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Black Tourmaline Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Uses

APRIL 17, 2024

black tourmaline crystal

What is Black Tourmaline Crystal?

Black tourmaline crystal, or schorl as it’s also known, stands out with its unique appearance marked by furrows and ridges, creating a distinct shelf-like structure.

In the realm of crystal healing, black tourmaline is hailed as an incredible crystal for protection, adept at absorbing and shielding against negativity. As a strong grounding stone, it is closely aligned with the root chakra, and is said to provide a connection between earth and the human spirit.

Discover black tourmaline’s meanings, healing properties, and our favorite ways to tap into its metaphysical benefits below.


This crystal is pronounced as black tor-muh-leen.

The term “tourmaline” finds its origin in the Sinhalese language of Sri Lanka, specifically from the word “toramalli,” which translates to “mixed gems.” The word is rooted in the discovery of multicolored pebbles in gem gravels in Sri Lanka. Although 95% of the world’s tourmaline is black, it is available in a diverse spectrum of other colors.

Black Tourmaline Meaning & Healing Properties

The key black tourmaline meanings are protection, grounding, self confidence, and emotional healing.

As the ultimate energetic bodyguard, black tourmaline stones serve as a shield against negative energy, preventing it from impacting your well-being.

It acts as a buffer, absorbing negativity before it reaches you, making it an ideal stone for both home and office spaces.

With ties to the root chakra, black tourmaline fosters a sense of grounding and stability. This extends to feeling connected to the earth and natural rhythms of life.

By bolstering mental clarity, black tourmaline empowers self-confidence and a heightened sense of personal power. This newfound strength is instrumental in maintaining an objective perspective, particularly in challenging situations at home or work.

Black tourmaline possesses the remarkable ability to absorb and transform negative energies. Acting as a purifying stone, it transforms feelings of anxiety, anger, unworthiness, negativity into feelings of positivity, creativity, and vitality.

Black Tourmaline Properties & Physical Characteristics

Black tourmaline, found in various locations worldwide such as Africa, Brazil, Pakistan, and the United States, is a sodium iron aluminum borate silicate—quite a mouthful, so let’s just call it black tourmaline!

This gem belongs to a diverse family of aluminum borosilicates mixed with metals like iron, magnesium, or others, and its color can vary based on the proportions of these inclusions, with options ranging from red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, to violet. Despite these color possibilities, 95% of naturally occurring tourmaline is black.

Unlike crystals with a smooth and round feel, black tourmaline emerges from the earth with furrows and ridges, showing off a lumpy, shelf-like appearance. However, despite its unique look, it maintains durability with a Mohs hardness rating of 7-7.5.

MINERAL TYPE – Sodium iron aluminum borate silicate
COLOR – Black
LUSTER – Vitreous
HARDNESS – 7-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale

Unique Characteristics

What sets black tourmaline crystals apart from other black crystals is their ability to conduct electricity and their potential to provide protection against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).

Black tourmaline crystals can become electrically charged through simple methods like heating or rubbing. While not particularly useful in today’s context, in the 18th century, Dutch traders would rub the stone to generate warmth and use the positive ends of the stone to collect dust from their Meerschaum smoking pipes.

There is speculation that tourmaline’s unique properties might interact with EMFs. While some studies exist, information remains limited, highlighting the need for comprehensive research to determine the full extent of using black tourmaline’s for EMFs.

How to Tell if Black Tourmaline is Real

While black tourmaline is a relatively common and affordable mineral, there are instances where other stones are mistakenly sold as genuine black tourmaline. Whether you’re questioning a recent purchase or trying to identify a stone you’ve come across, here are straightforward methods to distinguish black tourmaline from similar-looking crystals (or fake black tourmaline).

1.Visual inspection
Natural black tourmaline possesses imperfections like ridges and furrows without a specific repeating pattern. If the crystal appears flawless with even coloring, it might be a fake. This method is effective for raw black tourmaline, but polished specimens may require a scratch test.

2. Scratch Test
Black tourmaline has a hardness rating of 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale, allowing it to scratch softer materials. Stones often mistaken for black tourmaline, such as onyx and black obsidian, are softer. Perform a scratch test by rubbing your black tourmaline against a surface with moderate pressure. If a white scratch (streak) appears on the surface but not on your stone, it’s likely genuine black tourmaline; if the scratch is on your stone, it may not be authentic.

Black Tourmaline vs. Black Obsidian & Other Crystals

Several black crystals have a similar appearance and healing properties to black tourmaline.

It’s important to note that even though they have overlapping healing properties, they each offer unique energies. For instance, the protection provided by black tourmaline differs from that of the other stones. Understanding these nuances will guide you in selecting the crystal that resonates with you.

