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Shungite Crystal: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

APRIL 17, 2024

shungite crystal

What is Shungite Crystal?

Shungite, while not technically a crystal, is a fascinating mineraloid (like opal and obsidian). Even though it does not meet all the criteria for a true mineral, shungite boasts remarkable properties that have captivated researchers and crystal enthusiasts alike. With an age estimated to exceed 2 billion years, shungite holds the secrets of ancient times, making it a truly wise and enigmatic stone.

At its core, shungite is largely composed of carbon—the very building block of all life forms on Earth, including humans, who consist of about 18% carbon. This shared elemental makeup between shungite and living beings may be what draws us to its mystical allure, as if there’s a deep connection beyond time and space, waiting to be explored.

Ready to explore the ancient wisdom of this unique crystal? Below we uncover the key shungite meanings, healing properties and answer the question: what does shungite do?

Shungite Pronunciation

Shungite is pronounced just as it is spelled, shun-gite. Its name is derived from the Shunga village in Russia, near where it was first discovered.

Shungite Meaning & Healing Properties

Shungite’s meanings tied to purification, grounding, transformation, and positivity position it as the wise elder of healing stones.

Like a caring grandparent, shungite offers comfort and reassurance during tumultuous times, grounding and purifying your energy amidst life’s complexities. Guiding you through moments of change and important decisions, shungite’s healing properties inspire optimism and resilience, reminding you to embrace the bright side in every situation.

Shungite keeps the mind stable and clear, helping us focus on what truly matters in life and find balance amidst various commitments.

The most well known of shungite meanings. It draws out negative energy, washing away old pains and trauma, while opening us to more positive energy.

Shungite helps release bad habits and unproductive behaviors, freeing us from what no longer serves us and promoting personal growth.

Shungite clears negative energies, allowing for mental clarity to see our goals clearly, while uplifting our spirits with optimism and positivity.

“Noted to be a stone of truth, shungite is said to make lies feel uncomfortable to the person in their physical body.” – Nadine, Certified Holistic Gemstone Therapist

Shungite Properties & Physical Characteristics

Shungite’s surprisingly lightweight nature can be attributed to its high carbon content, making it one of the lightest rock types due to carbon being one of the lightest elements in the periodic table.

Shungite crystals are opaque and can exhibit a striking shine. Its appearance varies from deep bronze to black to bright silver, adding to its allure and versatility.

One of the most remarkable shungite properties is that it contains rare fullerenes, believed to contribute to its powerful properties. Historically, shungite has been used for water purification. Studies have investigated its ability to effectively remove pathogenic bacteria and heavy metals from contaminated water.

SHUNGITE MINERAL TYPE – Metamorphic rock containing pyrobitumen
SHUNGITE HARDNESS – 3.5 – 4 on the Mohs hardness scale
SHUNGITE COLOR – Deep bronze, black, and silver
LUSTER – Lustrous (very shiny)

Where are Shungite Crystals Found?

The majority of the world’s shungite specimens originate from Russia, with the largest and oldest deposits located in the Zazhoginskoe mining field.

Apart from Russia, shungite deposits have been discovered in various countries, including Austria, China, India, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kazakhstan, and the USA.

Types of Shungite Crystals

When shungite comes to mind, it’s often pictured as a sleek, black stone—representative of regular shungite. However, the world of shungite holds a delightful surprise with three distinct types—Regular Shungite, Petrovsky Shungite, and Elite Shungite—each boasting its own set of unique characteristics and properties.

Type 1 – Elite Shungite

At the pinnacle of quality, Elite shungite (also called noble shungite) contains over 90% carbon, boasting a lustrous silver appearance. Although delicate, it is believed to possess the most potent shungite healing properties among the three types.

Type 11 – Petrovsky Shungite

A transitional variety with over 50% carbon, Petrovsky shungite exhibits a gray color, falling between regular and elite shungite in carbon content.

Type 111 – Regular Shungite

Deep black in color, regular shungite is easily shaped and contains less than 50% carbon. It is the type often used for creating polished shungite crystals.

Real vs. Fake Shungite

Distinguishing between real and fake shungite can be a straightforward process when you know what to look for. One of the most telling indicators is its weight. Real shungite is exceptionally lightweight due to its high carbon content. If a crystal appears to be shungite but feels as heavy as any other stone, it might be an imposter.

Additionally, a visual inspection can offer valuable clues. Authentic shungite often leaves a slight residue on your hands when handled, although not always. Fragility is another trait to observe, especially in elite shungite. Small pieces of shungite may crumble off just from gentle handling, which is a distinct characteristic of genuine specimens. By paying attention to these key features, you can better identify verified shungite from fakes.

