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Chrysocolla Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

chrysocolla crystal

What is Chrysocolla Crystal?

Chrysocolla crystal, a gem bathed in tranquil blue-green hues, embodies softness both in its physical form and energetic presence. It radiates a distinctly feminine energy and low-intensity vibrations, creating a delightful and calming aura.

Picture a serene tropical wave gently rolling across the shore during a vacation — the mere sight of it invokes a sense of ease. Similarly, being in the presence of chrysocolla crystal brings forth a comforting and soothing energy that resonates with the gentle rhythm of that tranquil wave.

Below we uncover everything related to chrysocolla’s meanings, benefits, plus our favorite ways to use this incredible crystal every single day.

Chrysocolla Pronunciation & History

Let’s start with pronunciation: Chrysocolla is pronounced as cry-sew-cola.

The intriguing name “chrysocolla” has its roots traced back to Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist, who coined it around 315 B.C. The term is a combination of two Greek words: “chrysos,” meaning gold, and “kola,” meaning glue. This nomenclature reflects the historical use of chrysocolla by Romans, where goldsmiths employed it as a soldering agent to fuse pieces of gold together.

Throughout the ages, chrysocolla stones have been a muse for creativity, captivating various artists. From its role as a soldering material for goldsmiths to being ground into pigment for Renaissance painters, this crystal has left an indelible mark on artistic expression. Even in contemporary times, it continues to make a statement, gracing sought-after jewelry designs with its unique presence.

Chrysocolla Meaning & Healing Properties

Delving into the core of chrysocolla, its meanings encompass calmness, empowerment, communication, emotional healing, and transformation.

This crystal, with its soothing cyan (blue-green) hue, promotes tranquility, peace, and patience to those in its presence.

Encouraging intuition and knowledge, chrysocolla supports confidence, paving the way for personal empowerment. It aids in transforming negativity into positive and productive energy, facilitating the manifestation of goals and dreams.

Linked to the throat chakra, chrysocolla assists in expressing true feelings that might be bottled up. It proves invaluable in navigating challenging relationships, preventing discussions from becoming overly heated due to communication obstacles.

Revered as the “Wise Stone” and the “Teaching Stone,” chrysocolla has a rich history. Ancient Egyptians, recognizing its wisdom, wore it during negotiations for enhanced compromise and effective resolution.

Drawing out negativity and upset feelings, chrysocolla restores balance, motivates, and brings joy. It facilitates the healing of heartache, opening the path to love. As the “Teaching Stone,” it serves as a reminder that valuable lessons often emerge from challenging experiences.

Supporting level-headedness, mental clarity, and a neutral attitude, chrysocolla crystal enhances self-awareness. This heightened awareness allows the shedding of self-limiting beliefs, clearing the path for pursuing dreams and transformation.

Chrysocolla Properties & Physical Characteristics

Polished chrysocolla reveals mesmerizing swirls of blue and green, creating a visually captivating stone. Its aesthetic charm often leads to confusion with aquamarine crystals due to their visual similarities.

This crystal, particularly pure blue chrysocolla, is notably soft. Blue-green specimens are more sturdy, and make superior gems for jewelry. This resilience and varied coloring result from inclusions of minerals such as turquoise, malachite, lapis, or quartz. However, it’s essential to note that the chrysocolla’s hardness rating is only 2-4 on the Mohs hardness scale, indicating its delicate nature.

Where is chrysocolla found? – Found in regions with substantial copper deposits like Africa, Mexico, and the U.S. state of Arizona (referred to as Apache chrysocolla), this crystal showcases its diverse presence. Arizona’s variant is a unique blend, encompassing chrysocolla, turquoise, jasper, lapis, malachite, and quartz crystal minerals.

