Top 25 Purple Crystals: Meaning & Names

Indulge in the grandeur of purple crystals and experience a sense of regality that’s fit for a king or queen. Whether you’re admiring their rich hues or feeling the energy they emanate, these mystical gems are sure to transport you to a realm of wisdom and nobility. Rare and captivating, purple stones and crystals are more than just beautiful rocks, they are a window into a world of luxury and sophistication. Discover the top purple crystal names and their meanings below.

Purple Crystal Meaning

Purple crystals hold an inexplicable allure with their captivating and mystical energy. The rarity of these stones only adds to their mystique, as they embody the regal nature of the color purple. Many believe that using purple crystals can help one tap into their spiritual energy, granting them greater mental clarity and wisdom, while fostering a deeper connection to their mystical side. With these properties, purple crystals are also said to heighten psychic intuition and increase awareness.

Spiritual Intuition
Psychic Abilities
Mental Clarity

Purple Crystal Names & Types

Now that you know all of the purple crystal meanings, are you ready to take your crystal healing journey to the next level? Whether you’re new to this practice or practically a professional, dive into the details and learn more about these 25 purple crystals.

  1. purple agate
  2. alexandrite
  3. ametrine
  4. amethyst
  5. charoite
  6. purple diamond
  7. purple fluorite
  8. purple garnet
  9. hackmanite
  10. iolite
  11. purple jasper
  12. kunzite
  13. lavender jade
  14. lepidolite
  15. purple marialite
  16. purple morganite
  17. purpurite
  18. purple sapphire
  19. purple smithsonite
  20. sugilite
  21. super sevel crystal
  22. tanzanite
  23. purple tiger’s eye
  24. purple topaz
  25. purple tourmaline

1. Purple Agate

purple agate crystal

Properties: Purple agate, a form of chalcedony, has a waxy luster and comes in a range of hues from pastel lavender to deep violet. Although not rare, larger or high-quality specimens can be quite valuable.

Meaning: Purple agate is believed to possess emotional balancing properties, making it a popular choice for those seeking to alleviate stress and anxiety and achieve a sense of calmness.

2. Alexandrite

alexandrite crystal

Properties: A very rare and highly valuable variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. Alexandrite is known for its unique color changing properties – in daylight or fluorescent light, it appears green or bluish-green, but in incandescent light, it can appear reddish-purple.

Meaning: Alexandrite is renowned for its ability to enhance intuition and stimulate creativity. As a purple crystal, it is closely linked with the crown chakra, which, when activated, can guide individuals towards their own unique spiritual journey.

3. Ametrine

ametrine crystal

Properties: Ametrine is a captivating quartz crystal that fuses the qualities of amethyst and citrine within a single stone. Appreciated by collectors and crystal enthusiasts alike, this purple crystal is known for its rarity and exceptional beauty. With a Mohs hardness of 7, Ametrine is a durable mineral that is well-suited for use in lapidary work and jewelry-making.

Meaning: Ametrine is thought to stimulate the third eye and crown chakras, helping to enhance intuition and connect the individual with their higher self. It is also associated with creativity – making it a popular crystal for artists, writers and creators.

4. Amethyst

amethyst crystal

Properties: Amethyst is an abundant lavender hued variety of quartz. The name “Amethyst” comes from the Greek word “amethystos,” which means “not drunk.” The ancient Greeks believed that carrying amethyst would protect them from intoxication.

Meaning: Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual growth and inner transformation, helping to promote clarity of thought and emotional stability. Additionally, it’s thought to stimulate both the crown and third eye chakras.

5. Charoite

charoite crystal

Properties: Charoite is a rare silicate mineral that is found only in Siberia, Russia. It has a very unique purple color and a swirling pattern that makes it a popular choice for use in jewelry and decorative objects.

Meaning: In crystal healing, charoite is often used to balance and align the third eye and crown chakras, promoting spiritual insight and intuition. It’s also considered a valuable tool for personal growth and transformation – releasing negative emotions and promoting positive changes.

6. Purple Diamond

purple diamond crystal

Properties: Purple diamonds are highly prized for their rarity and beauty. They can be extremely expensive, especially when occurring naturally, and the deeper the shade of purple, the more valuable they are. The stone’s distinctive color is believed to be caused by boron and hydrogen inclusions. These unique features make purple diamonds a coveted gemstone among collectors and enthusiasts.

Meaning: Purple stones have a historical association with wisdom and royalty. Purple diamonds are said to possess spiritual properties that can unlock one’s inner potential, making them highly sought after by collectors and those seeking to enhance their spiritual awareness.

