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Malachite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Uses

APRIL 17, 2024

tumbled malachite crystals

What is Malachite?

Malachite crystal, a mineral with a rich history dating back over 4000 years, has captivated people for centuries. This mesmerizing green gemstone, with its unique pattern of special rings called the “peacock’s eye” was originally discovered and used to produce copper. The rich color of malachite is truly a remarkable sight. It has also been considered a rare gemstone for many years, as most of the original malachite mines and deposits have been depleted.

What does malachite do? – In the realm of crystal healing, malachite is said to be a powerful stone that can help with emotional healing and spiritual development. It is believed to be a protective crystal that can help balance emotions and bring about change. Many spiritual practitioners use green malachite to help with physical healing, as well as to protect against negative energy.

How to Pronounce Malachite

It is not at all difficult to pronounce malachite. It is commonly pronounced as ma-luh-kite and thought to be derived from the Greek word “mallache” meaning green, which is fitting given its beautiful green color.

Malachite Meaning & Healing Properties

The general meaning of malachite is protection and transformation.

The spiritual and healing properties of malachite have been revered for centuries, dating back to ancient times. This precious gem was believed to protect against the evil eye by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who often used it in amulets and talismans. The stunning green hues of malachite were also used to create sculptures and were even ground down to make green eyeshadow and paint pigments (like lapis lazuli was).

In Russia, massive deposits of rough malachite were once found and used to decorate the palaces of the Czars. However, with aggressive mining, the supply of malachite ran out in the early 1800s.

In the middle ages, malachite was worn by children as a protection against black magic and witchcraft. It was believed that malachite stone had the power to warn of danger and if it broke, it was a sign that danger was nearby.

Even today, thanks to malachite’s metaphysical properties, it is considered a very powerful stone. Below are some of the top malachite healing properties.

Possibly the most well known malachite benefit. This crystal is a powerful protective stone that absorbs negative and toxic energies, promoting positivity and emotional well-being.

Known as the “stone of transformation,” malachite is believed to be a powerful guide on the journey of self growth. It is said to help heal painful emotions, absorbing them into itself, offering support during times of change, or break a bad habit.

A popular one of malachite’s magical properties is its reported ability to provide individuals with independence, decisiveness, and determination, making it a powerful tool for achieving goals and manifesting success.

Malachite is said to tap into deep emotions and inspire vulnerability, leading to an increased sense of creativity and artistic expression.

The powers of malachite are said to balance and open the chakras, promoting feelings of love and emotional harmony, while flushing away negative energy.

In crystal healing, malachite is believed to have a range of health benefits including reducing joint inflammation, relieving menstrual symptoms, improving sleep, promoting circulation, and supporting the immune system and liver function.

Malachite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Malachite is a beautiful and unique mineral that forms above copper deposits beneath the earth’s surface. This mineral can often be found deep inside caves, in the form of stalactites, and is also commonly found in limestone. Often, malachite is found alongside other minerals like azurite and calcite. When cut into slabs, malachite has banding and “eyes” that resemble an agate.

MINERAL CLASS – A member of the copper carbonate hydroxide mineral group, alongside the equally stunning azurite.

COLOR – A mesmerizing deep green color, with light green streaks and rings that resemble a peacock’s eye.

MALACHITE HARDNESS – Possessing a relatively delicate nature, with a rating of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale, it’s harder than soft amber and fuchsite, but less sturdy than crystals like sodalite and peridot.

MALACHITE LUSTER – Described as having a vitreous to adamantine luster. This means the stone can have a reflective and glassy appearance. Vitreous is the most common type of luster – with approximately 70% of minerals exhibiting this type of luster.

TRANSPARENCY – Often opaque, but can surprise with its transparency, making it a truly remarkable crystal.

Is Malachite Toxic?

While a popular stone for jewelry and crystal healing purposes, due to its high copper levels, malachite can be considered toxic if not handled properly. This toxicity generally refers to the dust that comes from processing natural malachite, and not the final product – your polished stone.

To avoid any toxicity from malachite, it’s important to never inhale or ingest pieces of the crystal, or consume anything that’s been exposed to the stone (like food or water).

Colors & Types

The beauty of real malachite lies in its wide range of colors, from pale green to deep, dark green – almost black! While there are no official “types” of malachite, it forms in various ways that have their own descriptions.

A combination of two copper-derived minerals, blending the green of malachite with the blue of azurite. Azurite, a mineral often used as a pigment, can range in color from blue to green, to even black. This combination crystal is thought to bring about change and balance your inner self. It’s often referred to as Azurmalachite.

Another form is velvet malachite, which “grows” in a silky formation, often with “hills” and a fibrous texture. This rare form of malachite is also known as “silky” or “fibrous” malachite. Despite its name, the crystal’s surface is not actually soft, it is prickly and brittle, but the light passing through many pointed crystals on the specimen makse it look like velvet.

