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Bloodstone Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Uses

APRIL 17, 2024

tumbled bloodstone crystals

What is Bloodstone Crystal?

Bloodstone crystal is an attractive, dark green mineral with a truly striking appearance. This mineral is classified as a chalcedony, a group of minerals that are a type of quartz.

Heliotrope, also known as bloodstone, is prized for its ability to reflect light. Its name, which means “sunstone” in Greek, is derived from the ancient belief that it could change the color of the sun to red when placed in water.

In addition to its attractive reflective qualities, heliotrope is also known for its color-changing properties. When subjected to heat, the green areas of the stone turn gray and the red areas turn black. This makes heliotrope a unique and captivating gemstone that has been prized for centuries.

Bloodstone Meaning & Healing Properties

The meaning of bloodstone is courage, healing, and protection.

What is bloodstone good for? – Bloodstone has a long history of being used for its possible medicinal and protective benefits. It’s widely believed that ancient warriors carried bloodstone talismans during battle as a means of protection. It was thought that the stones had the power to stop bleeding and heal wounds – important considerations in times of combat.

In addition to these supposed bloodstone benefits, this crystal was also widely believed to have protective qualities – specifically protecting the user from negative energy and the evil eye (a superstitious belief that a wicked gaze could cause harm).

Below are some of the most commonly reported bloodstone benefits in modern crystal healing.

Thought to be incredibly helpful for those feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

This green and red beauty is valued for its ability to help with feelings of stress and anxiety, which in turn may assist those healing from physical or emotional trauma.

Thought to have grounding and calming properties, bloodstone is a top choice for those looking to balance their energies.

Due to its association with the root chakra, which is thought to be the energy center that governs survival and security, bloodstone is often used to promote feelings of inner strength, bravery and courage.

Bloodstones are thought to offer protection against negative energy, and the effects of the evil eye.

Inspiration and creative energy is magnified when one feels balanced and grounded.

Thought to have properties that can aid in circulation and boost the immune system, bloodstone’s use dates back to ancient times.

Bloodstone Properties & Physical Characteristics

Bloodstone crystals are typically dark green with red or brown spots. The green base is due to the presence of chlorite or amphibole, and the red or brown spots are caused by iron oxide (also known as hematite). The specific color ratios vary per specimen. Bloodstones can come in shade ranging from pale to dark green, with many or few spots, depending on the amount of hematite.

MINERAL CLASS – Bloodstone is classified as quartz.

COLOR – Generally a deep green crystal, with splatter of red (or brown). Specimens with few inclusions are considered to be of higher value.

HARDNESS – Bloodstone’s hardness is rated a 6.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it a popular stone for use in jewelry. This mineral is harder than a material like talc but softer than topaz.

LUSTER – This crystal has a vitreous (glassy) luster. Its surface is quite shiny and reflective when polished.

TRANSPARENCY – Most specimens are opaque, meaning they do not allow light to pass through.

Where is Bloodstone Found?

Bloodstone gemstones are mined all across the world. A primary location for sourcing bloodstone is India, where the gemstone has a long history of use. Other sources for mining bloodstone include Africa, Brazil, China, and the United States.

Types of Bloodstone

In terms of perceived healing qualities, all bloodstones perform the same. However, the most popular types of bloodstone are African bloodstone and Indian bloodstone.

INDIAN BLOODSTONE: Rich texture, solid color with tiny red speckles and sometimes contains fancy jasper or moss agate.

AFRICAN BLOODSTONE: Also known as setonite, has mottled red and green inclusions.

Did you Know? – Bloodstone has been used in magic for over 3000 years!

Bloodstone Uses

Valued for its work in crystal healing, bloodstone can be found in many different forms and shapes. Whether you’d like to tap into this green beauty’s benefits by wearing it, or by displaying it, there are many ways to incorporate bloodstone’s spiritual properties into your life. Here are some of the most popular ways:

In addition to its metaphysical benefits, bloodstone has a particularly pleasing aesthetic, making it perfect for jewelry.

Bloodstone beads and tumbled stones are small and affordable – perfect for tucking into pockets so they are always close by.

Keep a bloodstone nearby as an homage to the ancient warriors who depended on bloodstone’s ability to boost circulation and aid in wound healing. Because of bloodstone’s “pulling down” energy, ancient lore recommends keeping it away from pregnant women until they are in active childbirth.

Bloodstone is an excellent stone to be placed between your ankles if you are meditating laying down, or in your lap, if meditating sitting up. Choose your preferred form – tumbled stones, palm stones, or even a rough specimen works well.

Use your bloodstone to help you set an intention rooted in its spiritual benefits related to courage, grounding, or creativity.

Hold your crystal, close your eyes and repeat one of the bloodstone affirmations below:

  1. I am strong and capable.
  2. I have the inner strength to overcome any obstacle.
  3. My power is unshakeable.

Gently place a bloodstone at the end of your yoga mat, and leave your practice feeling strong and full of purpose.

Protect your sacred space from negative energy by placing bloodstone in areas where its energy can be dispersed.

Let bloodstone help you get your creative juices flowing at work. Place the crystal on your desk to frequently remind yourself of your inner creative energy.

