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Hematite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

tumbled hematite crystals

What is Hematite Crystal?

Hematite crystals, composed of dense iron oxide minerals, possess a striking dark metallic sheen and emit a subtle yet powerful energy. When held, they feel weighty and demand attention. This draw of focus, coupled with their strong connection to the root chakra, instills a profound sense of grounding and stability.

Hematite stones are ideal companions during times of chaos, helping you focus, take things step by step, and navigate challenges with composure.

Consider this stone as the epitome of “cool, calm, and collected.” Dive deeper into hematite’s meanings, healing properties, and benefits in this comprehensive guide.

Hematite Pronunciation

Pronouncing hematite is straightforward: it’s pronounced as you’d expect, hee-muh-tite.

The name “hematite” originates from the Greek word “haima,” which translates to “blood.” This name was inspired by the blood-red dust that appears when the stones are cut and polished.

Hematite Meaning & Healing Properties

The key hematite meanings and healing properties are protection, grounding, focus, and confidence.

Over the ages, hematite crystal has been closely linked to ideas of healing and protection. Its abundant iron content and striking red color have long evoked connections to blood-related concepts, even reflected in its name “hematite.” Ancient beliefs attributed to hematite the power to improve circulation and aid in healing, particularly in the realms of childbirth and treating battlefield injuries.

As an important protection crystal, hematite acts as a potent shield, deflecting negative energies that hinder your pursuit of joy and fulfillment. Its negativity-absorbing qualities not only safeguard you from internal discord but also shields you from external influences.

Renowned as one of the foremost grounding stones, hematite anchors us to a state of equilibrium and strength, particularly during times of upheaval and uncertainty.

Hematite fosters unparalleled mental clarity and mindfulness, allowing you to maintain unwavering focus on your objectives while insulating yourself from distractions and outside influences. It empowers you to navigate life with composure and control over your emotions.

In the presence of hematite’s magnetic influence, we find ourselves exuding irresistible charisma. It empowers you to shed negative or unhelpful traits and behaviors, replacing them with a deep sense of self-worth and the boldness to pursue your goals without hesitation.

Are there any Hematite Side Effects?

While hematite crystal is generally safe for external use, it’s important to be mindful of these considerations to ensure a positive experience. First and foremost, it’s crucial to emphasize that hematite should never be ingested or inhaled, as this can pose serious health risks.

When used externally, by handling or wearing, hematite typically doesn’t cause adverse reactions. However, there are a couple of hematite side effects that some individuals have reported experiencing when working with this crystal.

Dizziness: The profound grounding effect of hematite, which firmly connects you to the earth’s energy, can initially catch some users off guard, leading to feelings of dizziness. If this occurs, it’s recommended to limit the duration of your interactions with the stone until you acclimate to its energy.

Tingling: Certain users may notice a tingling sensation spreading throughout their body when working with hematite. This sensation, akin to excitement, may indicate the release of stored negative emotions and the emergence of feelings of vitality. If you find this sensation enjoyable, there’s typically no need to discontinue use.

To help avoid feelings of dizziness or tingling, keep the hematite crystal at waist level or lower. If you experience what you would consider a hematite side effect while working with the crystal, feel free to put it away for a while, work with it in shorter increments, or work with it when you’re in a different headspace.

Hematite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Hematite crystal, an iron oxide mineral, stands as one of the Earth’s most abundant treasures. Found in various locales worldwide, including South Africa, Brazil, Quebec, Lake Superior, Ontario, British Columbia, Yukon Territory, Switzerland, England, and Venezuela, it serves as a vital source of iron ore.

In terms of durability, hematite’s hardness ranks at a 5-6 on the Mohs hardness scale, showcasing what we would consider a reasonable toughness.

What does hematite look like? – Polished hematite presents a mesmerizing metallic sheen, owing to its iron composition. This captivating aesthetic is matched by its substantial density, again, thanks to its high iron content. With a specific gravity ranging from 4.9 to 5.3, hematite crystals are significantly heavier than most other common minerals. This heaviness is immediately noticeable when holding a piece in the hand, and is one of the most notable hematite properties.