The third type of malachite is botryoidal malachite, which has a globular appearance and looks like a bunch of grapes, hence its name, which comes from the Greek word “botryoidal” meaning a bunch of grapes. This form of malachite has an external surface made up of rounded segments. It’s important to remember that all forms of malachite have the same toxicity, so even though they may look like a bunch of grapes, be sure not to take a bite!

What is Malachite Good For?

Malachite can be incorporated in one’s life in many ways. For some, to be a part of a crystal healing ritual, and for others, simply for the stone’s aesthetic value. Here are some straightforward malachite uses that can be incorporated into everyday life.

Below are some examples of affirmations that reinforce malachite’s healing properties related to transformation:

  1. I am open to change
  2. I trust my inner self to guide me towards positive change
  3. I am ready to let go of old patterns and embrace change
  4. I am strong and capable of overcoming any obstacle in my journey of transformation

Enhance your meditation practice by holding your crystal in the palms of your hands during your session. Any shape crystal works, but some prefer to use round palm stones, or carved malachite hearts.

Elevate your yoga practice by incorporating a malachite crystal. Place a malachite crystal at the end of your mat and take a glance at it during your practice, to allow the crystal to help release any negative energy.

Hold your malachite crystal in your hand while closing your eyes and thinking of an intention. When you open your eyes, it is believed that the crystal has now been “charged” with the intention you’ve set.

Experience the soothing and uplifting energy of malachite during your bathtime by placing it on the ledge or counter next to the tub. Keep in mind that malachite is not water friendly, therefore it is not recommended to put the crystal in the water.

Tumbled stones are ideal for taking on the go, as they easily fit into pockets, purses, clothing and bags.

Experience the benefits of malachite in your home by strategically placing it in specific areas. Placing malachite on the eastern side of your home can enhance health and family harmony, while placing it in the south-east corner can promote prosperity.

Malachite is a highly sought after stone for jewelry, as it offers protective qualities that can be carried with you throughout the day. Popular jewelry items such as necklaces, rings, and malachite bracelets are a great way to incorporate this stone into your everyday life.

If you’re interested in experiencing vivid dreams tonight, try sleeping with some malachite under your pillow.

Enhance the beauty of your altar by displaying your tumbled malachite stones on it. This not only adds visual appeal, but also makes them easily accessible for you to touch and connect with the energy of the crystals when desired.

Enhance your career journey by keeping a malachite crystal in your workspace. This powerful stone can provide support and guidance during times of transition, helping you navigate changes and achieve your professional goals.

Caring for Your Crystal

To ensure your crystals maintain their natural energy and beauty, it’s essential that they are properly cared for. This includes regular cleansing and charging of the stones.

There are numerous ways to cleanse and charge crystals, and the most effective method will depend on the specific type of crystal, and your personal preferences. It’s important to take the time to research and understand the needs of your different crystals to ensure they receive adequate care. Below are the best ways to cleanse and charge malachite.

How to Cleanse Malachite

Refresh and renew your malachite by giving it a deep cleanse every now and again using your favorite of these techniques.

SMUDGING – Using sage smoke to purify and cleanse your stone is both powerful and effective. Simply light the bundle, blow out the flame and waft your malachite through the smoke a handful of times.

SELENITE – Recharge your crystal by placing the stone on a selenite slab for 12 hours, ensuring direct contact between the two stones for maximum energy transfer.

CLEAR QUARTZ – Similar to using selenite, place your malachite in direct contact with clear quartz overnight to cleanse and purify your stone.

EARTH’S ENERGY – For a deep cleanse, bury your malachite in the soil. After a few days, retrieve your purified and cleansed malachite.

MOONLIGHT – Place your malachite under the light of a full moon for a few hours to invite the moon’s energy to cleanse and purify.

RICE – Use uncooked rice to soak up negative energy and realign the crystal’s natural good vibrations by leaving it overnight. The rice should be thrown away afterwards, and never consumed.

BREATHWORK – Hold your stone in your hands and think about the crystal in its purest, cleanest form free from negative energy. Blow onto the stone to complete the cleansing process.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to purify and realign the energy of the crystal.

It’s important to note that putting malachite in water for cleansing is not recommended, as the mineral has a relatively low hardness on the Mohs scale, between 3.5 and 4. Crystals typically require at least a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale to withstand water.

How to Charge Malachite

Activate the energy of your malachite by charging it using these simple methods. Some methods overlap with cleansing as well.

IN THE EARTH – Allow your crystal to soak up the energy of the earth, recharging and realigning its natural vibrations and energy.

SUNLIGHT – Charging your stone by exposing it to sunlight is a simple, yet effective method. However, please be mindful of the amount of time the stone is exposed to sunlight, as prolonged exposure may cause discoloration.

MOONLIGHT – Malachite and the moon are an excellent duo. Place your stone under the light of a full moon to invite the moon’s energy to recharge and energize the stone.

SOUND THERAPY – Place the crystal near a singing bowl or bell and strike it to produce a soothing, resonant sound. The vibrations from the sound are thought to help realign and energize the crystal.

OTHER CRYSTALS – Should you have some clear quartz or selenite available, use their energy to charge your crystal. Simply place the stones near each other.