Below is a breakdown of black tourmaline vs. black obsidian vs onyx vs kyanite vs shungite.

Color Black Black Black with white banding Black Black
Stone Type Mineral crystal Volcanic glass Chalcedony Silicate mineral Mineraloid
Mohs Hardness 7-7.5 5-5.5 6.5-7 4.5-7 3.5-4
Chakra Root chakra Root chakra Root chakra All Root chakra
Crystal Meaning Grounding


Emotional Healing



Mental Clarity

Inner Strength









Uses & Benefits of Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline stands out as a unique and potent crystal, known for its protective properties that effortlessly integrate into various wellness routines.

Choose one of these black tourmaline affirmations to harness its healing properties.

  • I am in control of my emotions.
  • I let go of anything that does not serve me.
  • I turn negativity into my source of power and positivity.
  • I am in charge of my own energy.
  • I am strong and I am stable. Protected from outside influences.

Utilize black tourmaline as a catalyst for setting intentions. Follow these steps to infuse the crystal with your chosen purpose:

1. Inhale deeply, and think of your chosen intention.
2. Repeat it in your head with your eyes closed.
3. Open your eyes, and exhale onto the crystal forcefully.
4. Your black tourmaline intention has now been “set.”

To use black tourmaline for anxiety, consider meditation. If you find yourself filled with mental clutter leading to anxious feelings, studies have shown that meditation can help reduce anxiety symptoms.

We suggest placing black tourmaline at your feet while meditating, allowing you to connect with its energy while you breath in and out.

Enhance your yoga practice by placing the crystal on your mat’s edge. Use this moment to repeat black tourmaline affirmations or regain focus, integrating the crystal’s stabilizing energy into your session.

Create a serene sleeping space by placing black tourmaline under your bed, or at the foot of your bed. This may offer protection from negative energies, fostering restful sleep and preventing disturbances like nightmares.

Energetically cleanse yourself while physically cleansing by keeping black tourmaline nearby during a relaxing bath. Let the crystal absorb any accumulated energetic impurities from the day, promoting a rejuvenating experience.

Maintain a positive workspace by placing black tourmaline on your desk. This crystal acts as an energetic mop, sopping up any negativity before it impacts your productivity and mood.

Your home is your safe space, your sanctuary even, so it’s the perfect place to embrace the benefits of black tourmaline. Keep one or more of these black crystals in your home to provide protection against negativity, and enhance feelings of groundedness and stability.

Experience continuous protection by wearing black tourmaline as jewelry or keeping a piece in your pocket, purse, or bag. This ensures that you carry the crystal’s benefits with you throughout the day. Take extra care though, as black tourmaline’s brittle nature means it’s susceptible to damage if not handled carefully.

Potential Black Tourmaline Side Effects

Black tourmaline crystal is generally considered a safe stone, with no inherent danger for regular use.

However, some anecdotal reports suggest that black tourmaline might be too intense for certain individuals, potentially leading to unwanted side effects such as headaches, unease, and nausea. 

While experimenting with black tourmaline to assess its benefits is encouraged, it’s essential to be mindful of any adverse reactions. If you happen to experience unwanted black tourmaline side effects while using the crystal, consider putting it away for a while. You may choose to revisit and work with it at a different time to determine if the effects persist or change.

“Black tourmaline should only be worn for short periods at a time. As a stone of self discovery, it can bring about feelings of vulnerability. For some users this can arise too fast, actually leading to a healing crisis if used too frequently.” – Nadine, Certified Holistic Gemstone Therapist

Caring for Your Healing Stone

To keep them in tip top shape, caring for your healing crystals is crucial. Regular cleansing and charging is important to do, especially for crystals that absorb negative energy, like black tourmaline. Many crystal experts even suggest daily cleansing for black tourmaline.

How to Cleanse Black Tourmaline Crystals

There are several options for cleansing your black tourmaline crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

RUNNING WATER – Hold your stone under running water for a couple of minutes while saying a mantra about flooding the stone with bright light. After, let the crystal air dry.

MOONLIGHT – Place your crystal under the light of a full moon for a few hours or overnight, allowing the moon’s energy to cleanse.

BREATHWORK – Hold the stone in your hand with your eyes closed. Then, deeply inhale through your nostrils. Next, bring the black tourmaline close to your face and exhale several forceful breaths through your nose onto the stone.

SMUDGING – Hold the stone in one hand and pass the smoke from burning sage, cedar, lavender, sweetgrass, or incense sticks over it, purifying and rejuvenating its energy.

SOUND THERAPY – Utilize the soothing sounds of bells or singing bowls to cleanse your crystal. You can also chant using your voice.