MINERAL TYPE – Iron oxide mineral
HEMATITE STREAK – Bright to brownish red
HEMATITE LUSTER – Metallic to splendent (meaning reflective, like a mirror)
HEMATITE HARDNESS – 5-6 on the Mohs scale of hardness

Is Hematite Magnetic?

While some specimens of hematite contain inclusions that render them very weakly magnetic, they typically lack the magnetic force to attract objects like a true magnet does.

Adding to the complexity, there exists a man-made product crafted from ceramic material known as “magnetic hematite,” which does exhibit magnetic properties. It’s important to note that this product is artificial and not naturally occurring.

Complicating matters further, both genuine hematite and magnetic hematite share a striking visual resemblance to one another, contributing to potential confusion between the two materials.

Hematite Colors & Types

While the classic black hematite remains a beloved favorite, there are intriguing color variations that emerge when other minerals sneak into the crystal’s formation process. Below, we provide a brief overview of each.

Specular Hematite – Known for its inherent metallic luster, this variety stands out for its reflective surface even in its raw form, unlike other types of hematite that require polishing for shine. It’s also primarily found in metamorphic rocks, unlike other varieties that are found in a range of geological environments.

Rainbow Hematite – In the realm of rainbow hematite, there exists both natural and man-made forms.

In its natural state, iridescent hematite is a rare find. Its mesmerizing rainbow hues emerge from a delicate layer of microscopic platelets on its surface, interacting with light to produce its vibrant sheen.

On the other hand, man-made rainbow hematite crystals undergo a process where a metallic coating, commonly referred to as ‘aura,’ is applied to their surface. This coating is achieved through vapor deposition at high temperatures within a vacuum chamber. While these crystals maintain their genuine hematite composition, the exterior coating is not of natural origin.

Red Hematite – Although hematite is commonly recognized as a smooth, silvery-black crystal, it also frequently occurs in red varieties. This red coloration is often attributed to oxidized iron within the mineral’s composition.

Gold Hematite – While pure hematite is not naturally gold in color, there are occasions where natural hematite may display a golden hue. This occurs when the mineral contains inclusions of other minerals such as goethite or limonite, which are commonly found alongside hematite. In such cases, the presence of these impurities will make the hematite exhibit a golden color.

Blue Hematite – With the presence of minerals like azurite or chalcopyrite, natural hematite may take on a blue like hue.

Green Hematite – When natural hematite contains impurities of minerals like malachite or chlorite, it’s possible for the crystal to take on a green color.

“Hematite is often referred to as the Great-Grandmother of all stones (and thus Earth). It is one of, if not the most, important grounding stone to work with.” – Nadine, Certified Holistic Gemstone Therapist

Hematite Benefits & Uses – What is it Used For?

In moments of chaos and uncertainty, hematite steps in to offer its dependable support. Dive into our curated list of favorite hematite uses, designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine and help restore balance when life feels overwhelming.

Choose one of these hematite affirmations to reinforce the healing crystal’s healing properties related to grounding and stability.

1. I am safe and secure
2. I have trust in myself
3. It will all work out

Harness the power of hematite to manifest your aspirations. This versatile stone is ideal for setting intentions related to personal growth, focus, or confidence.

To infuse your hematite crystal with intention, simply hold it in your hand and close your eyes. Repeat your chosen intention silently in your mind. When you feel ready, open your eyes. Your stone is now “set” with your intention, ready to support you on your journey.

As a grounding crystal, we love using hematite in a grounding meditation practice. Below is a simple grounding meditation for beginners.

  1. Sit or lie down comfortably with your hematite crystal in your hand or nearby (keep it at waist level or lower).
  2. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.
  3. Visualize roots extending from your body into the earth.
  4. Feel the grounding energy of the earth flowing up through these roots.
  5. Allow yourself to soak up this healing energy for a few moments.
  6. Open your eyes and gently release any tension.
  7. Thank your hematite crystal for its support.
  8. Carry this feeling of grounding with you throughout your day.

