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Black Obsidian Crystal: Meaning, Properties, Benefits & Uses

APRIL 17, 2024

obsidian crystal

What is Obsidian Crystal?

Black obsidian crystal, a naturally occurring volcanic glass with a deep and captivating hue, holds significance both in modern-day crystal healing practices and in its historical legacy intertwined with ancient Greek and Aztec civilizations.

Much like a mirror, black obsidian crystal offers both a physical reflection and a symbolic portal. It grants us the unique ability to engage in unfiltered introspection, like gazing into an inner looking glass. Through this remarkable quality, we gain the courage to confront concealed emotional complexities – those shadowy passengers lurking within our psyche. Instead of evading these enigmatic aspects, black obsidian empowers us to consciously acknowledge their presence, arming us with the strength to directly address and release these latent shadows.

Among the spectrum of obsidian crystal varieties, black obsidian stands as an exceptional tool for self-discovery and introspective assessment. Its dark allure serves as a reminder of our connection to the Earth’s transformative forces, inviting us to dive into our own depths for healing and growth. Below, we explore the key black obsidian meanings and healing properties and answer the question, what does black obsidian do?

How to Pronounce Obsidian

Obsidian is pronounced as ubb-sih-dee-uhn. The word has deep historical roots in ancient languages and cultures, originating from the Latin word “obsidianus,” which signifies volcanic glass.

It is thought to have been named after Obsius, a Roman explorer who, according to some accounts, discovered this unique stone in Ethiopia and subsequently introduced it to Italy.

Black Obsidian Meaning & Healing Properties

The key black obsidian meanings are protection, transformation, grounding and clarity.

Want to face negativity head-on instead of running from it? Then obsidian is your warrior stone. It doesn’t back down; instead, it absorbs and transforms negativity, fueling its power. Black obsidian fuels confidence and strength, standing ready to conquer challenges and obliterate negativity with unwavering might.

Black obsidian is linked to safety and protection, not by shielding from external energies, but by nurturing inner strength and confidence. It bolsters your ability to stand up to challenges and enhances self-control, creating a shield of empowerment.

Unlike other black crystals, black obsidian doesn’t merely deflect negative energy; it reveals the negativity within you. It encourages facing these energies head-on, fostering introspection and self-awareness. This process leads to the release of emotional and spiritual blockages, promoting personal transformation.

Black obsidian resonates with the root chakra, the energy center associated with stability, security, and a strong foundation. This grounding effect provides a sense of balance and helps you navigate life’s challenges from a place of inner stability.

By dissolving emotional and spiritual barriers, black obsidian paves the way for healing and growth. As these obstacles are released, you’re empowered to navigate life with greater insight, understanding, and mental clarity.

Obsidian Properties & Physical Characteristics

What does obsidian look like? Well, at first glance, black obsidian may resemble a piece of dark glass more than a rock. Yet, its identity lies in being an igneous rock that takes the form of natural glass.

Obsidian’s hardness ranges from 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, and is both firm and brittle, boasting a remarkable sharpness. Its historical role as arrowheads and tool material echoes its inherent sharpness. Remarkably, this quality remains present today, as obsidian continues to be used in medical precision tools like scalpels.

Obsidian is classified as a mineraloid. This designation positions it in a category of substances that, while resembling minerals, don’t meet all the criteria for full mineral classification. In this realm, obsidian finds companionship with other mineraloids like opal and moldavite crystal, another naturally occurring glass variation.

OBSIDIAN ROCK TYPE – Igneous rock, occurring as a natural glass
OBSIDIAN TEXTURE – Mostly smooth and glassy, but occasionally slightly bumpy due to trapped bubbles of gas
OBSIDIAN COMPOSITION – Mostly silicon dioxide (generally 70% or more by weight)
HARDNESS – 5-5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale
TRANSPARENCY – Opaque (except for the edges which are thin enough to be translucent)
LUSTER – Vitreous (glassy)
CLEAVAGE – Non-existent
STREAK – White

How is Obsidian Formed?

Black obsidian emerges as a result of volcanic activity, forming when felsic lava rapidly cools and solidifies without ample time for crystal growth. This process often takes place in locales where lava swiftly encounters bodies of water, causing rapid cooling.

