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Moldavite Crystal: Meaning & Properties – What does moldavite do?

APRIL 17, 2024

moldavite crystal

What is Moldavite Crystal?

Moldavite crystals hold a fascinating tale—they are extraordinary pieces of green natural glass that descended from the heavens. With a remarkable origin dating back almost 15 million years, these gems were formed by the impact of a meteorite striking the Earth. Unlike the minerals birthed within our planet’s depths, there’s an undeniable allure and mystery to these otherworldly treasures.

Radiating an intense energy that can even be physically felt, moldavite crystals are believed by some to be purposefully sent to Earth to aid in the spiritual awakening of humanity and forge a profound connection with the divine.

But these are no ordinary transformation crystals; moldavite means business. So, if you’re prepared to seize control of your life and long to venture beyond the confines of our earthly existence—to tap into the vast expanses of the universe—then moldavite beckons.

Below, we’ll unravel the key moldavite meanings and healing properties and unveil the answer to the burning question on everyone’s mind: What does moldavite do?

Moldavite Meaning & Healing Properties

The most notable moldavite meanings are transformation, protection, spiritual awakening, self awareness, emotional healing, and fortune.

With moldavite’s aid, you can swiftly shed bad habits and unproductive patterns, propelling yourself towards excellence. Unlike other transformational crystals, this change is rapid – be ready.

Moldavite acts as a shield, safeguarding you from negative energies and providing a sense of energetic security.

Moldavite is considered a special gift from the stars that can greatly assist our spiritual growth, strengthen psychic abilities, and deepen our connection to the divine. It is highly respected in the spiritual community due to its origin from a distant time and place, giving it powerful properties that go beyond our understanding of time.

For those exploring past lives, moldavite serves as a valuable tool to help uncover hidden insights.

Moldavite opens your mind to a broader perspective, revealing that life extends beyond Earth. It encourages leaving behind worries and stagnant feelings, recognizing the oneness with the universe while keeping things in perspective.

Embrace the intense energy of moldavite to delve into deep-seated trauma and baggage, finding support in letting go of burdens. Aligned with the heart chakra, moldavite facilitates the release of negativity, allowing love to flow in.

Moldavite has historically been cherished as a talisman of good fortune, fertility, and protection. Throughout centuries, it has adorned jewelry, religious items, and has been a central element in various spiritual practices. And in modern day crystal healing, it still stands as a crystal for good luck.

What is Moldavite Good For?

As a powerful healing crystal, using moldavite is good for anyone who…

  • Aspires to strengthen their spiritual connection
  • Wants help tapping into their sense of oneness with the universe
  • Seeks a big life change, but requires motivation to take the first step
  • Wishes to enhance personal relationships by unlocking the heart chakra’s power
  • Enjoys working with crystals that exude intense and transformative energies
  • Requires protection from negative energies emitted by others
  • Aims to broaden their perspective and embrace new outlooks on life

Moldavite Warnings, Dangers & Myths

Often, fear arises not from genuine threats but from the unknown. Uncertainty about a powerful substance like moldavite can cause hesitation or, in extreme cases, fear.

It’s crucial to differentiate personal experiences from the properties of the stone itself— just because an event happens in conjunction with using moldavite (correlation), it doesn’t mean that the stone is the cause of that event (causation). This confusion often fuels myths and misconceptions, leading to unwarranted concerns about the crystal’s safety.

Rest assured, moldavite is perfectly safe to use and is neither dangerous nor toxic. With that understanding in place, let’s now explore the common moldavite warnings that potential users should be aware of before embracing this crystal’s metaphysical properties.

Some users physically feel the intense energy of moldavite, causing tingling sensations and light-headedness (called the “moldavite flush”). Start slowly to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the powerful energy shift.

Moldavite’s transformative power can bring buried emotions to the surface, initially causing discomfort. However, this process leads to shedding negativity for personal growth.

Due to its intensity, prolonged exposure to moldavite’s effects can deplete your energy. Start with short interactions to prevent exhaustion. Experts like Nadine Boulos, Certified Holistic Gemstone Therapist, recommend starting with 30 seconds at a time, working your way up to a maximum of 30 minute increments.

