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Opalite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

tumbled opalite crystals

What is Opalite Crystal?

Opalite crystal isn’t a product of natural formation but rather a human creation, carefully crafted by combining glass, resin, and dolomite. This fusion mimics the captivating appearance of natural opal, offering an accessible and beautiful alternative.

As a non-natural crystal, does opalite have healing properties?

If you’re wondering about its purpose, rest assured that opalite’s origins don’t hinder its potential. While opalite may not arise from the Earth’s depths, its components are rooted in nature—glass from sand, resin from plants, and dolomite minerals.

Just as remarkable man-made wonders like the Colosseum, an architectural marvel from ancient Rome that still amazes with its grandeur, and the enchanting Machu Picchu, nestled high in the Andes, stand as testaments to human ingenuity, opalite beautifully showcases its own distinctive allure.

Like these awe-inspiring creations, opalite is in good company, symbolizing the creative spirit that connects us to the wonders of the world. And yes, opalite does indeed possess healing properties, harnessing the unique energies of its natural components to offer its own special form of crystal magic.

Opalite Meaning & Healing Properties

What exactly does opalite do in terms of crystal healing? – The key opalite meanings are youthful energy, emotional relief, new beginnings, positive vibes, and mental balance.

There’s an irresistible charm in the way children embrace the world – carefree, optimistic, and unburdened by life’s trials. Opalite offers us an opportunity to embrace a similar outlook and infuse our lives with boundless wonder.

Opalite crystal embodies youth, curiosity, and optimism, encouraging a carefree and open-hearted approach to life.

Opalite’s warm energy soothes sorrows, boosts moods, and replaces negativity with compassion and kindness.

Aids in smooth transitions during new phases, offering clarity and support for fresh starts.

Opalite crystal cleanses bad energy, stimulates good fortune, and lightens the heart, promoting lightheartedness and living in the moment.

Helps dispel anger, tones down negativity, and provides clarity, making it a supportive companion during depressive episodes.

Opalite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Opalite boasts distinctive properties that set it apart from other crystals, including a captivating color-shifting quality influenced by its background. When situated against a black backdrop, opalite takes on a blue hue, while a white background imparts a milky white appearance, often with delicate tints of pink or orange.

The presence of air bubbles, a result of its glass formation process, contributes to its individuality.

The alluring play of colors, known as opalescence, is achieved through the fusion of glass and dolomite.

With a moderate level of durability, opalite ranks between 5.5 and 6 on the Mohs hardness scale.

While its milky shades may evoke comparisons to moonstone, opalite stands as a testament to human ingenuity. Crafted by French chemist Pierre Gilson in 1972, opalite was born out of a fascination with opal’s natural allure. Gilson’s meticulous study of opal’s internal structure led to the creation of an almost identical counterpart. Notably, modern-day opalite employs a subtly different composition from Gilson’s original formula, yet retains its exquisite beauty and captivating charm.

OPALITE COLOR – Colorless, milky white, blue, purple, pink
CRYSTAL STRUCTURE – Amorphous (lacking the properties of a true mineral)
OPALITE HARDNESS – 5.5-6 on the Mohs hardness scale
LUSTER – Vitreous (glassy), pearly
TRANSPARENCY – Translucent to transparent

Opalite vs. Opal

To draw a straightforward comparison, it’s helpful to view opalite as a man-made crystal designed to closely mimic the appearance of opal. While they share visual similarities, their physical composition and healing properties diverge. For a comprehensive analysis of opalite vs. opal, see the table below.