In essence, obsidian is categorized as an ‘extrusive’ rock, solidifying above the Earth’s surface. This sets it apart from other healing crystals, which generally develop deep within the earth.

Obsidian is globally distributed, occurring wherever volcanic activity is present. Mining obsidian occurs at noteworthy deposits found across Argentina, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, and the United States.

Obsidian Colors & Types

Unlike many crystals that offer just a few varieties, obsidian stands out with its multitude of options, each possessing distinct properties. Some of these varieties are exceedingly rare. Here’s an overview of the diverse obsidian types available.

snowflake obsidian crystal

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake obsidian is a type of obsidian adorned with white or grey patterns resembling snowflakes, known as spherulites. These intricate formations emerge through a process called devitrification, as the volcanic glass undergoes a remarkable transformation deep underground over thousands of years.

Rainbow Obsidian

Rainbow obsidian closely resembles its black counterpart but boasts enchanting iridescent bands in hues like red, blue, gold, purple, or green when polished. This captivating play of colors results from the inclusion of tiny magnetite particles, which scatter light in various directions.

mahogany obsidian crystal

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany obsidian, also known as mountain mahogany, displays remarkable features. This variety of obsidian showcases rich mahogany-colored stripes and swirls, a result of inclusions of iron minerals like magnetite and hematite.

Blue Obsidian

Blue obsidian, a silica-rich volcanic rock, exhibits a captivating light blue color. Unlike gems like sapphires with intense hues, this blue crystal lacks the crystalline structure capable of providing such deep coloring. Blue obsidian’s color is attributed to inclusions of magnetite and trace minerals. Notably rare, it’s worth noting that a considerable portion of blue obsidian in circulation is man-made, rather than natural.

Green Obsidian

Found in select locations such as Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, and the United States, green obsidian is a unique gem. An even scarcer variation is the Gaia Stone, arising from the volcanic ash of the Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington State.

Red Obsidian

As an intense, captivating red crystal, red obsidian stands out for its vibrant appearance. The presence of iron oxide gives rise to this rich hue, making it a distinctive variety of obsidian.

Fire Obsidian

Much like rainbow obsidian, fire obsidian features iridescent bands when polished. However, fire obsidian stands out with thinner layers of magnetite, resulting in hues of gold, red, orange, and green. In contrast, its colors are distinct from the full spectrum of a rainbow found in rainbow obsidian.

Gold And Silver Sheen Obsidian

Silver and gold sheen obsidian is formed when gas bubbles get trapped in the magma before it cools.

Other Types of Obsidian


Obsidian vs. Onyx vs. Black Tourmaline

While these crystals share a common black appearance and similar meanings, their distinct characteristics set them apart.

It’s important to note that even though they have overlapping healing properties, they each offer unique energies. For instance, the protection provided by obsidian differs from that of the other stones. Understanding these nuances will guide you in selecting the crystal that resonates with you. Below is a breakdown of obsidian vs onyx vs black tourmaline crystals.

COLOR Black Black with white banding Black
STONE TYPE Volcanic glass Chalcedony Mineral crystal
MOHS HARDESS 5-5.5 6.5-7 7-7.5
CHAKRA Root Chakra Root Chakra Root Chakra
– Protection
– Transformation
– Mental Clarity
– Inner Strength
– Focus
– Grounding
– Grounding
– Protection
– Stress Relief

Black Obsidian Benefits & Uses

Black obsidian, both powerful and visually captivating, seamlessly integrates into daily wellness practices. Whether appreciating the aesthetic appeal or harnessing obsidian’s healing properties actively, this stone offers versatile applications. Below, discover some of the most popular ways for using obsidian in everyday life.

The following black obsidian affirmations reinforce the crystal’s meaning and healing properties.

  1. I turn negativity into my source of power and positivity.
  2. I am the alchemist of my journey. I turn challenges into strength.
  3. I am strong and I am stable. Protected from outside influences.
  4. My intuition will show me what I need to see.
  5. Clarity and insight replace emotional barriers holding me back.

Tap into black obsidian’s benefits by using it to enhance your meditation practice, activating the root chakra for stability and strength.

When you’re prepared for introspection, harness black obsidian’s energy for intentions and personal transformation. Look inward to reveal your true potential.