Forms & Shapes

Bloodstone comes in many forms and shapes. These largely depend on the level of processing done to the stone. They include:


Raw pieces have not been polished or treated in any way. They make excellent statement pieces.


Small, round pieces of stone that have gone through a tumbler. Often used in jewelry, crafting and altar displays.


Tumbled stones in small, uniform shapes used in jewelry making and crafting.


Similar to a tumbled stone, but flat on one side and dome shaped on the other.


A cut and polished piece of bloodstone shaped into an obelisk and is used to focus energy.


A piece of crystal that has been shaped and polished into a crystal ball. Spheres emit a soft, soothing energy, which they equally distribute in all directions.


Stone that has been cut and polished into a smooth oval/flat shape or a heart shape that perfectly fits into the hand. These stones emit a soft and gentle energy and are ideal for meditating or carrying around with you throughout the day.


A small polished piece of stone. Usually hung from a string and used for divination.


Stone that has been cut and polished into the shape of a pyramid, a sacred shape that is particularly well-suited for amplifying energies and intentions.


Polished bloodstone makes a wonderful adornment. Find these crystals being displayed in rings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants and more.

Caring for Your Crystal

For your crystals to perform optimally, they need to be cared for. Caring for bloodstones involves periodic cleansing and charging to maintain them physically and spiritually.

How to Cleanse Bloodstone

Cleansing a bloodstone involves mopping up the negative energy that it has been absorbing. Here are the most common ways to cleanse a bloodstone –

WATER – Quick and efficient, simply run your bloodstone gem under lukewarm running water for a few minutes.

SOIL – Let mother nature draw out the negative energy by burying your stone outside for a couple of days.

SMUDGING – Use the smoke from burning sage to cleanse. Hold the stone in one hand and waft the smoke over it. It’s believed that this will cleanse and purify the stone.

MOONLIGHT – Place your stone under the light of a full moon for a few hours to invite the moon’s energy to cleanse and purify.

How to Activate Bloodstone

Some of the methods of charging your bloodstone overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge (activate) your stone.

SOIL – With bloodstone’s grounding properties, it’s thought to respond well to being charged by placing it in, or on top of soil overnight.

SUNLIGHT – Let the rays of the sun activate your crystal. Place stones outside or on a windowsill for a few hours.

MOONLIGHT – Recharge your bloodstone by placing it in the light of the moon. The moon does not have to be full to receive its activation effects.

OTHER CRYSTALS – Use the energy of clear quartz or selenite to charge your crystal. Simply place the stones near each other.

Bloodstone Chakra Placements

Bloodstones are particularly associated with the root chakra. Thus, in meditation, they are placed on the lower back or the lower lumbar region.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

Bloodstone crystals are known for working with lower chakras to bring feelings of strength and courage and vitality into our lives.

Bloodstones connect strongest with the root chakra. The root chakra is the anchor of our lives when all around us is chaotic. It is the one that holds fast when life’s storms and waves rave about us. Connecting with the root chakra helps us maintain our cool and feel strength even in the toughest situations.

They also work with the heart chakra thus giving us love, compassion, trust, and the ability to open ourselves. Dealing with these blockages opens us up to a world of wilder dreams, great healing, open-heartedness, and joy.

Bloodstone Birthstone & Zodiac

Bloodstone is associated with the zodiac sign of Aries. Thought to be grounding and stabilizing, bloodstone crystals may help balance the energetic qualities often possessed by Aries.

Along with aquamarine and jasper, bloodstone is often considered a birthstone for March.


Crystals work to bring to us maximum spiritual benefits. However, they can work even better in complementary combinations.

Maximize positive vibrations by combining shungite and bloodstone, two crystals known for clearing out negative energy.

A powerful combination, bloodstone and amethyst crystals help to ground, balance energy and promote calmness.

Combine these green gemstones for clearer communication and increased creativity.

Clear quartz is known for being able to amplify the energy of other crystals.

These green stones can work together to promote relaxation.

A Final Note

Bloodstone crystals are bursting with possible metaphysical benefits, including the ability to ground and energize the user. If your inner warrior is craving feelings of courage, bravery and protection from negative energy, it may be time to introduce bloodstone into your life!

African bloodstone vs bloodstone – what’s the difference?

While both forms of bloodstone have the same spiritual properties, their appearance is slightly different. African bloodstone tends to have larger red spots than other varieties. It is also often referred to as setonite.

Dragon blood jasper vs. bloodstone – what’s the difference?

While both stones dazzle with green and red hues – they should not be confused with one another. Dragon blood jasper is composed of red and green epidote. Bloodstone is made from chalcedony. The chemical compositions of each stone are unique, so even though they resemble one another, they are completely different crystals.

Who should wear a bloodstone?

Anyone can wear a bloodstone but most importantly, those who seek strength, courage, and vitality.

What does bloodstone symbolize?

Bloodstones symbolize strength, courage, and vitality.

Can bloodstones go in the water?

Yes, bloodstones are water safe. In fact, water is one of the recommended ways to cleanse bloodstone before charging it.

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