Property Opalite Opal
Composition Man-made crystal composed of glass, resin, and dolomite Naturally occurring hydrated silica mineral
Source Man-made Found in various locations around the world
Color Can exhibit color variations depending on background; appears blue against black and milky white against white with hints of pink or orange Multicolored with vibrant play-of-color caused by internal diffraction of light
Opalescence Achieved through combination of glass and dolomite Displays natural opalescence due to silica spheres
Hardness 5.5-6 on the Mohs hardness scale 5.5-6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale (slightly harder than opalite)
Value and Rarity Generally more affordable and accessible Can be rare and highly valuable, depending on quality and type
Healing Properties
  • youthful energy
  • emotional relief
  • new beginnings
  • mental balance
  • positivity
  • emotional healing
  • enhanced intuition
  • transformation
  • personal growth
  • self expression

What is Opalite Good For? – Benefits & Uses

Opalite stones can be incorporated in one’s life in many ways! For some, as a powerful healing crystal, and for others, simply for the stone’s aesthetic value. Here are some straightforward ways that opalite can be included into your daily routine.

The following affirmations reinforce opalite’s healing properties and meanings.

  1. I am full of curiosity.
  2. Good fortune and positive energy flow to me.
  3. Today my outlook is optimistic, carefree even.
  4. Emotions do not weigh me down.
  5. I am ready to release any and all sorrows.

Use an opalite crystal for intentions and manifestations related to positivity and times of transition. Hold it, close your eyes, repeat your intention, and let its energy resonate.

One of the best opalite benefits is its ability to enrich your meditation practice. Embrace its light-hearted essence to remind you of life’s joyful essence as you close your eyes and seek inner clarity.

Elevate your yoga routine by placing an opalite stone on your mat’s edge. Let its energy sweep away negativity, enhancing your practice with a sense of lightness.

Enhance your journaling sessions with opalite’s child-like wonder, encouraging unfiltered self-expression and a cathartic release of thoughts.

Elevate your self-care bath ritual by including opalite on the edge of your tub. As you soak, let its energy wash away negativity, leaving you mentally rejuvenated.

Shift your perspective in the workplace by embracing opalite’s playful outlook. Complex challenges may appear simpler when viewed through its joyful lens.

Infuse your living space with opalite’s mood-boosting energy by displaying it in your home.

Carry opalite’s uplifting energy throughout your day by wearing it as jewelry or keeping a small tumbled piece with you.

Forms & Shapes of Opalite Crystal

Unlike minerals sourced from the earth, opalite’s synthetic nature allows for diverse shapes to be effortlessly molded from its raw materials, eliminating the need for expert lapidary carving. Below are some of the most popular shapes of opalite.

Resembling natural earth minerals, raw opalite crystals feature a slightly rugged appearance despite being synthetic.

Smooth, small rounded opalite pieces perfect for altars, grids, or carrying throughout the day.

Elegantly popular, opalite jewelry showcases both its beauty and healing properties through bracelets, rings, necklaces, and other accessories.

Six or eight-sided towers, possessing smooth surfaces and pointed top, ideal for focusing and channeling energy.

A polished, round opalite ball that radiates positive energy in all directions.

Symbolic of growth and new beginnings, resonating with opalite’s supportive transition energy.

Palm-sized, smooth opalite crystals, often round or heart-shaped, for meditation and comfort.

A divination tool for energy work and guidance.

Showcasing opalite’s unique coloring, crystal cubes bring grounding properties.

Sacred and grounding, pyramid-shaped opalite transmits energy through its points and apex.

Caring for Your Crystal

Despite being man-made, opalite benefits from regular cleansing and charging to maintain its optimal energetic state.

How to Cleanse Opalite

There are several options for cleansing your crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

MOONLIGHT – Allow opalite’s ethereal hues to harmonize with the light of a full moon; leave it under the moon’s radiance overnight to cleanse and purify its energy.

BREATHWORK – Harness the innate power of your breath: inhale deeply and exhale over the stone to refresh and rejuvenate its vitality.

SOUND THERAPY – Infuse vibrant energy into your opalite through the resonance of a bell, singing bowl, or your own melodic voice.

SMUDGING – Renew the crystal’s energy by passing the purifying smoke of sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass over it, clearing away any lingering negativity.

If your crystal has become dirty and you’re wondering how to clean opalite (versus cleanse it energetically), water with a little bit of soap, and a cloth to dry afterwards will get the job done.