Pairing yoga with hematite crystals creates a powerful stress-relief duo. Hematite, renowned for its identity as a crystal for anxiety, complements the calming effects of yoga. Studies support yoga’s role as a complementary medicine in alleviating stress and anxiety, making it a perfect match for the grounding energy of hematite.

Hematite’s benefits shine in fast-paced or demanding work environments, where maintaining mental clarity is key. By keeping a hematite crystal on your desk or workspace, you can cultivate a steady sense of confidence throughout your day. This grounding stone acts as a buffer against negativity, helping to prevent flustered moments and ensuring you stay composed, focused, and on top of your game.

As a crystal for travel, hematite acts as a shield, safeguarding your mindset from external negativity, ensuring your head stays clear and positive during your travels.

Your home should be your sanctuary, a place of security and comfort. Enhance this feeling by placing a hematite crystal in the rooms you frequent the most. Hematite activates the root chakra, fostering a sense of security and grounding, ensuring you feel firmly rooted and supported in your space.

Indulging in a bath offers a perfect chance to unwind and reflect on your day. Elevate this ritual by incorporating the benefits of hematite into your bath routine. Place your hematite on the ledge nearby – not close enough to get wet, but close enough to feel its energy. As you soak in the warm water and let go of the day’s tensions, hematite’s healing properties work to absorb any toxic or negative energy you may have picked up throughout the day.

Polished hematite makes stunning jewelry. Beyond its visual appeal, many believe that wearing hematite as an anklet is particularly advantageous, as the foot is closest to the ground, amplifying the stone’s grounding effects.

Tumbled stones are perfect for tucking into pockets and purses, to easily bring your crystals wherever you go.

Caring for Your Healing Crystal

Healing crystals are like diligent little allies, tirelessly supporting us day in and day out. To ensure they can continue their work effectively, it’s important to care for them through regular cleansing and charging. This process frees them from any accumulated negative energy, allowing them to return to their optimal state and serve us to the best of their abilities.

How to Cleanse Hematite Stones

Given its role in absorbing negative energy before it reaches you, hematite benefits from regular cleansing. This is crucial to prevent it from becoming weighed down by dense, unpleasant energy. Choose one of the following methods to cleanse your hematite stones effectively.

MOONLIGHT – Place your stone outside overnight to let the glow of the moon wash away any energetic impurities it may have picked up.

SOUND THERAPY – Cleanse your hematite crystal with the resonating sounds of bells, singing bowls, chimes, or your own voice. The gentle vibrations will purify its energy.

SMUDGING – Wave the healing stone through the smoke of sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass, allowing the fragrant air to cleanse it.

SALT – Use salt to absorb the negative energy that’s been soaked up by the crystal. To do so, place the hematite stone next to a small pile of salt and leave overnight. Discard the salt afterwards, as it’s soaked up the energetic impurities from the crystal.

BREATHWORK – Hold your stone in your hands as you deeply inhale. Blow onto the stone in several short puffs to cleanse it.

Can hematite go in water? – While many crystals thrive with water cleansing, it may not be the best option for hematite. Pure hematite specimens cannot rust, so technically, they can be submerged in water. However, rough hematite stones containing other iron minerals risk rusting when exposed to water.

How to Charge Hematite Stones

Once you’ve cleansed your hematite, it’s time to charge it up! Choose from the simple yet effective methods below to charge your stones.

SUNLIGHT – Our favorite way to charge hematite stones is in sunlight. As an opaque stone, hematite doesn’t have to fear fading, like its translucent comrades. To get your hematite crystal right charged up, leave it in direct sunlight for a few hours.

OTHER CRYSTALS – An incredible benefit of selenite and quartz crystals is their ability to amplify and energize other stones. Place it under or near your crystal to revitalize its energy.

IN THE EARTH – Bury your crystal underground for 24 hours and allow it to soak up the energy of the earth, recharging and realigning its natural vibrations and powers.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to help realign and energize the crystal.