Enhance your yoga experience by setting black obsidian at your mat’s edge. A quick glance grounds you in the moment, fostering mental clarity.

Infuse mental clarity into journaling with black obsidian. Dissolve emotional barriers, granting insights and unobstructed flow of inner thoughts onto the paper.

Prioritize self-care in a hot bath accompanied by obsidian. As the warmth soothes, black obsidian’s energy nurtures your inner strength, leaving you ready to conquer the day.

Let black obsidian’s benefits guide you in the workplace. Turn inward for self-discovery, uncovering the necessary steps toward your goals and success.

Keeping black obsidian displayed at home is a great reminder that you have the power inside to stand up to any challenge with confidence and a clear head.

Wear obsidian as jewelry or carry tumbled stones to ensure its powerful energy accompanies you throughout the day, fostering strength and clarity.

Obsidian Crystal Forms & Shapes

Obsidian crystals are versatile and can be crafted into various shapes to suit your needs. Here are some common forms of obsidian crystals:

The most natural form of the crystal is called rough (or raw) obsidian. It refers to material that is completely unprocessed. Some crystal experts believe that raw crystals have a more intense energy than stones that have been polished.

Small, round and smooth pieces of crystal. Perfect for carrying with you throughout the day, displaying in an altar, or using as part of a crystal grid.

An incredibly popular form of obsidian in crystal healing. These smooth, reflective pieces symbolize introspection and growth.

Polished stones carefully placed into pieces like obsidian rings, earrings, and necklaces.

Six or eight side towers/generators and 4 sided obelisks have smooth surfaces and a pointed top. Perfect for focusing and channeling energy.

A round, polished obsidian ball. Makes a beautiful display piece while radiating energy evenly in all directions.

Known for their grounding and stabilizing properties.

The ancient and sacred shape of a pyramid is known for its grounding properties and ability to transmit energy through its points and apex.

Caring for Your Crystal

Providing attentive care to your crystals enhances their vitality and effectiveness. For crystals you engage with often, dedicate regular moments to cleanse and charge them.

How to Cleanse Black Obsidian Crystals

There are several options for cleansing your crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

MOONLIGHT – Allow your obsidian to bask in the light of a full moon. As the moonlight bathes the crystal, it emerges refreshed and purified – ready to serve you.

BREATHWORK – Hold the obsidian stone in your hand with your eyes closed. Then, deeply inhale through your nostrils. Next, bring the stone close to your face and exhale several forceful breaths through your nose onto the stone. Its energy has now been restored.

SMUDGING – Hold the crystal in one hand and pass the smoke from burning sage, palo santo or mugwort over it, purifying and rejuvenating its energy.

RUNNING WATER – Hold the obsidian crystal under a stream of cool, running water, to wash away any stored negativity.

SOUND THERAPY – Utilize the soothing sounds of bells, singing bowls or even chanting with your voice to cleanse your obsidian.

How to Charge Obsidian Crystals

Some of the methods of charging your obsidian crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge obsidian.

MOONLIGHT – Summon the spirit of the moon by placing your crystal outside overnight, allowing it to absorb the lunar energy and regain its vitality.

SUNLIGHT – As a fire stone, obsidian is well energized by the sun’s rays.

IN THE EARTH – Connect your crystal with the earth’s energy by burying it for 24 hours in rich soil.

SOUND THERAPY – Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells, singing bowls, or chanting.

OTHER CRYSTALS – Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite crystals by placing them near your obsidian crystal, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Black Obsidian Chakra Placements

Black obsidian’s chakra placement is the root chakra.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

ROOT CHAKRA – At the foundation of the seven chakras lies the root chakra, nestled at the base of the spine. It echoes the core attributes of black obsidian—stability, security, and grounding.

This primal chakra governs basic survival instincts, forming the bedrock of our overall well-being. Attaining equilibrium here grants emotional stability and a profound sense of being anchored in the present moment.

This deep resonance between their properties is why black obsidian is intimately linked with the root chakra—it embodies the very essence that awakens and nurtures this vital energy center.

Alongside black obsidian, other healing allies like hematite, shungite, and bloodstone also find resonance as root chakra crystals.