How to Charge Opalite

Some of the methods of charging your opalite crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge opalite.

SUNLIGHT – Allow your opalite crystal to sunbathe briefly, as the sun’s rays charge up its energetic battery.

MOONLIGHT – Summon the spirit of the moon by placing your crystal outside overnight, allowing it to absorb the lunar energy and regain its vitality.

IN THE EARTH – Connect your crystal with the earth’s energy by burying it for 24 hours in rich soil.

SOUND THERAPY – Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells, singing bowls, or chanting.

OTHER CRYSTALS – Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite by placing them near your opalite crystal, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Opalite Chakra Placements

Opalite’s chakra placements are the crown, and third eye chakras.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

CROWN CHAKRA – Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra is connected to deep wisdom and heightened awareness. It helps us find our purpose and inner calm. Opalite’s clear thinking and positive effects align with the crown chakra’s search for spiritual insight. By bringing balance to the crown chakra, opalite strengthens our connection to our higher self.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Found between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is closely linked to intuition and self-reflection. Opalite helps balance this chakra, using its mental stability qualities and ability to ease emotions to enhance the third eye’s power for intuitive understanding.

Opalite Zodiac & Birthstone

While opalite doesn’t have any official zodiac or birthstone associations due to its lab-created nature, it’s a valuable tool for various zodiac signs, notably Libra, Aries, and Taurus.

For Libras seeking harmony, opalite offers a chance to embrace a carefree and optimistic outlook, helping them lighten their emotional load and not overly prioritize others’ feelings.

Opalite’s influence can help fiery Aries channel their passion positively, guiding them through transitions and managing impulsive reactions, fostering a more balanced approach.

Supportive opalite comes to the aid of steadfast Taurus, encouraging them during times of change and easing their natural resistance to new experiences.

Opalite Crystal Combinations

Customizing your crystal combinations allows you to tailor your healing journey to your specific goals and needs. While the ideal pairing varies based on your individual situation, the following combinations offer benefits that can resonate with nearly everyone.

Merge these two crystals for an emotional journey that uplifts your heart. Opalite fosters recovery from emotional challenges, while rose quartz radiates love and compassion.

Unite opalite and malachite crystals for seamless transitions and fresh beginnings. Opalite provides clarity and support during new phases, while malachite empowers you to shed unproductive habits, propelling your transition forward.

Infuse your spirit with boundless positivity by pairing opalite’s carefree lightness with citrine’s radiant optimism.

Experience a serene blend of energies as opalite clears your mind and lepidolite melts away stress, leaving you in a state of tranquil calmness.

A Final Note

Can a crystal crafted by human hands possess the enchantment of a natural gem? Indeed, its materials are rooted in our Earth after all. Don’t be dissuaded by this detail; opalite holds its own magic. Get your hands on opalite and be amazed as this whimsical crystal awakens your inner child’s wonder and infuses your life with boundless optimism.

is opalite man-made?

Yes, opalite is a man-made crystal.

is opalite a crystal?

While it’s referred to as a crystal in terms of crystal healing, it’s not a naturally occuring mineral.

is opalite glass?

Glass is one of the materials used to produce opalite.

how rare is opalite?

Opalite is not a rare healing crystal.

does opalite have bubbles?

Sometimes opalite has bubbles in it that occur as part of the glass formation.

does opalite glow in the dark?

No, it does not.

what does opalite represent?

Opalite represents youthful energy, emotional relief, new beginnings, positive vibes, and mental balance.

can opalite go in salt?

Yes, opalite can go in salt.

can opalite go in water?

Yes, opalite can go in water.

can opalite go in the sun?

Yes, sunlight is an excellent way to charge opalite.

what chakra is opalite?

Opalite is associated with the crown and third eye chakras.

opalite vs moonstone – what’s the difference?

While they have a similar milky glow, a key difference between these two crystals is that moonstone is a naturally occurring crystal, while opalite is a man-made glass healing crystal.

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