7. Purple Fluorite

purple fluorite crystal

Properties: A lovely variety of fluorite, it is a soft stone found in many corners of the world. Something unique to the mineral fluorite, is its ability to exhibit a phenomenon called fluorescence, which causes the stone to glow in certain colors when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Meaning: This exquisite type of fluorite is a delicate gemstone that can be discovered in numerous regions across the globe. One of the unique features of this mineral is its capacity to display fluorescence, an optical phenomenon that causes the stone to emit a mesmerizing glow in specific hues when subjected to ultraviolet light.

8. Purple Garnet

purple garnet crystal

Properties: Garnets have been used as gemstones and decorative objects for thousands of years, with some examples dating back to ancient Egypt and ancient Rome. Purple garnets tend to be rich and deep in color, and often exhibit pleochroism, meaning it appears to change color when viewed from different angles. 

Meaning: Purple garnet is believed to be a stone of inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awareness. Some crystal enthusiasts also feel that this purple healing crystal can enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

9. Hackmanite

hackmanite crystal

Properties: Hackmanite is a rare variety of sodalite, originally discovered in Greenland. Because of its ability to change color in response to different types of light, it’s often referred to as the “chameleon stone.” When exposed to UV light, hackmanite can change from a pale color to a dark purple or blue color.

Meaning: This purple stone is said to help release negative emotions and ignite positive changes in one’s life, while promoting spiritual growth and personal transformation.

10. Iolite

iolite crystal

Properties: Part of the cordierite group of minerals, iolite is a unique mineral sometimes referred to as a “water sapphire” due to its similar appearance to sapphire when found in a bluish hue. Iolite specimens can range from blue-violet to yellow gray and have the ability to polarize light. 

Meaning: Crystal enthusiasts have long been using iolite to stimulate the third eye chakra, aiming to enhance intuition, psychic abilities and spiritual awareness.

11. Purple Jasper

purple jasper crystal

Properties: Purple jasper is an opaque variety of chalcedony (a quartz mineral). In addition to its famous green hue, jasper is found in multiple colors – even rich purples and delicate lavenders. 

Meaning: Jasper is often said to possess nurturing properties, with purple jasper specifically believed to have a calming effect on the body, promoting a state of relaxation that opens the mind to heightened spiritual awareness and intuition.

12. Kunzite

purple kunzite crystal

Properties: Kunzite, a beautiful variety of spodumene, was first discovered in Pala, California, but is now found in several locations around the world. Its mesmerizing hues can range from delicate pastels to deeper tones, and some kunzite crystals can display a remarkable optical phenomenon known as pleochroism, appearing to shift colors depending on the angle of observation. This gemstone has been gaining popularity as an affordable alternative to pink diamonds in jewelry.

Meaning: Kunzite is not only a beautiful purple crystal but also has a strong connection to the heart and crown chakras, promoting love and compassion. In the world of crystal healing, it’s known for its ability to bring calmness and emotional healing, as well as improving communication.

13. Lavender Jade

lavender jade crystal

Properties: A special variety of jadeite, lavender jade primarily found in Guatemala. It’s typically cut and faceted into beads and decorative objects. Lavender jade is also known as lilac jade, and its color can vary from pale lavender to deep purple.

Meaning: Lavender jade is used in meditation and spiritual practices to aid in connection with higher realms of consciousness, and heighten spiritual intuition.

14. Lepidolite

lepidolite crystal

Properties: Lepidolite is a lithium-rich mica mineral that is typically pink, purple, or lavender in color and is found all across the world – including Brazil, Russia, and the United States. It has a pearly or vitreous luster and a Mohs hardness of 2.5-3, making it a relatively soft and fragile mineral that’s often used in jewelry and decorative objects. 

Meaning: This purple stone is thought to have calming and stress reducing qualities. Sometimes it’s used for spiritual growth, helping the individual to rid themselves of negative emotions and manifest positive change in their life.

15. Purple Marialite

purple marialite crystal

Properties: A member of the sodalite group, purple marialite is named after the Maria Islands in Russia, where the mineral was first discovered. Purple marialite can range in color from lavender to deep purple, and it often has a vitreous or glassy luster. It is typically opaque or translucent.

Meaning: Purple marialite is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, and to promote clarity and understanding in difficult situations.

16. Purple Morganite

purple morganite crystal

Properties: Purple morganite is a type of beryl, which includes well-known gems like emeralds and aquamarines. Its captivating violet hue is often sought after by gemstone enthusiasts. This relatively durable purple crystal can be found in various locations worldwide, and high-quality specimens can fetch thousands of dollars per carat.