Zodiac & Birthstones

While black obsidian lacks an official zodiac or birthstone association, it holds particular relevance for several sun signs, specifically Pisces, Scorpio, and Aries.

With their endearing and sensitive nature, Pisces individuals occasionally struggle with the confidence to confront challenges directly. Their dreamy disposition might lead to occasional commitment wanderings or perceived flakiness. For them, obsidian’s protective properties serve as a shield of courage, fostering the confidence and assertiveness needed to triumph over obstacles.

Intense and emotive, Scorpios wear their feelings openly, a trait they embrace. Proficient at introspection and self-examination, they benefit from black obsidian’s support. This crystal aids them in navigating the emotional landscape, preventing emotional entanglement and enabling constructive analysis for personal growth.

Confidence and assertiveness define Aries individuals. They’re driven to showcase their abilities and accomplishments. Black obsidian enhances these inherent traits, refining and amplifying them to assist their journey.

Pairings for Black Obsidian Crystals

Crystals offer us profound healing benefits, and their power can be amplified through combining them.

This pairing blends emotional healing and tenderness. While obsidian empowers inner strength to overcome challenges, rhodonite crystal, a heart chakra stone, adds a touch of gentleness. It encourages compassion and love, beautifully balancing obsidian’s inherent resilience.

Citrine’s joyful energy complements black obsidian’s transformative properties. Together, they aid in releasing negative thought patterns and encourage a more positive outlook.

Obsidian fuels personal transformation, while labradorite ignites creativity and fosters unwavering determination. These qualities complement each other seamlessly, offering a unique approach to challenges, tasks, or new beginnings—an invitation to think outside the box.

A Final Note

Much like a mirror, black obsidian crystal offers us a chance to look inward. As it reflects the world around us, it also reveals what lies within. When negative feelings stir, it’s a sign of change needed. Black obsidian helps us face these emotions directly.

Within its depths, we find the courage to acknowledge these hidden feelings. Guided by black obsidian, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. As we explore our inner landscape, we create space for positive change.

what type of rock is obsidian?

Obsidian is classified as an igneous rock.

what color is obsidian?

Obsidian comes in a wide variety of hues, depending on what type of inclusions are present in the material. The most common color is black.

is obsidian a mineral?

Obsidian is mineral-like, but not a true mineral. It’s a volcanic glass.

is obsidian a crystal?

Obsidian is not technically a rock.

how to tell if obsidian is real?

Real obsidian is very dark black and shiny. Holding it up to the sunlight can help determine if it’s a fake obsidian specimen or not. When held up to the sun, it may seem a little bit transparent (particularly around the edges where it’s thinner) or greenish. You’ll also probably see some shadows or impurities throughout the stone, including bubbles that may look elongated.

how sharp is obsidian?

Obsidian is very sharp! It has been proven to be the sharped material that can be carved into a blade.

can obsidian go in water?

Obsidian can be exposed to water briefly. Running water is even one of the recommended ways to cleanse the stone before charging it.

is obsidian rare?

No, obsidian is not rare as it’s mined in locations all across the world where volcanic activity occurs.

is obsidian expensive?

Due to its abundance across the world, obsidian is not expensive. It’s considered one of the most affordable semi-precious gemstones.

what does obsidian symbolize?

Black obsidian symbolizes protection, transformation, grounding and clarity.

is obsidian glass?

Yes, obsidian is a volcanic glass.

can you melt obsidian?

Technically, yes – but the melting point is over 700 degrees celsius (1292 F), so you’d likely need access to a blacksmith’s forge to do so!

is obsidian fragile or brittle?

Obsidian is somewhat fragile, rating 5.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, and is very brittle.

is obsidian magnetic?

Generally obsidian is not magnetic. Specimens that contain impurities of iron material like hematite would introduce some magnetic properties to the stone, but in such a weak way that it would not be detectable in ordinary magnets.

which hand to wear black obsidian bracelet?

In the practice of Feng Shui, the black obsidian bracelet is worn on the left hand. However, there is no “wrong” hand to wear obsidian on, should you prefer the other hand.

is obsidian stronger than diamond?

No – a diamond is the hardest mineral on the Mohs hardness scale, a 10. Obsidian only ranks 5-5.5. In terms of “sharpness” compared to “strength” though, obsidian does come out ahead.

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