Moldavite’s potent energy might influence vivid dreams or nightmares if kept nearby while sleeping. Consider keeping it away from your bedroom for restful sleep.

Physical Moldavite Properties & Facts

While commonly known as moldavite crystal, this stone is, in fact, a natural form of glass known as tektite. It presents itself in various captivating shades of green, ranging from deep forest hues to pale olive, and occasionally even venturing into blue-green tones.

What does moldavite look like? – What sets moldavite crystals apart is their extraordinary natural formation. Shaped like drops, they have seemingly “splattered” to the earth, resulting in each specimen being truly unique. With intricate patterns, etches, carvings, and wrinkles caused mainly by etching, raw moldavite stones exhibit their individuality. Some specimens may even showcase swirls or bubbles, adding to their enchanting allure.

MOLDAVITE HARDNESS – 5.5-7 Mohs hardness rating
TRANSPARENCY – Translucent or transparent (fully or partially see through)
LUSTER – Vitreous (which is expected, as vitreous means a ‘glassy’ appearance)

Where Does Moldavite Come From?

Moldavite originates from the Czech Republic, where a meteorite impact occurred approximately 15 million years ago. The sheer force of the impact caused most moldavite to be buried deep within the Earth’s surface.

In the past, farmers would stumble upon pieces of moldavite while plowing their fields. Heavy rains and spring thaws would bring these precious stones up to the surface.

In modern times, due to its high desirability, moldavite is intentionally mined exclusively in the Czech Republic. Its limited abundance and restricted access make it a rare and valuable gem, as it’s challenging to obtain. Given its non-renewable nature, the Earth’s remaining supply is projected to be depleted within the next ten years.

Types of Moldavite Stones

Moldavite stones do not have official distinct types, but variations can be found in different locations. For instance:

  • Moravian moldavite is rare and tends to display a brownish color.
  • Bohemian moldavite, the most abundant, showcases beautiful deep green hues. They are also sometimes called Besednice moldavite – pieces found specifically in and near the village of Besednice in Southern Bohemia.

In addition to location differences, some moldavite possesses unique qualities, earning it the special title of “Angel Chime Moldavite.”

Angel Chime Moldavite

Angel chime moldavite is the rarest type, comprising less than 1% of all moldavite specimens. It is also known as sonorous moldavite. When dropped on glass or metal, it produces a ringing sound, akin to the chime of a coin. This unique quality arises from high internal tension caused by the rapid solidification process, as the molten material transforms into hard glass.

What Does Moldavite Do? – Uses & Benefits

Moldavite, a captivating type of crystal, appeals to both experienced users and those new to crystal healing. Its powerful effects can be harnessed in various ways. Here are the top moldavite benefits and uses to explore.

Below are six affirmations – one for each of the key moldavite meanings.

  1. I am ready to excel in all areas of my life.
  2. I attract only positive energy, and negativity bounces off me.
  3. I trust in the wisdom of the universe to guide me.
  4. I can expand my mind and see the bigger picture of life.
  5. I can embrace healing, and release past traumas.
  6. I attract luck and prosperity into my life.

Unlock the self-awareness benefits of moldavite through meditation. Hold the crystal in your palm while allowing your mind to open and expand. After the meditation, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to embrace new perspectives and insights.

It’s said that if you meditate with moldavite above your head while you lay down you may tap into extra-terrestrial energies or even become aware of higher beings around you. To combat the intensity of this, it is best to keep a grounding stone (like black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or jet) at your feet when meditating with moldavite. The grounding stone acts as an anchor while you meditate with the moldavite.

Harness the intense transformational power of moldavite to amplify your intentions. Hold the crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and focus on your intention. Repeat it several times, infusing the moldavite with your chosen purpose. As you open your eyes, your intention is now set, ready to manifest with the aid of moldavite’s energy.

Opinions on this topic vary, with some people relishing the vivid and extraordinary dream experiences while using moldavite. On the other hand, some individuals report feeling unrested after sleeping with it. It’s understandable – occasional exploration of otherworldly realms can be intriguing.

