 to 5.5, while horizontally it ranges from 6 to 7.

Meaning: The meaning behind blue kyanite is spirituality, self expression and communication. When you’re feeling ready to speak your truth and find inner peace, blue kyanite can help you tap into the power of your throat and third eye chakras.

15. Labradorite

Labradorite Crystal

Properties: A type of feldspar, labradorite is a stunning blue crystal that takes its name from the Canadian province of Labrador where it was first discovered. With its internal layering, labradorite displays a magical labradorescence, making it highly sought after for jewelry. While labradorite is relatively sturdy, scoring 6-6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, its internal layering makes it somewhat susceptible to breakage, so handling with care is recommended.

Meaning: When you’re feeling depleted or overworked, turn to labradorite. This gemstone is excellent for restoring personal energy and supporting willpower and determination, while simultaneously shielding against negative energies. It’s also believed to stimulate the throat chakra – the body’s communication hub.

16. Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate Crystal

Properties: This peaceful-looking crystal, a variety of banded chalcedony and a type of quartz mineral, is aptly named for its layered blue hues. Mainly mined in Namibia, blue lace agate is incredibly durable and feels cool to the touch. 

Meaning: Blue lace agate has an air of calmness and tranquility about it. It’s thought that this stone can contribute to stronger emotional health, and help the user remain cool, calm and collected in times of worry or stress.

17. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Crystal

Properties: Lapis lazuli is a semi precious gemstone classified as a rock (and not a crystal) due to its makeup. An intense dark blue crystal with specks of gold, this stone has a truly celestial appearance. 

Meaning: Dubbed “The Wisdom Stone”, lapis lazuli is said to promote calmness, self awareness and inner peace, which can lead to better mental clarity and greater intuition.

18. Larimar

Larimar Crystal

Properties: A rare variety of silicate mineral pectolite, larimar stones are found in the Dominican Republic. Its coloring ranges from whitish blue, to deeper green-blues. Larimar is smack dab in the middle of the Mohs hardness scale, at 4.5-5 making it somewhat durable. 

Meaning: Larimar is said to promote personal wisdom and clear communication, aiding in courage and self-confidence, which can help overcome self-doubt.

19. Blue Moonstone

Blue Moonstone Crystal

Properties: A variety of feldspar, blue moonstone has a magnificent lunar sheen. It is mined across the world but the largest deposits are found in Sri Lanka and India. 

Meaning: Blue moonstone exudes a gentle, feminine energy that promotes mental clarity, inner confidence, and creativity. Its soothing abilities help users to see things clearly and focus their minds.

20. Blue Opal

Blue Opal Crystal

Properties: Blue opal is classified as an amorphous mineraloid. While it’s found in several places the most famous type of blue opal is found in the Peruvian Andes Mountains. With a high water content, blue opals are soft and easily scratched (which is good to note if you have opal jewelry or tumbled stones).

Meaning: This calming crystal has a softness that helps ease unnecessary negative emotions. It promotes self-expression, boosts confidence, and encourages the flow of fresh ideas.

21. Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz Crystal

Properties: A very rare variety of quartz, blue quartz is typically found near deposits of copper and ranges from opaque to translucent. The blue color is due to inclusions within the stone, often of magnesioriebeckite, crocidolite, or tourmaline. 

Meaning: Blue quartz is associated with the throat chakra, so of course it aids in communication! In addition to this quality, this blue crystal also supports creativity, self expression and has balancing properties.

22. Sapphire

sapphire Crystal

Properties: Blue sapphires, part of the corundum mineral family, are incredibly hard, with a Mohs hardness rating of 9. They get their beautiful hue from trace amounts of iron and titanium. The most valuable blue sapphires are those with deep, vivid color saturation. 

Meaning: Look to your shiny sapphire for mental clarity and an enhancement of wisdom. This blue stone inspires truth and personal integrity while protecting from negative energies.

23. Sodalite

Sodalite Crystal

Properties: Sodalite is a feldspathoid mineral, usually translucent and with a vitreous luster. It is blue to blue-violet and falls right in the middle of the Mohs hardness scale, at 5.5-6.

Meaning: Thought to support balance and calm anxious feelings, sodalite is a dependable friend when you’re looking for emotional care. For those interested in tapping into the world of divination, sodalite is also thought to help tap into psychic ability and open up spiritual perception.

24. Blue Spinel

Blue Spinel Crystal

Properties: Similar to sapphires in color, luster, and reflectivity, blue spinels have an intense blue hue, thanks to trace amounts of cobalt and chromium. These durable crystals rank 8 on the Mohs hardness scale and are mined in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Vietnam.

Meaning: A calming stone, blue spinel preaches peace and tranquility. In times of stress and uncertainty, you may wish to look to blue spinel to help shift your mind to a more relaxing state.

25. Tanzanite

Tanzanite Crystal

Properties: Tanzanite crystal is the blue variety of zoisite, a calcium aluminum hydroxyl sorosilicate mineral. Small amounts of vanadium give it its blue color. The world’s only known source of tanzanite is within a small piece of land near Mount Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania. This crystal exhibits trichroism, which is incredibly interesting to see. As you rotate the stone, different colors like bluish red, purple, green and yellow are visible. 

Meaning: Tanzanite stones are thought to be powerful specimens, having the ability to connect the user to higher spiritual realms. Considered a high vibrational stone, tanzanite may also help users get to know themselves on a deeper level.

26. Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz Crystal

Properties: Blue topaz is an aluminum silicate mineral, which is composed of up to 20% fluorine or water. Naturally occurring blue topaz is incredibly rare – quite often colorless or pale varieties are heat treated to change the hue to a more desirable color. 

Meaning: A well rounded crystal, blue topaz is known for its abilities to heal, recharge, and promote compassion. When things feel uncertain, look to blue topaz as it can help redirect internal energies to where they may be lacking.

27. Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)

Blue Tourmaline Crystal

Properties: Blue tourmaline (also known as indicolite) is a boron silicate mineral that can contain trace amounts of other elements (like aluminum, iron, and magnesium). It’s considered a rare gemstone, and can be found in several locations across the world. Interestingly, blue tourmaline is both piezoelectric (can generate a charge when subjected to pressure) and pleochroic (can display different colors when viewed at different angles). 

Meaning: Thought to activate the third eye chakra, blue tourmaline is often used for enhancing intuition and heightening spiritual awareness. In crystal healing, this blue crystal is revered for its ability to promote self-self and overcome feelings of shame or guilt – truly a transformational stone.

28. Turquoise

Turquoise Crystal

Properties: Turquoise crystal is a mineral that comes in blue to green shades, and is not particularly hard – only reaching about a 6 on the Mohs hardness scale. In their finest forms, these blue green crystals are rare and valuable. Turquoise is mostly found in arid climates like Iran and Egypt. 

Meaning: While turquoise is said to help open all chakras, it’s believed to be particularly effective at activating the throat chakra which is the energy hub that rules communication.

29. Blue Zircon

Blue Zircon Crystal

Properties: Blue zircon is considered a rare and valuable gemstone, with some specimens fetching $200 USD per carat. A durable stone, blue zircon is not naturally occurring, and is actually produced from heat treating very specific brown zircon specimens. Blue is the most sought after color of zircon, making up about 80% of zircon sales. 

Meaning: To get in tune with your own feelings, look to blue zircon. A stone tied to purity, this blue crystal is also said to help clear one’s mind.