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Green Aventurine Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

tumbled green aventurine stones

What is Green Aventurine Crystal?

Green aventurine crystal, a captivating chalcedony mineral, takes center stage as the essential stone for inviting success into your life. Whether you’re striving for victory in personal pursuits, professional growth, or situations where outcomes are determined by competition, this vibrant green crystal stands as your trusted ally.

Renowned for its connection to luck and abundance, it proudly carries the title “Stone of Opportunity,” distinguished as one of the luckiest crystals. Explore green aventurine’s meanings, healing properties, and benefits in our in-depth breakdown below.

Pronunciation & Name Origin

This crystal is pronounced as green ah-ven-chuh-reen.

Linked to good fortune, its name originates from the Italian word “a ventura,” signifying “by chance.” Back in the 1700s, this term described a special Italian glass created when metal filings accidentally fell into hot molten glass. Once cooled, the result was glass speckled with iridescent sparkles, a stunning material often used in jewelry for its captivating beauty.

The name “Green Aventurine” was later attributed to this naturally occurring crystal, paying homage to its remarkable resemblance to the enchanting Italian glass product.

Green Aventurine Meaning & Healing Properties

Green aventurine’s meanings are prosperity, luck, optimism, confidence, and creativity.

When they say ‘all that glitters is not gold,’ they might just be talking about green aventurine! This sparkling crystal acts as a guide, opening your eyes to a new way of life. It works to release old patterns, habits, and disappointments, creating space for new growth and abundance.

This crystal shifts your mindset to be more open and optimistic, leading to positive choices, proactive actions, and ultimately, success.

Believed to attract positive outcomes and opportunities, this good luck crystal is especially powerful for careers and important meetings.

Green aventurine sparks a renewed zest for life, infusing an excited energy that makes you happy to embrace changes.

Promoting decisiveness and leadership qualities in a friendly manner, it keeps you open to others’ opinions while still taking charge.

Boosting motivation and creativity, it helps tackle challenges that were once perplexing, encouraging you to think outside the box.

Green Aventurine Properties & Physical Characteristics

Green aventurine is a captivating chalcedony mineral, a variant of quartz known for its sturdiness. It boasts a Mohs hardness rating of 7, making it harder than other green crystals like amazonite and malachite but softer than emerald. This resilience makes it ideal for tumbling, carving, or crafting everyday wear jewelry.

While chalcedony crystals manifest in various colors such as red, blue, orange, grey, and brown, the green aventurine variation owes its hue to inclusions of the mineral fuchsite – a chrome-bearing muscovite.

Beyond its initial appearance as a pale green crystal, a closer look reveals a mesmerizing phenomenon – tiny sparkles dancing throughout. Termed aventurescence, this glittery effect becomes pronounced when the crystal is tumbled or polished. These “sparkles” are not true sparkles but result from inclusions of mica or other minerals.

MINERAL CLASS – A chalcedony mineral (a type of quartz).
COLOR – Green, with a glittery effect.
HARDNESS – 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
LUSTER – Vitreous. This means the stone can have a reflective and glassy appearance. Vitreous is the most common type of luster – with approximately 70% of minerals exhibiting this type of luster.
TRANSPARENCY – Translucent to nearly opaque.

Where is it Found?

Green aventurine hails predominantly from India, earning it the nickname “Indian Jade” due to its striking resemblance. While other colors of aventurine can be found in various locations, the lush green variant is overwhelmingly sourced from India.

What Does Green Aventurine Do? – Benefits & Uses

Green aventurine crystals can be incorporated in one’s life in many ways. For some, to be a part of a crystal healing ritual, and for others, simply for the stone’s aesthetic value. Here are some straightforward ways to incorporate green aventurine’s benefits into everyday life.

Below are our favorite green aventurine affirmations to encourage success and luck.

1. My actions create abundance.
2. I can achieve greatness.
3. I am surrounded by success.
4. Luck is always on my side.
5. I am healthy.

Hold your green aventurine crystal in your hand while closing your eyes and thinking of an intention. When you open your eyes, it is believed that the crystal has now been “set” with the intention you’ve chosen.

Harness the magnetic energy of green aventurine to attract love by infusing it with a love-based intention. This perky green crystal for love acts as a heart chakra cleanser, creating a clear and inviting space for the manifestation of new relationships.

As the stone of luck and prosperity, using green aventurine for money is a no brainer! Simply set a wealth based intention and release your desires into the universe.

Enhance your meditation practice by holding your healing crystal in the palms of your hands during your meditation session.