However, for consistent and restful sleep, it might be best to keep moldavite out of the bedroom. Finding a balance between harnessing its energies and ensuring peaceful sleep is key to fully benefiting from this powerful crystal.

Embrace moldavite as your creativity tool to overcome writer’s block and unleash your inner creativity. Moldavite’s properties related to emotional healing guide you on a deep inward journey, bringing forth hidden emotions, thoughts, and feelings. With moldavite’s support, pour your newfound expressions into your journal, liberating your inner voice.

Experience the healing properties of moldavite all day long by wearing it as a loose stone or in jewelry form. If you feel overwhelmed or experience a moldavite flush, consider wearing it for shorter periods until you acclimate to its intense energy.

Keep this crystal on the edge of your mat during your practice. Moldavite’s properties create a protective bubble during your yoga practice, allowing you to be vulnerable, open, and relaxed without worries of negative energy intrusion.

As a powerful stone, it’s important to be mindful of moldavite’s potential effect on others – so best to use it only for solo yoga, and not in a group class.

Immerse yourself in a hot, tranquil bath, with moldavite as your tender companion nearby. When you’re feeling unsettled, trust in its emotional healing properties to release tensions, leaving you balanced and refreshed.

Benefit from the crystal’s fortune, transformational, and protective qualities at work by keeping a moldavite crystal on your desk. It fosters personal and professional growth, intention, and blocks negativity.

Forms & Shapes of Moldavite Crystals

Moldavite is a natural glass, not a crystal, so it looks different from classic crystals. It’s quite small in size, so you won’t find large carvable pieces like other healing crystals. Raw moldavite has its own beauty and is rarely tumbled to avoid breakage. It can be faceted for moldavite jewelry, but even the purest specimens will have some swirls or inclusions. Unlike flawless gemstones like diamonds, moldavite’s uniqueness lies in its imperfections, making it a truly captivating stone.

Caring for Moldavite Crystals

To ensure your moldavite crystal works effectively, proper care is essential, especially given its role in dealing with negative energies.

Over time, these healing crystals can become burdened with heavy, unfavorable energy, hindering their functionality. To maintain their optimal performance, regular cleansing and charging are crucial. This practice becomes even more vital with frequent use of the moldavite crystal.

How to Cleanse Moldavite Stones

There are several options for cleansing your moldavite crystal. Some options are provided below, simply choose the one that feels right to you.

RUNNING WATER – Hold your moldavite crystal under running water and imagine the flowing liquid washing away all the stored negative energy. Some believe using natural bodies of water like a river work best, but even the water in your home will work.

BREATHWORK – Hold the moldavite stone in your hand with your eyes closed. Then, deeply inhale through your nostrils. Next, bring the stone close to your face and exhale several forceful breaths through your nose onto the stone. Its energy has now been restored.

SMUDGING – Hold the moldavite stone in one hand and pass the smoke from burning sage, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass over it, purifying and rejuvenating its energy.

MOONLIGHT – Place your crystal under the light of a full moon for a few hours, allowing the moon’s energy to cleanse and recharge its vibrations.

SOUND THERAPY – Utilize the soothing sounds of bells or singing bowls to cleanse your moldavite, creating a harmonious resonance that promotes its purification.

How to Charge Moldavite Stones

Some of the methods of charging your crystal overlap with those of cleansing it. Here are some easy ways to charge moldavite.

IN THE EARTH – Connect your crystal with the earth’s energy by burying it for 24 hours. When you collect it, it will be rejuvenated and ready to be put to work.

SUNLIGHT – Place your moldavite crystal in the gentle rays of the sun. Leave for half an hour, allowing the rays to gently charge up the crystal.

MOONLIGHT – Invite the moon’s energy by placing your crystal outside overnight, allowing it to absorb the lunar vibrations and regain its vitality.

SOUND THERAPY –Activate your crystal using the resonating tones of bells or singing bowls.

OTHER STONES – Utilize the potent energy of clear quartz or selenite by placing them near your moldavite, harnessing their power to charge the crystal.