Hematite Chakra Placements

The most prominent hematite chakra placement is the root chakra. Its properties of protection, grounding, focus, and confidence originate from its influence on this foundational energy center.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

ROOT CHAKRA – Positioned at the base of the spine is the first chakra, called the root chakra, and it serves as the foundation of our energy system. It governs our sense of security, stability, and survival instincts. When the root chakra is in balance, individuals experience a sense of stability and the resilience needed to confront life’s challenges head-on.

Interestingly, the traditional Ayurvedic chakra system exhibits parallels with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a concept from Western psychology. Maslow’s model suggests that there is a hierarchy of basic survival needs essential for human well-being. The first level, encompassing physiological needs like safety and shelter, closely aligns with the root chakra, highlighting the interconnectedness of Eastern and Western perspectives on human psychology and well-being.

Zodiac Associations

Hematite is an incredibly versatile and beneficial crystal, suitable for individuals of all zodiac signs. However, there are specific signs that we find hematite’s properties can be particularly advantageous. These include Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, and Virgo.

Known for their humanitarian nature, Aquarians can benefit from hematite’s protective qualities, shielding them from negative energies that may hinder their passion for social change. Additionally, hematite’s grounding and focus properties can help Aquarians stay rooted and focused on their visions, even amidst unpredictability.

Fiery and independent, Aries individuals can benefit from hematite’s protective shield against negativity and criticism from others. This crystal can also assist Aries in managing their impulsive tendencies, enabling them to maintain focus and productivity in pursuing their goals.

Sensitive and empathetic, Pisceans can find solace in hematite’s protective energy, which guards against absorbing negative emotions from others. This allows Pisceans to maintain their compassionate nature without becoming overwhelmed by external influences.

Hematite’s confidence-boosting properties are particularly beneficial for Virgos, helping them overcome self-doubt and perfectionism. By instilling trust in their abilities, hematite empowers Virgos to pursue their goals with assurance and determination.

Crystal Pairings

While crystals are powerful individually, there’s a unique magic in combining them. Pairing crystals not only showcases their physical beauty but also amplifies their metaphysical properties. Below are our favorite hematite crystal combinations.

This pairing offers a well-rounded synergy. Draw upon amethyst’s calming energy for tranquility, while hematite fosters focus and determination, ensuring you stay grounded and focused on your goals even amidst calmness.

Carnelian’s fiery energy combines with hematite’s grounding influence to ignite passion and creativity while providing stability and focus.

A Final Note

When you want to feel cool, calm and collected, turn to hematite crystal. This weighty stone serves as your anchor, grounding you and fostering feelings of safety and stability. With hematite by your side, you’ll feel equipped to tackle any obstacle that comes your way, staying firmly on course.

what color is hematite?

Hematite’s color is predominantly a metallic dark grey to black.

is hematite a mineral or a crystal?

It’s classified as both a crystal and a mineral (an oxide mineral).

what type of rock is it?

While hematite is usually found in sedimentary rocks, it can also be found in metamorphic rocks as well as an accessory mineral in igneous rocks.

does hematite break easily or rust?

With a Mohs hardness rating of 5.5-6.5, hematite is susceptible to breakage if not handled with care.

When it comes to rusting, pure hematite, whether polished or unpolished, does not rust. However, if a rough chunk of hematite contains impurities or other iron minerals in its matrix, it may develop rust when exposed to water. So, while hematite itself remains rust-free, impurities within the specimen can lead to oxidation in humid conditions.

what chakra is hematite?

Hematite’s chakra is the root chakra.

hematite vs magnetite – what’s the difference?

While both hematite and magnetite are dark iron oxide minerals sharing the same Mohs hardness rating, distinguishing between them can be challenging. The most significant difference lies in their magnetism. Hematite exhibits very weak magnetic properties, whereas magnetite is strongly magnetic.

hematite vs obsidian – what’s the difference?

In contrast to the physical similarities between hematite and magnetite, hematite and obsidian present notable differences in appearance. However, they share numerous similarities in crystal healing properties and chakra associations. Like hematite, obsidian’s meanings are associated with protection and grounding. However, obsidian leans more towards facilitating inner growth and introspection.

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