How to Charge Black Tourmaline Crystals

Some of the methods of charging your crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge black tourmaline.

IN THE EARTH – Connect your crystal with the earth’s energy by burying it for 24 hours. When you collect it, it will be rejuvenated and ready to be put to work.

SUNLIGHT – Leave your crystal to soak up some sun for 20 minutes, revitalizing and replenishing its energy.

MOONLIGHT – Invite the moon’s energy by placing your crystal outside overnight, allowing it to absorb the lunar vibrations and regain its vitality.

SOUND THERAPY – Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells or singing bowls. You can also chant using your voice.

OTHER STONES – Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite by placing them near your healing crystal, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Black Tourmaline Chakra Placements

Black tourmaline’s chakra is the root chakra.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

ROOT CHAKRA – The first of the 7 chakras, the root chakra is located at the base of the spine and associated with the color red. Responsible for overseeing our sense of safety and connection to the physical world, the root chakra plays a crucial role in our overall well-being.

A blocked root chakra may manifest as lethargy, accompanied by a noticeable lack of energy, enthusiasm, and vitality. Black tourmaline, renowned for its grounding properties, is a valuable tool for stimulating this foundational chakra. An open and activated root chakra fosters a sense of personal power, independence, and a revitalizing surge of vitality.

Zodiac Associations

While not officially recognized as a birthstone, there are several black tourmaline zodiac associations.

All chakras are linked to specific zodiac signs, and black tourmaline finds its connection with the root chakra, which is attributed to Capricorn and Aquarius. Additionally, we recommend black tourmaline for individuals born under the signs of Pisces and Cancer.

Capricorns exhibit determination and ambition, qualities further amplified by black tourmaline, known for enhancing self-confidence.

Aquarius individuals, valuing freedom and innovative thinking, can benefit from black tourmaline’s grounding properties, offering stability when unpredictable situations arise.

Pisces, recognized for compassion yet susceptible to feeling easily hurt, can find solace in black tourmaline. This crystal acts as a shield, absorbing negativity from others and preventing it from adversely affecting them.

Cancers, known for their caring and intuitive nature, often grapple with indecision and overthinking. Black tourmaline proves valuable in bolstering decision-making skills and instilling self-confidence, enabling Cancers to trust their instincts.

Crystal Pairings

Crystal healing often involves pairing different stones together to amplify their natural properties and benefits. When two or more crystals are used in combination, they create a blended effect that enhances the energy of each individual crystal.

A powerful combination for personal strength. Selenite’s clarity and negativity-dissolving properties complement black tourmaline’s sense of security and stability, providing a robust foundation to face challenges with confidence.

An incredible duo promoting emotional well-being. Black tourmaline safeguards against external negativity, while amethyst transforms internal negativity into a serene inner peace, creating emotional balance.

A dedicated pair for self-discovery. Rose quartz guides the journey, dispelling self-limiting beliefs and nurturing self-love, while black tourmaline safeguards against external forces that might interfere with the transformative process.

Ideal for goal achievement mode! Black tourmaline provides grounding and stability, while carnelian boosts courage, creativity, and motivation, creating a dynamic synergy for those pursuing their ambitions.

Navigate significant changes with this transformative pair. Moldavite crystals, believed to be sent from the heavens, encourage transformation and shedding unproductive behaviors, while black tourmaline supports emotional well-being by transforming negative emotions into positive ones along the journey.

A Final Note

As a powerful crystal for protection, black tourmaline is a lifesaver for anyone dealing with negative people or places—something we all experience. Whether used alone or with other crystals, black tourmaline is a simple yet essential addition to any crystal collection.

can black tourmaline go in water or salt water?

With a Mohs hardness of over 7, black tourmaline is considered water safe, and can go in water and salt water for short periods of time (like for cleansing).

what chakra is black tourmaline?

Black tourmaline’s chakra association is the root chakra.

is it sun safe?

It can go in the sun, but take care not to leave the stone in direct sunlight for a prolonged amount of time to reduce the risk of its color fading.

what does it mean when black tourmaline breaks?

In crystal healing, it’s believed that when a black tourmaline breaks, it has simply absorbed too much negative energy to handle.

does it need to be cleansed?

Absolutely. All crystals need to be cleansed with regular use, especially crystals that absorb negative energies.

is black tourmaline toxic?


what is black tourmaline made of?

It is a sodium iron aluminum borate silicate mineral.

is it a crystal or a mineral?


is black tourmaline dangerous?


is black tourmaline magnetic?

When specimens have high concentrations of iron and manganese inclusions, they can be mildly magnetic.

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