Shungite Benefits & Uses

Shungite crystals, with their intriguing ancient origins, offer a handful of benefits that can enhance your wellness routine. From their pleasing deep black or shiny silver hues, to their metaphysical properties, shungite brings a unique charm to your life. Discover the best ways to incorporate shungite’s benefits into your daily rituals below.

The following shungite affirmations reinforce the crystal’s healing properties associated with transformation and positivity.

  1. I am in charge of my life.
  2. I am capable of great success.
  3. Today is a new day.
  4. I am free from doubt and fear.

Meditation is an effective practice for promoting calmness, clarity, and grounding. If you find yourself filled with mental clutter leading to anxious feelings, studies have shown that meditation can help reduce anxiety symptoms. When meditating, holding shungite in your palms can enhance the experience, allowing you to connect with its energy while you breathe in and out.

As a transformation promoting crystal, shungite is excellent to bring in as part of an intention setting ritual. Hold the crystal in your hands while thinking of an intention. Next, repeat the intention in your mind several times. Then, open your eyes. It’s believed that the shungite crystal has now been “charged” with the intention you’ve set.

Place the shungite crystal at the edge of your mat and periodically direct your gaze towards it, regaining your focus in the process. Let the presence of the stone guide you to a deeper state of mindfulness throughout your entire routine.

Elevate your bathing ritual by adding a touch of shungite magic. Let the warm waters cleanse your body while shungite’s properties related to purification wash away negativity. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t bring your shungite into the water though, it’s much too soft. Generally, only crystals that reach a 6 or higher on the Mohs hardness scale should be submerged in water.

When your mind is abuzz with worries and to-do lists, finding sleep can be challenging. Enter shungite crystal, with its grounding prowess, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Place a piece of shungite by your bedside, clearing your mind, and inviting in a peaceful, restorative sleep

Advancing in your career often requires introspection, acknowledging and leaving behind unhelpful habits and behaviors. Embrace the change, and the rewards will follow. Shungite benefits you by standing by your side during such transformative times, providing the support needed to succeed.

Harness shungite’s energy to wash away negative vibes and foster grounding and stability. Strategically place shungite in high-traffic areas to tap into shungite’s healing properties and infuse your home with a sense of tranquility and balance.

Wearing shungite jewelry is a simple and aesthetic way to keep the crystals benefits with you all day long. If you prefer not to wear your shungite, small pieces travel well in pockets, purses, and bags (as long as it’s in a safe container).

Forms & Shapes of Shungite Stones

Shungite is available in a wide array of shapes and forms, allowing you to choose the one that resonates with you and aligns with your intended use. Explore the variety and select the perfect shape that connects with your personal energy.

Rough (or raw) shungite is the most natural form of the stone. It has an irregular, rough texture and uneven edges. Crystals in their natural state are believed by some to have a more powerful energy than processed (polished) crystals.

Small pieces of shungite that have been tumbled are round and smooth. They feel nice to hold, and look elegant when displayed as part of a crystal collection.

Adorn yourself with shungite jewelry to purify your surroundings and repel negativity. Shungite bracelets, featuring round beads, offer a stylish and protective accessory.

Sleek, black shungite pyramids embody the ancient and sacred shape that enhances grounding properties and channels energy through their points and apex.

Smooth, cool, and perfectly round. The spherical shape allows shungite’s metaphysical properties to be radiated in all directions, cleansing the area from negativity.

One of the most popular crystal shapes. These six or eight-sided shungite towers, with a flat bottom and a pointed top are often utilized in meditation sessions and chakra healing rituals to harness shungite’s metaphysical properties.

Aligning with shungite’s meanings, crystal cubes are known for their grounding properties, and having six perfectly smooth surfaces.

Thought to be a power conduit for harnessing the crystal’s energy. These are typically long and thin with a pointed shape, while some have raw edges.

Pieces of crystal that have been cut and polished to fit nicely into the palm of the hand to hold during mediation or intention setting. These are typically round but can sometimes be found in heart shapes as well.

The egg shape symbolizes new beginnings, growth, and transformation. Shungite, known for supporting personal growth, perfectly aligns with this form.

Caring for Shungite Crystals

To maintain their energetic effectiveness, caring for healing crystals is crucial. Regular cleansing and charging are essential, especially for crystals that absorb negative energy, like shungite. The more you use a crystal, the more important it becomes to cleanse and charge it, ensuring it remains in optimal condition.

How to Cleanse Shungite

There are several options for cleansing your shungite crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

RUNNING WATER – Pass your shungite stone under running water for a couple of minutes to wash it of any stored negativity. After, let the crystal air dry.

BREATHWORK – Hold the shungite stone in your hand with your eyes closed. Then, deeply inhale through your nostrils. Next, bring the stone close to your face and exhale several forceful breaths through your nose onto the stone.