Malachite Chakra Placements

Malachite, with its stunning green hues, is a powerful ally for the chakras. It is said to be particularly attuned to the heart chakra, helping us to open our hearts to love and compassion. It can also work with the third eye chakra, helping us to tap into our intuition and inner wisdom. And, when placed on the solar plexus chakra, it can help to ground us and boost our willpower.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

Green crystals like malachite are often associated with the heart chakra and are believed to be powerful tools for healing and transformation.

Malachite Zodiac & Birthstones

While not officially assigned to any specific month or birthstone, malachite is often associated with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Taurus individuals are known for their stubbornness and resistance to change. Malachite’s energy can help them to embrace new possibilities and navigate uncertainty with greater ease.

Capricorns are driven by their ambition and focus on achieving their goals. The emotional balancing properties of malachite can aid in maintaining a sense of emotional balance during the pursuit of their aspirations.

Scorpios are known for their charm and ever-evolving energy. As the “stone of transformation,” malachite can serve as a guide for Scorpios as they navigate through the frequent changes in their lives.

Crystal Pairings

In crystal healing, stones can be paired together to enhance their natural properties and benefits. When two or more crystals are used together, they create a synergistic effect that amplifies the energy of each individual crystal. Below are some common crystals that pair well with malachite.

Malachite and chrysocolla are often referred to as “cousin crystals,” as they complement each other perfectly. Together, they provide a powerful tool for facing emotional challenges and promoting communication with those around us. These crystals can help to release resentment and pain, allowing individuals to outgrow negative habits and shed anything that holds them back. They also work to boost confidence and self-esteem.

Pair amethyst and malachite together during meditation to promote confidence and self-worth. Both stones are associated with the upper chakras, which represent one’s connection to the inner self, others, and the universe. This combination can aid in spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Black tourmaline and malachite together offer excellent protection against negative energies. This combination is perfect for use during meditation or manifestation rituals, helping to clear any blockages and attract positive energy.

Red Jasper and malachite work together to balance emotions and provide a sense of grounding and protection. This combination is thought to boost sexual energy, making it a perfect pair to keep in the bedroom.

A Final Note

Malachite is a stunning green gemstone with a rich history dating back thousands of years. Not only is it prized for its beauty, but it is also believed to have powerful healing properties, including protection from negative energy, emotional balance, and physical benefits. This versatile stone is said to be a powerful tool for personal transformation, achieving goals, and boosting creativity. Overall, malachite is a must-have for anyone looking for a stone that can bring beauty and positivity to their life.

How to spot fake malachite?

Spotting fake malachite can be challenging, but there are a couple of key things to keep in mind. One of the easiest ways to tell if malachite is real or fake is by considering the size of the stone. The larger the stone, the easier it is to tell because you can clearly see the identifiable rings that are unique to real malachite. Genuine malachite also has a particular feel to it, it should feel cold, heavy and hard to the touch.

What color is malachite?

Malachite is known for its deep, rich green color. It can vary in shade from a pale green to a dark, almost black green, and it often displays unique banding and “eye” patterns that resemble the markings of a peacock.

Can malachite get wet?

Being so low on the Mohs hardness scale, it’s not recommended to get malachite wet. However, if you were to briefly get your malachite crystal wet by accident, there would be no instant adverse reactions to the stone itself. You would want to be sure not to drink the water that the crystal came into contact with though.

Can malachite be in the sun?

Yes, but malachite does have the tendency to fade if left in the sun for prolonged periods of time so keep the exposure time short.

Can malachite kill you?

To be fatal, malachite needs to be ingested in large quantities or inhaled profusely. Everyday handling of polished malachite is perceived to be perfectly safe.

What’s the bible meaning of this stone?

In the New Jerusalem Bible, malachite is listed as one of the 12 gemstones that made up the foundation of the city walls of New Jerusalem (which was constructed after the first city and Temple were burned down) .

Malachite vs. Jade – what’s the difference?

Malachite and Jade crystals are both green colored stones that can have a vitreous luster. Both are sought after for their beauty and unique properties. However, jade is harder than malachite, with a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5-7. Jade may also be less vibrant in color than malachite, and may have some imperfections such as brown lines. In addition, jade is known as a stability and tranquility stone, while malachite is known as a protective gem, believed to ward off negative energies.

Malachite vs. moldavite – what’s the difference?

Malachite and moldavite may have similar names and colors, but they do not have much in common physically. Malachite is a crystal, while moldavite is a green tektite, which is a type of glass. The color of moldavite ranges from dark olive to a pale blue green. It is also important to note that moldavite is often faked because it is a glass and can be hard to differentiate between a genuine specimen and a replica. Spiritually, both malachite and moldavite are considered stones of transformation. Malachite is believed to help purge pain and trauma, while moldavite is said to stir a spiritual awakening within us.

What chakra is malachite?

Malachite is closely associated with the heart chakra, helping us to open our hearts to love and compassion. The crystal also has looser ties to the third eye, and solar plexus chakras.

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