MINERAL TYPE – Chlorite mineral
COLOR – Green and blue
LUSTER – Vitreous to dull
TRANSPARENCY – Translucent to opaque

Benefits & Uses

Chrysocolla, with its swirly patterns reminiscent of an ocean wave, is a stunning crystal that effortlessly integrates into wellness practices. Whether you’re drawn to its visual appeal or seeking chryscocolla’s healing properties, explore the various uses and benefits of this lovely green-blue crystal.

The following chrysocolla affirmations reinforce the crystal’s meanings and healing properties.

  • My mind and body are quiet.
  • I feel light and calm.
  • Today will be amazing.
  • I am in charge of my future.
  • I speak with confidence and calmness.
  • I value what other people have to say.

A pleasant chrysocolla use is during mediation. Simply hold the crystal in your hand as you meditate, embracing its tranquil energy.

Whether it be for personal or professional ambitions, one of the best chrysocolla benefits is how easy it is to use in manifesting and intention setting. To do so, hold the crystal in your palm with your eyes closed. Keep your eyes closed as you repeat a chosen intention several times in your mind. When it feels right to do so, open your eyes. Now, the stone has been set with your intention.

Enhance your yoga experience by setting a chrysocolla crystal at your mat’s edge. A quick glance grounds you in the moment, encouraging calmness.

For use as a sleep crystal, placing chrysocolla under your pillow or on the bedside table may promote calmness and emotional healing for a restful sleep.

Tapping into its qualities as a communication stone, chrysocolla is helpful for journaling. Keep it close as you pen your thoughts, and observe how it encourages the release of even the emotions buried deep within.

Prioritize self-care in a hot bath accompanied by your crystal. As the warmth soothes, the crystal’s energy nurtures your inner strength, leaving you ready to conquer the day.

Unlock the benefits of chrysocolla in your work environment. As a communication stone, it plays a crucial role in fostering effective communication, a cornerstone for achieving success in your career.

Chrysocolla is a wonderful addition to your home, fostering excellent communication, emotional healing, and a sense of calmness. These qualities collectively contribute to creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere in your living space.

As a crystal for love, chrysocolla’s soothing and calming energy makes it a wonderful tool to have on hand during disagreements or heated discussions, which are bound to happen from time to time in any relationship.

Concerned about leaving chrysocolla’s magic behind when you’re on the move? Worry not! Simply tuck a small piece in your pocket or purse, or, for an even better experience, wear chrysocolla jewelry.

Caring for Chrysocolla Healing Crystals

Regularly tending to your crystals is crucial to ensure they remain in peak vibrational and energetic condition, especially if they see frequent use. There are many different ways to cleanse and charge chrysocolla stones – simply choose the methods that work best for you.

How to Cleanse Chrysocolla

Below are some straightforward, yet effective ways to cleanse chrysocolla stones.

MOONLIGHT – Let your chrysocolla absorb the full moon’s light for an overnight purification.

BREATHWORK – Hold the crystal in front of your face, inhale deeply, and exhale forcefully to clear away energetic impurities.

SMUDGING – Use fragrant smoke from lavender, sage, sweetgrass, or cedar to refresh the crystal.

SOUND THERAPY – Chant, ring a bell, or use a singing bowl to clear negativity with sound waves.

SALT – Place the crystal on a small salt pile overnight to draw out negativity; dispose of the salt afterward.

Why not water? – As a soft stone, chrysocolla won’t hold up in prolonged exposure to water, so we recommend choosing one of the methods above for cleansing your crystal instead.

How to Charge Chrysocolla

Once your crystal has been cleansed, it’s time to charge it up so its power is restored and it can serve you best. Sometimes methods of charging do overlap with those of cleansing.

MOONLIGHT – Harness the moon’s beauty once more; place your crystal outside overnight for a full recharge.

SUNLIGHT – A brief exposure is sufficient for recharging.

UNDERGROUND – Even though chrysocolla is a water element, it can be effectively charged with the energy of the earth. Bury it for 24 hours in nutrient-rich earth, infusing it with the grounded energy of the earth itself.