Elevate your yoga practice by incorporating green aventurine. Some studies have found that people who practice yoga have higher levels of happiness compared to non yoga practitioners. Place the crystal at the end of your mat and take a glance at it during your practice, reminding yourself to keep a positive mindset.

Harness green aventurine’s benefits in your sleep! During moments of stress, a racing mind can disrupt your ability to rest peacefully. Green aventurine is thought to cultivate confidence and decisiveness, shielding you from excessive worries about potential mishaps, and allowing you to slumber peacefully.

Enhance your bath experience by placing your green aventurine crystal on the edge of the tub. Whether in the morning, setting the tone for a positive and successful day, or at night, keeping your goals at the forefront as you sleep, let the energies of luck and prosperity linger in your thoughts.

Perhaps one of the most important green aventurine uses is in the workplace. For career-driven individuals navigating high competition, this crystal is a secret weapon. Whether aiming for a promotion or excelling in a project, keep green aventurine on your desk. Let its winning energy surround and empower you in your quest for success.

Improve your home’s aesthetic with gorgeous, sparkly green aventurine crystals. Beyond their visual appeal, these gems bring a winning energy that radiates throughout your living space. Place them strategically in rooms you frequent, fostering an ambiance of creativity and optimism.

An incredible crystal for travel, it helps to maintain enthusiasm throughout your entire itinerary, even on less exciting travel days like layovers. Green aventurine works its magic to keep you positive during those moments.

To ensure thoughts of abundance and good luck are always with you, make it a habit not to step out without your green aventurine crystal. Tumbled stones and stylish jewelry pieces make this practical and easy to do.

Cleansing & Charging Your Stones

Maintaining the vitality of your healing crystals is essential for them to function at their best. Regular cleansing and charging are crucial, especially if you use them frequently.

How to Cleanse Green Aventurine Crystals

Crystal cleansing does not need to be a time consuming, difficult event. Simply choose one of the methods below that you can easily incorporate into your day.

RUNNING WATER – Hold the crystal under a faucet or natural body of water and let the stream “wash” away any energetic impurities the stone may have been collecting.

SELENITE – Recharge your crystal by placing the stone on a selenite slab for 12 hours, ensuring direct contact between the two stones for maximum energy transfer.

CLEAR QUARTZ – Similar to using selenite, place your green aventurine in direct contact with clear quartz overnight to cleanse and purify your stone.

UNDERGROUND – For a refreshing, earthy cleanse, bury your crystal in the soil overnight. The earth’s soil draws out energetic impurities, reverting the crystal to its natural state.

MOONLIGHT – Place your green aventurine crystal under the light of a full moon for a few hours to invite the moon’s energy to cleanse and purify.

RICE – Use uncooked brown rice to soak up negative energy and realign the crystal’s natural good vibrations by leaving it overnight. The rice should be thrown away afterwards, and never consumed.

SALT – Bury the crystal in a bowl of salt for an entire day. The salt will absorb the negative energy from within the crystal, so be sure to dispose of the used salt afterwards.

BREATHWORK – Hold your stone in your hands as you deeply inhale. Blow onto the stone in several short puffs to complete the cleansing process.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to purify and realign the energy of the crystal.

Can green aventurine go in water?

Absolutely. With a robust Mohs hardness rating of 7, green aventurine crystals are deemed water-safe. However, exercising caution is advised, as leaving the stone submerged for extended periods, especially in salt water, is not recommended. Prolonged exposure increases the risk of water seeping into any cracks, potentially compromising the stone’s integrity.

How to Charge Green Aventurine Crystals

Activate the energy of your stone by charging it using these simple methods. Some methods do overlap with cleansing.

IN THE EARTH – Allow your crystal to soak up the energy of the earth, recharging and realigning its natural vibrations and energy.

SUNLIGHT – Charging your stone by exposing it to sunlight is a simple, yet effective method. However, please be mindful of the amount of time the stone is exposed to sunlight, as prolonged exposure may cause discoloration. As a general rule of thumb, do not exceed 20 minutes.

MOONLIGHT – Place your stone under the light of a full moon to invite the moon’s energy to recharge and energize the stone.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to help realign and energize the crystal.

OTHER CRYSTALS – An incredible benefit of selenite and quartz crystals is their ability to amplify and energize other stones. Place it under or near your crystal to revitalize its energy.