SMUDGING – Hold the shungite stone in one hand and pass the smoke from burning sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass over it, purifying and rejuvenating its energy.

MOONLIGHT – Place your crystal under the light of a full moon for a few hours, allowing the moon’s energy to cleanse and recharge its vibrations.

SOUND THERAPY – Utilize the soothing sounds of bells or singing bowls to cleanse your shungite, creating a harmonious resonance that promotes its purification.

How to Charge Shungite

Some of the methods of charging your crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge shungite.

IN THE EARTH – Connect your crystal with the earth’s energy by burying it for 24 hours. When you collect it, it will be rejuvenated and ready to be put to work.

SUNLIGHT – Bask your shungite crystal in the gentle rays of the sun for an hour, revitalizing and replenishing its energy. It’s important not to leave your crystal in the sun for too long though, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can have a negative impact on the crystal’s appearance.

MOONLIGHT – Invite the moon’s energy by placing your crystal outside overnight, allowing it to absorb the lunar vibrations and regain its vitality.

SOUND THERAPY – Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells or singing bowls.

OTHER STONES – Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite by placing them near your shungite, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Shungite Chakra Placements

Shungite’s chakra is the root chakra, also known as Muladhara in Sanskrit.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

ROOT CHAKRA – The first of the 7 chakras, the root chakra is located at the base of the spine and associated with the color red. It governs our sense of safety and connection to the physical world. When blocked, it can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear. Shungite is believed to complement the root chakra’s grounding attributes, making it an ideal crystal to aid in unblocking this chakra. Embrace shungite’s energy to experience feelings of stability, trust, and a deep connection to the present moment.

Zodiac Signs

Shungite doesn’t have an official association with any specific zodiac sign, making it a versatile crystal that can benefit many sun signs. Here are a few examples.

Known for overthinking and worrying tendencies, Virgos can benefit from shungite’s grounding properties. It helps them focus on what truly matters and avoid getting caught up in unnecessary details or things beyond their control.

Friendly visionaries with a hint of eccentricity and stubbornness, Aquarians can utilize shungite’s benefits for introspection. It helps them identify habits that hinder their success, fostering personal growth.

Oh, charming Gemini! They talk the talk, but can they always walk the walk? Geminis can tap into shungite’s grounding and transformational properties to prevent nervousness or anxiousness from stopping them from achieving their goals.

Shungite Crystal Pairings

Crystal healing often involves pairing different stones together to amplify their natural properties and benefits. When two or more crystals are used in combination, they create a synergistic effect that enhances the energy of each individual crystal.

Like shungite, moss agate’s meanings also include transformation. Combining these stones helps to support success in big life changes.

Grounding and stabilizing, both crystals complement each other’s qualities. Shungite’s transformational energy complements carnelian’s motivation and creativity, aiding in personal growth endeavors.

As the first step in personal growth, shungite aids introspection and the release of unhelpful habits. Pairing it with amazonite is highly valuable, as this crystal supports communication and self-expression, essential qualities for a fulfilling personal growth journey.

A Final Note

Shungite, a sleek black crystal, carries the ancient wisdom of 2 billion years. Whether you’re drawn to its beauty, meanings, or simply because we share similarities (we’re both largely made of carbon!), shungite is a reliable friend, grounding and freeing you from negativity. Keep this powerful crystal close for a transformative journey to well-being.

Are there any shungite side effects?

There are no negative side effects of using shungite as part of a crystal healing or wellness routine.

Is shungite magnetic?

Shungite is not magnetic.

Does shungite protect from EMF?

Because of the fullerenes that have been found in shungite, there is speculation that it may protect from electromagnetic fields (EMF). While it is possible, the science supporting such beliefs is currently limited.

Does shungite purify water?

Yes, shungite is known for its ability to purify water and has done so for centuries (although not a replacement for existing water treatment systems).

Is shungite rare?

Regular shungite is a somewhat rare stone, with elite shungite being quite rare.

Shungite vs. obsidian – what’s the difference?

Although both of these black crystals promote grounding and mental clarity, obsidian is a naturally forming volcanic glass. It can also be found in non-black colors like gold and mahogany.

Shungite vs. black tourmaline – what’s the difference?

Another negative zapping duo. A key difference between shungite and black tourmaline is that black tourmaline is quite sturdy (unlike shungite). It also has the unique ability to produce electricity when heated.

Shungite vs. hematite – what’s the difference?

Hematite crystals are metallic and shiny, and could be confused for elite shungite (but not regular shungite). Being classified as black crystals, both stones have grounding and protection properties. Hematite is a very different makeup than shungite, it is composed of iron oxide leading to a unique, metallic appearance.

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