SOUND THERAPY – Charge your crystal by immersing it in the resonant sounds of bells, singing bowls, or your own chanting voice.

OTHER CRYSTALS – An incredible benefit of selenite and quartz crystals is their ability to amplify and energize other stones. Place it under or near your crystal to revitalize its energy.

Chrysocolla Chakra Placements

Chryscolla’s chakra placements are the throat and heart chakras.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

THROAT – As the fifth of seven chakras, the throat chakra is associated with the color blue and governs communication. An open throat chakra is key for articulating thoughts, fostering transparent connections, and expressing what resides within your heart.

HEART – The fourth and middle chakra, the heart chakra is associated with two colors, green and pink. Green symbolizes healing, while pink represents love. An open heart chakra acts as a catalyst for transformation and healing.

Zodiac & Birthstones

While not officially designated as a birthstone, chrysocolla proves to be a helpful stone for several zodiac signs, notably Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius.

Chrysocolla complements Taurus’s inherent patience and determination in pursuing goals, though the steadfast nature of the bull can make them resistant to change. Offering meanings tied to transformation, chrysocolla becomes a guiding force during moments of resistance to significant changes.

Geminis, known for adaptability and communication skills, find additional support in chrysocolla’s influence on the throat and heart chakras. Addressing restlessness and indecisiveness, chrysocolla helps Geminis temper their frequent pursuit of change, fostering a more composed and patient demeanor.

Practical, organized, and helpful, Virgos excel in many areas but may struggle with expressing emotions. Chrysocolla’s stimulation of the throat chakra encourages Virgos to overcome reservation and articulate their feelings more openly.

As air signs, Aquarians are highly intellectual and friendly, aligning well with chrysocolla’s communicative properties. Chrysocolla’s capacity to promote self-awareness proves beneficial for Aquarians who may sometimes appear impersonal or detached, offering a thoughtful reflection on how they are perceived by others.

Healing Crystal Pairings

Combining multiple crystals’ unique properties creates powerful effects, unlocking ‘new’ benefits as the crystals work together.

1. Chrysocolla & Malachite
Chrysocolla and malachite crystals are often referred to as “cousin crystals,” as they complement each other perfectly. Together, they provide a powerful tool for facing emotional challenges and promoting communication with those around us. These crystals can help to release resentment and pain, allowing individuals to outgrow negative habits and shed anything that holds them back. They also work to boost confidence and self-esteem.

2. Chrysocolla & Azurite
This crystal combination is thought to help open the mind to new ideas. Chrysocolla to help tap into the powers of the divine, and azurite to provide the mental clarity to accept them.

3. Chrysocolla & Clear Quartz
As the “Master Healer” clear quartz is a powerful amplifier, making it an exceptional partner for chrysocolla. While all of chrysocolla’s healing properties are good on their own, when paired with clear quartz, they’re just better.

A Final Note

As a stone of wisdom and teaching, chrysocolla gently takes your hand, guiding you in expressing yourself and navigating life changes with calm assurance. Activating both the throat and heart chakras, this bluey green crystal cultivates a more serene outlook, fostering a positive perception of the world around you. Keep it close in your healing crystal collection, as it is likely to become a cherished companion you’ll frequently turn to.

what chakra is chrysocolla used for?

Both the heart and throat chakras.

is chrysocolla toxic?

Polished crystals pose no harm. However it’s important to never ingest a crystal or inhale its dust.

is chrysocolla rare?

Chrysocolla crystals are not generally considered rare gemstones. Pure chrysocolla however is quite rare, as its natural makeup usually has inclusions of other minerals.

is chrysocolla water safe?

As a soft stone, we don’t recommend exposing chrysocolla to water for very long.

shattuckite vs chrysocolla – are they the same?

No, even though they may have similar appearances and a copper makeup, shattuckite and chrysocolla have different chemical compositions, and shattuckite is quite rare.

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