Moldavite Chakra Placements

Moldavite’s chakra is mainly the heart chakra. It’s also associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

The body can be thought of as an energetic temple, with seven unique chakras that dance along the spine. These chakras are the body’s energy hubs – absorbing, transforming and radiating energy throughout the body. By keeping them in balance, we can tap into our inner wisdom, ignite our passions and elevate our wellbeing.

HEART CHAKRA – Moldavite, like other green crystals, is linked to the heart chakra. Balancing this chakra with moldavite strengthens self-compassion and empathy towards others, fostering healthy relationships that nurture and grow. Maintaining balance in this chakra is vital as it governs our interactions with the external world. When blocked, it can lead to emotional resistance, causing the heart to stay closed and making it challenging to process and understand emotions clearly.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Moldavite empowers us to connect with our inner wisdom, reinforcing our beliefs and creating a sense of confidence in them. This newfound strength supports opening of the third eye chakra, allowing us to embrace fresh ideas and visions, possibly unlocking latent psychic abilities. As the center of perception and awareness, a balanced third eye facilitates healthy inner communication with ourselves.

CROWN CHAKRA – The crown chakra serves as our gateway to connecting with the universe beyond our everyday comprehension. Moldavite expedites personal transformation, enabling us to take charge of our growth and approach life with an open mind. This openness paves the way for spiritual exploration, as we become receptive and in control of our spiritual journey.

Zodiac Associations

Moldavite isn’t specifically tied to any particular zodiac sign or birthstone. Its meanings and benefits can be beneficial to many signs, particularly:

Known for emotional depth, Scorpios can benefit from moldavite’s healing properties to let go of past traumas. Moldavite also strengthens their spiritual connection to the divine, complementing their natural sensitivity.

Cancer signs can find support in moldavite’s protective qualities, shielding them from negative influences that may lead to feeling stuck. Its transformational energy helps them take charge and move forward.

Intuitive and perceptive, Pisces can harness moldavite’s spiritual awakening properties to connect with higher energies, enhancing their visionary abilities.

Pairing Moldavite & Other Crystals

Combining moldavite and other crystals not only enhances its unique properties but also creates synergistic effects, unlocking ‘new’ benefits as the crystals work harmoniously together.

Rose quartz is known for its slow and gentle ability to attract love and self-love. On the other hand, moldavite has a powerful energy that accelerates things. When paired together, they create a synergistic effect, expediting the process of fostering love and self-love, while still maintaining the gentle and nurturing qualities of rose quartz.

Pairing moldavite with labradorite forms the ultimate transformation duo, as both crystals promote change and growth, amplifying each other’s effects.

The wonderful combination of colors and energies in moldavite and amethyst makes them a perfect duo for connecting with the universe and higher powers. Their synergy enhances the spiritual experience.

A Final Note

Moldavite, an ancient and rare crystal, seems almost like a message from the universe. What does it have to say? Well, that’s for you to discover.

Don’t be afraid of its powerful energy; instead, welcome it and be ready to experience profound transformations. Embrace the intensity, and as you open your eyes to the universe’s mysteries, trust that you’ll find your way to where you truly belong. Moldavite is here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and growth, leading you exactly where you need to be.

Why is moldavite so expensive?

Moldavite is expensive because it’s challenging to obtain. Most of it remains buried in the earth, making extraction slow and difficult. Additionally, it is found in small pieces, not large ones like other crystals.

Is moldavite rare?

Yes, moldavite is rare as it can only be mined in a specific spot in the Czech Republic, resulting in limited supply.

Is moldavite dangerous or bad?

No, moldavite is not dangerous, bad, or toxic, despite some myths surrounding it.

Is red moldavite real?

No, moldavite is only green. Any specimen claiming to be red is a fake moldavite.

Can moldavite go in water?

Yes, moldavite can be placed in water as it is high enough on the Mohs scale to withstand it.

Malachite vs. moldavite – what’s the difference?

While both are green, they look different. Malachite has white inclusions and banding, and it’s a true crystal, not a natural glass like moldavite.

Colombianite vs. moldavite – what’s the difference?

Both are rare spiritual healing pieces, but Colombianite is not a tektite or formed from a meteorite like moldavite. Instead, it’s a type of obsidian.

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