Meaning: Purple morganite has long been associated with love and compassion, and is said to have powerful effects on the heart chakra. It is believed to help individuals unlock feelings of unconditional love and acceptance, while promoting clear communication and deeper understanding.

17. Purpurite

purpurite crystal

Properties: Purpurite is a manganese phosphate mineral that usually occurs as massive aggregates or crusts. It is found in various locations worldwide, including Namibia, Australia, Brazil, Austria, and the United States and typically has a purplish-red to violet color, sometimes with a gray or brownish tint.

Meaning: This purple stone is said to aid in the healing of emotional wounds and traumas, and to help individuals let go of negative emotions and patterns.

18. Purple Sapphire

purple sapphire crystal

Properties: A captivating variety of corundum, recognized for their luscious, deep purple hue. These precious gemstones are revered for their exceptional durability, boasting a 9 on the Mohs scale, which is only surpassed by diamonds. Due to their scarcity, high-quality specimens of purple sapphires are highly sought after, often commanding a considerable value.

Meaning: In addition to their physical beauty and durability, purple sapphires are also believed to possess properties that promote mental clarity and increase information absorption. They are thought to enhance intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight, making them a popular choice for those seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and cognitive abilities.

19. Purple Smithsonite

purple smithsonite crystal

Properties: Purple smithsonite is a soft, relatively rare zinc carbonate mineral found in various parts of the world. Its distinct purple hue is caused by the presence of manganese, and while smithsonite is available in many colors, the purple variety is considered somewhat uncommon.

Meaning: This purple stone is associated with the crown chakra, which is believed to be the center of consciousness and enlightenment in the body. It is said to aid in spiritual growth and facilitate connection with higher realms.

20. Sugilite

sugilite crystal

Properties: Sugilite is a relatively rare cyclosilicate mineral first discovered in Japan in 1944. It’s usually opaque and ranges in color from purple to pinkish-red.

Meaning: This purple stone is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, as well as promote feelings of self-awareness and self-love.

21. Super Seven Crystal

super seven crystal

Properties: Super Seven is a rare mineral that is actually a combination of seven different minerals: amethyst, clear quartz, smoky quartz, cacoxenite, rutile, goethite, and lepidocrocite. It’s found in only one place in the entire world, which is Espirito Santo, Brazil.

Meaning: This crystal is said to contain the energies of all seven minerals it is composed of, making it a highly versatile and potent crystal for healing and spiritual work. It’s even believed to balance and align all 7 chakras. A truly remarkable stone!

22. Tanzanite

tanzanite crystal

Properties: Tanzanite is a blue to violet variety of the mineral zoisite found in Tanzania, East Africa. It often exhibits pleochroism, meaning that the stone displays different colors when viewed from different angles. Tanzanite has been referred to as the “gemstone of a generation” because it is believed to have been formed millions of years ago during a time when humans first began to walk upright.

Meaning: Believed to be a stone of transition, tanzanite stones are believed to help users narrow in and focus on their goals, ultimately manifesting them into reality.

23. Purple Tiger’s Eye

tiger's eye crystal

Properties: Purple tiger’s eye, also known as “purple hawke’s eye” or “falcon’s eye,” belongs to the quartz family and is predominantly found in South Africa, Australia, and Brazil. This unique stone has an opaque appearance with a chatoyant effect that creates a mesmerizing silky, shimmering effect when viewed from certain angles. The colors of purple tiger’s eye vary from deep violet to subtle lavender, creating a beautiful range of shades.

Meaning: Purple tiger’s eye is believed to support one’s confidence and willpower, helping the wearer to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

24. Purple Topaz

purple topaz crystal

Properties: Purple topaz is a transparent to translucent gemstone that comes in a variety of stunning purple hues. Coming across natural purple topaz is not common, so specimens of certain size, color, and clarity can be deemed quite high in value. 

Meaning: Associated with the third and and crown chakras, purple topaz is believed to help individuals develop their psychic abilities and achieve a higher state of consciousness.

25. Purple Tourmaline (Siberite)

siberite crystal

Properties: Purple tourmaline is a translucent crystal that typically has a resinous luster. Although this stone can be found in various locations, it is considered to be fairly uncommon, making high-quality specimens quite valuable. The price of purple tourmaline crystals is determined by factors such as size and quality.

Meaning: In crystal healing, purple tourmaline is believed to promote a sense of calmness and relaxation, especially during times of stress or anxiety. It is also said to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, as well as stimulate the crown chakra.