Green Aventurine Chakra Placements

Like other green crystals, green aventurine’s chakra is the heart chakra.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

HEART CHAKRA – As the fourth chakra, the heart chakra governs our self-love, love for others, compassion, and forgiveness. Use green aventurine crystals to activate the heart chakra, clearing blockages and breaking free from old, murky traumas that hinder personal growth.

Green Aventurine Zodiac Associations

Although not a conventional birthstone, there are several green aventurine zodiac associations. These include Virgo, Libra, Aries, and even Leo.

VIRGO – Always on top of things, Virgos, known for their practical and organized nature, find a refreshing twist with green aventurine. This crystal’s touch of creativity and optimism loosens them up, encouraging a more easygoing approach. It helps Virgos see things from a different perspective, lightening up and reducing worry and critical tendencies.

LIBRA – Lovely Libras, the harmony seekers, can turn to green aventurine in moments of potential conflict. This crystal encourages confident leadership while preserving their valued empathy. Libras can get things done efficiently without succumbing to excessive people-pleasing, striking a perfect balance.

ARIES – Aries, celebrated for their leadership skills and competitive spirit, find a partner in green aventurine. This crystal’s “winning” nature supports the personal traits that lead to success, providing an extra boost to their natural abilities.

LEO – Leos, natural-born leaders admired for their charisma, occasionally grapple with ego challenges. Green aventurine steps in as a confidence booster, eliminating the need for external validation to feed the ego.

Crystal Pairings

Combining multiple crystals’ unique properties creates powerful effects, unlocking ‘new’ benefits as the crystals work together. Below are our top 5 favorite green aventurine pairings.

1. Green Aventurine & Rose Quartz
The perfect pair of heart chakra crystals, rose quartz and green aventurine collaborate to guide you to true love. Rose quartz crystal clears the heart chakra, creating an open space for love, while green aventurine’s lucky energy attracts those deserving of reciprocating and sharing genuine love. Together, they form a true love duo.

2. Green Aventurine & Carnelian
Ignite your love life with the dynamic duo of carnelian and green aventurine. Carnelian’s meanings are tied to love and sexual energy, while green aventurine sparks creativity and luck. Together, they create a magnetic combination to attract an exciting and vibrant love life.

3. Green Aventurine & Amethyst
Balance the surge of luck and positive energy from green aventurine with the calming influence of amethyst. When green aventurine brings big changes, amethyst’s tranquil vibes help you stay calm and composed, maintaining a sense of chill amidst the excitement.

4. Green Aventurine & Labradorite
Labradorite and green aventurine form a powerful duo for facilitating positive life changes. Labradorite ignites the desire for personal transformation, while green aventurine provides the strength and courage to carry out these changes.

5. Green Aventurine & Pyrite
Get ready to attract all things good with this dynamic duo! Green aventurine aligns perfectly with pyrite’s meanings related to abundance. Together, they form the ultimate manifestation dream team, bringing prosperity and success to your business or personal life.

A Final Note

Green aventurine, hailed as the “Stone of Opportunity,” stands as your perky green sidekick, boldly declaring your desires to the universe and manifesting them for you. This sparkling green ally is poised to help you achieve and receive the best. With a confidence boost and a surge of optimism, keeping this lucky charm close may just set things on a favorable course for you!

what’s the difference: green aventurine vs jade?

Dark green aventurine looks a lot like jade, however they are not the same mineral. Aventurine is a quartz, and jade refers to either nephrite or jadeite minerals. Jade does not display aventurescence (sparkles) and is also typically more valuable than aventurine crystals.

what’s the difference: green calcite vs aventurine?

As a carbonate mineral, calcite is very soft compared to green aventurine, rating only a 3 on the Mohs hardness scale. It also tends to be translucent, where aventurine can be almost opaque.

what’s the difference: green quartz vs green aventurine?

While both are varieties of quartz with similar hardness, Green Quartz (Prasiolite) tends to have a more transparent appearance compared to the often opaque Green Aventurine. Green Aventurine is also known for its distinctive sparkles caused by mineral inclusions.

is green aventurine water safe?


what chakra is it?

The heart chakra.

can green aventurine go in the sun?

Yes, but avoid prolonged direct exposure to prevent color fading.

how to tell if green aventurine is real?

To tell fake green aventurine from real, take a close look. Are there small bubbles? Do the sparkly inclusions all look identical in terms of size and spacing? If so, it may be fake.

can it go in salt?

Yes. Using dry salt is an effective way to cleanse green aventurine crystals. Soaking in salt water however is not recommended.

is green aventurine natural?

Yes. It’s a naturally occurring type of quartz predominantly found in India.

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